Join me in celebrating 2 years of publishing this weekly blog post on My daughter, Jen, and I have covered topics such as; how-to tutorials, special guest interviews, and earnings reports all about making money online, including Zazzle. As more and more people asked me the same questions repeatedly, I realized that the best way to help them and you was to create a course. This beginner Zazzle course was loved by so many that I created an advanced Zazzle course. These 2 courses give you access to the EXACT 5 Steps I used to generate 10 million dollars worth of sales on Zazzle. That is why I am so excited to be marking this 2 year anniversary.
A lot has happened in 2 years that I could have never predicted. I can’t wait to see what happens next on this amazing journey. I am grateful that I have met and helped so many fantastic people and am proud of their Zazzle successes. Thank you for allowing me to be part of your own Zazzle journey to success. In this article, I will highlight the most popular articles and videos from the past 2 years to help you easily sell on Zazzle.
Celebrating 2 Years of Helping You Sell on Zazzle

In 2 years, I, Elke Clarke, and my daughter, Jen Clarke (also a top Zazzle seller), have published 104 articles here on and posted over 30 videos on my YouTube Channel. I have covered a range of topics including promotion, designing, product creation, Zazzle store setup, marketing, goals and mindset, Zazzle designer success stories, and more. In this 2-year anniversary special edition article, I highlight popular articles, videos, and events so that you can get the help you need to achieve your Zazzle goal.
The Most Popular “How To” Article and Video
The most-watched video and most-read article over the past 2 years were “How to organize Zazzle store categories to make money on Zazzle“. It makes such a difference when your Zazzle store looks good and things are easy to find. Customers will also feel confident buying from you when your store looks professional.
Click on the images to be taken to the article or the video. Both are worth reading and watching again.

The Most Popular “Interview” Article and Video
Our most popular interview article and video over the past 2 years were entitled “The Best Successful Home Business for Moms” with special guest, Lorena Depante, mom, online entrepreneur, and Zazzle ProDesigner.
Zazzle is a fantastic opportunity for moms to earn passive online income. Passive income gives you the freedom to stay home with your children when they need you most.
Click on the images to be taken to the article or the video. Both are worth reading and watching again.

The Biggest “Milestone” Article
Back in December 2017, I reported a huge milestone for me. I had reached my goal. I became a millionaire using Zazzle. That’s right. I earned a million dollars on Zazzle. Since most of my items are set at 10% royalty, that means I sold over 10 million dollars worth of Zazzle products. It’s a year later and my sales keep increasing all because I use my 5-Step Profit Plan™.
Click on the image to be taken to the article. It’s worth reading again.
Make sure that you click on the FREE downloadable Goal Setting Worksheet that I made for you. You will find the link in the article. Set your goals using the 5 Steps in The 5 Step Profit Plan™.

The Biggest “Reveal” Articles
Brandon, a member of The 5 Step Profit Plan VIP Mentoring Program™, was kind enough to share his experience and progress over the first year that he was in the program. His Zazzle earnings and what he did to accomplish them are all mapped out in these 2 articles listed below.
Before Brandon got my help, he had struggled to make sales on Zazzle for 5 years. The 2 articles cover Brandon’s, successes and challenges, month by month, as he followed The 5 Step Profit Plan™. His sales figures went from $0 to $100,000 worth of Zazzle products in 13 months.
Click on the images to be taken to the articles. It’s worth reading both articles again.

The Most Popular “Do Good” Article
Martin Rutte is an international speaker, New York Times Best Selling Author, and Founder of Project Heaven on Earth. In his newly published book, Project Heaven on Earth: The 3 simple questions that will help you change the world…easily, Martin shows you how you can easily do something simple today to be part of this growing worldwide movement to do good and create Heaven on Earth. It’s not religious. It is a way for you to make an impact in the world by doing even the smallest of good deeds or actions.
Even though most of my articles are about teaching you how to make money online, it’s what you can do with the money that is important. I am a firm believer in giving back and making the world a better place. Martin Rutte’s Project Heaven on Earth shows you that you can easily make an impact whether you have money or not. Answer 3 simple questions and can get started today.
I highly encourage you to read the article and answer the 3 questions. They also help define what is important to you personally in your life and your family.
Click on the image to read the article. It’s worth reading the article again.

What Does the Future Hold?
I, Elke Clarke, and Jen Clarke are excited to keep serving you and the wonderful community we have built. Our mission is to help you transform your life, as we have done for people all around the world. People who are making their dreams come true by making money online using Zazzle.
We will continue to provide valuable free information with our blog and YouTube channel, as well as our paid courses, mentoring program, and retreats.
Thank you for trusting Jen and me to guide you on your Zazzle journey to success.
Post your answers in the comment section below
- What is your biggest AH HA moment from this article?
- What topics would you like covered in future blog posts and video tutorials?
I would love to hear from you and start a conversation
About the Author
Elke Clarke is the author of the upcoming book Creative Online Millionaire. She is a mentor, teacher, coach, and 7-figure online entrepreneur. She is the creator of The 5 Step Profit Plan™, which she has used to generate over 10 million in sales on Zazzle. To enroll in her Zazzle mentoring and training program click the link. The 5 Step Profit Plan VIP Mentoring Program™.