FREE Jen and Elke’s “101 Zazzle Christmas and Holiday Design Trends” Guide


Create monthly cash flow and

long-term passive income with

your own online Zazzle business.

We will show you how to

Stop trading time for money by creating your own e-commerce business that allows you to make money in your sleep and welcome a steady stream of income that empowers you to live the life you want.

Intrigued? Scroll on.

Before we get any further...

allow us TO break Zazzle down for you…

Zazzle is comparable to Etsy, only better.

On Zazzle, you create a product once and can sell it over and over again — without any additional work.

Unlike Etsy, Zazzle allows you to create on-demand print products using their platform so you don’t need to physically create products ahead of time.
Zazzle does all the work for you by creating and shipping your products whenever a customer buys — all you need to do is digitally create and list them for sale in your virtual Zazzle Store!
Using Zazzle instead of Esty means less upfront cost for you, more time to create a bigger digital inventory to sell more and make more money while you work less over time.

And the opportunities to sell are limitless…

PERSONALLY we’ve sold over $15 million dollars-worth of Zazzle products COMBINED that we designed AND SOLD IN OUR STORES ON ZAZZLE

As THE Zazzle Expansion Experts,  we have helped our coaching clients sell over $160 million dollars-worth combined of Zazzle products on Zazzle.

Our mission is to help YOU build a successful 6-figure and 7-figure business on Zazzle as fast as possible...

Using our proven frameworks:
The 5 Strategies: Establish, Create, Announce, Align, Analyze™ and The 3 Pillars: Perceivable, Passive, Profitable™

We’ve helped our students get results like these!

Combined Sales by Our Clients
$ 0 M
Number of Clients Who Reached 1 Million in Sales
Highest Sales in One Month of One of Our Clients
$ 50 K
Countries Served

If you’ve been looking for a side hustle or a new stream of income, you’re in the right place.

Welcome to your newest life-changing obsession!
It’s time to create your own profitable online business and we will show you how!

Hey there,

We’re Jen and Elke!

We are business coaches who help people like you live their dream lives by building successful million-dollar online businesses using our signature 5 Strategies™.

Hey there,

We’re Jen and Elke!

We are business coaches who help people like you live their dream lives by building successful million-dollar online businesses using our signature 5 Strategies™.

We're Zazzle expansion experts who have helped our clients combined sell over $160 million dollars-worth of Zazzle products.

Us and our clients at the Creative CEO
Mastermind® in Surfer’s Paradise Australia

We built our online businesses despite being told by society, “You can’t make money by being creative.” We decided to go for it anyway and it turned out to be the best decision we’ve ever made (and our bank accounts agree).
You can regularly find us traveling the world, setting our own hours, and spending time with friends and family whenever we desire, because we work less than 4 hours a month— all while watching the money roll in.
Now, while our Zazzle businesses work for us, we work to help you create your own Zazzle business.

Zazzle is an untapped opportunity for you to create monthly cash flow, even if you are not creative.

Most of our clients come to us not knowing what Zazzle is but knowing they want to make consistent long-term money online whether they are creative or not. The other half has tried Zazzle on their own without finding the same kind of success our coaching clients have with our 5 Strategies™.

In total, we’ve helped our clients sell over $160 million dollars worth of Zazzle products combined and they’ve taken home over $16 million of that.

Ready to change your life?

We’d love to help you get started.

Wondering what all of this really means for you?

Creating a successful Zazzle business using our proven step-by-step framework has allowed our clients to retire, stay home with their families, buy investment properties, pay off their debts, travel the world, donate money to causes they’re passionate about, buy their dream home, pay for their kid’s college education in cash, and so much more.
But the best thing they’ve accomplished is creating a thriving business they’re proud of.
But the best thing they’ve accomplished is creating a thriving business they’re proud of.
Which of our clients do you resonate with?
“My Zazzle business gives me the flexibility of being a mom of 4 and running my own graphic design business.”
“I love that my Zazzle business gives me the time, money and location freedom to travel the world.”
“My Zazzle earnings allow me to enjoy my retirement to the fullest.”
“Zazzle gave me the opportunity to prove that I can build a successful online business.”
“I use my Zazzle earnings to buy investment properties and create more wealth for my family.”
“Zazzle helped me not have to worry about money when I lost my day job.”

Ready to learn the proven step-by-step formulas that have helped our community of clients sell over $145 million dollars worth in products on Zazzle?

And profit $160 million dollars in cash?

But the best thing they’ve accomplished is creating a thriving business they’re proud of.
Print on Demand Starter Kit Beginners Zazzle Course with Jen and Elke Clarke Zazzle Expansion Experts

The Starter Kit


Start selling ON Zazzle


1:1 Zazzle Coaching

Private sessions to…

get personalized Zazzle Store feedback

The Academy

step  by step course and Personalized Feedback to…

Start, Grow, and Scale to $25K ZAZZLE LTE and beyonD

The Masterminds



Here’s what most people get wrong about Zazzle...

If you want to see growth year after year for long-term income — you need to treat it like a business, not a hobby.
This is why it’s so important to learn from people who have the ability to help you make more money faster.
While you, of course, can get your Zazzle business up and running in one day on your own, you need to learn the long-term strategies to be successful for years to come because Zazzle isn’t an overnight get rich quick scheme — Zazzle is a long-term business.
If you have a coach and a proven step-by-step plan to follow, you will build your dream business faster and make way more money than you can on your own. This has been proven to be true by many of our top-earning coaching clients.
They took a life-changing chance on themselves and it paid off.

Are you next?

Client Results

“I earned $700,000 from Zazzle”

“For 5 years, I struggled on my own to earn money on Zazzle. Then I found Jen and Elke and invested in all their training and coaching. In 5 years, with Jen and Elke’s coaching, I have sold $5 million dollars worth in Zazzle products and earned $518,000 as of December 31, 2022. I earned $188,000 in 2022 alone! As of July 2024 I have earned $700,000 in LTE.


Zazzle Client Christine

I am at a total of $510,000 in lifetime earnings.

For 2 years I tried to make Zazzle work on my own but I only earned $130. After I signed up with Jen and Elke in 2018, I started earning much more money. In 2020, I earned $100k! Then in 2021, I earned $150k! Then in 2022, I earned $170k! As of December 2022, I am at a total of $470,000 in lifetime earnings. That means I have sold about 4.7 million dollars-worth of Zazzle products all while taking most of 2022 off. As of June 2023 I have earned $510,000 US.


Join the conversation!

The Creative & Ambitious Entrepreneur™ Podcast with Jen and Elke Clarke

“Binged, subscribed, and can’t wait for more!” – Tara C.
Listen every week to learn actionable steps YOU can take to make more money in your Zazzle business! Each episode will move you one step closer to achieving freedom with your location, time, and finances.