Are you ready to change your habits? Your habits are what make you who you are. Habits determine your success, health, wealth, happiness, relationships and much more. Your future self is determined by the habits that you currently have right now. Did you know a small habit could have such an impact on your life? It can be a positive or an negative impact. In order for you create the foundations for your best year ever in 2020, you need to change your unproductive habits and continue with your positive ones. Making small changes in your daily routine will pave the path towards a successful, happy and fulfilled future for you in 2020. In this article, I will challenge you to participate in Rachel Hollis’ #Last90Days Challenge and you will create new habits that will jump start your life and online Zazzle business for 2020.

Change Your Habits
When it comes to habits, you have to realize that no matter how small a habit is, it can have a HUGE impact on your life and your future. This is true for both positive and negative habits. You might have a dream goal that you want to accomplish, however some of the habits you have might be keeping you from reaching that goal. You need to get in the habit or changing your habits. I know you want a better future. The first step is focusing on the present and deciding to make smart decisions about your habits. These actions will make you feel better about yourself and create confidence. By doing this, you will create your path to personal and financial success.
Are you committed to creating your best year ever and jump starting your personal and financial life for 2020?
It all starts with what you are currently doing RIGHT NOW.
What Are Your Habits?
Every action that you take during the day, whether it be big or small has a positive or negative impact on your future.
Think about what you do on a daily basis. What are the actions that you take throughout the day?
Are you…
- Take time out of your day to think about yourself/meditate/focus on yourself?
- exercising regularly?
- challenging your mind to learn new things?
- Be positive and grateful for what you have in your life?
- cherishing the small things?
- Appreciate your loved ones and relationships?
- taking time to work on your business and focus on smart business actions?
Or do you…
- rush out the door in the morning and are late for work?
- forget to exercise and eat unhealthy foods?
- stress about small things in your life?
- procrastinate on projects that would make a huge difference in your life if you accomplished them?
- think that your business will never be successful?
- worry about making the right decisions?
- eat candy before bed and forget to brush your teeth! (OK this one is a joke… but it could be very true…maybe)
Think About Your Goals and Your Habits – Change Your Habits
Are your bad habits affecting your ability to achieve your goals? If so, you definitely want to change them! You want a positive outcome in your future. If you don’t want to stay stuck with your current situation, your habits must change. Positive habits will jump-start your personal and financial future for 2020.
Are you up for the challenge of creating new habits to pave your new path to financial and personal success in the future?
Watch and Share Our Instagram TV Video on Changing Your Habits and Share In Your Story!

Creating one positive change throughout your day, no matter how small will make a big difference in your future.
My mother, Elke Clarke, and I strongly believe this and want to challenge you to change your habits.
A positive habit is something that moves you in the right direction towards a happier, healthier and more profitable and prosperous life.
Thank you SO MUCH to Rachel Hollis, for introducing the #Last90Days Challenge. She has inspired us to make changes and create better habits.
We are doing the #Last90Days challenge and we encourage you to do it along with us!
Are you ready to start the new year with great new habits that will change your lifestyle? Come along on this journey with us! Tell us what you are doing to challenge yourself for a better 2020.
Share this Instagram post in your story. Tell us how you are doing with the challenge. Send us some love and we will send you encouragement and love back!
Rachel Hollis’ #Last90Days Challenge – Change Your Habits

Rachel Hollis is an amazing woman. She is an internationally known and bestselling author and motivational speaker, empowering women to become the best that they can be. Her advice and teachings have inspired millions. My mother, Elke Clarke, and I, have been uplifted by Rachel’s teachings and strive to always raise the bar when it comes to our personal and financial goals in part due to Rachel’s inspiration.
She recently posted on Instagram challenging her followers to participate in the #Last90Days Challenge. It challenges you to do five easy yet very important things during the last 90 days of the year in order to start 2020 with new habits and a healthy lifestyle.
When you create healthy lifestyle habits, you create healthy business habits. This is why participating in the #Last90Days challenge is key to jump starting your Zazzle business for 2020.
Click here to see Rachel Hollis’ Instagram post on the #Last90Days Challenge.
I Challenge You to Participate in the #Last90Days Challenge- With an Added Zazzle Component
Thank you so much to Rachel Hollis for the inspiration to participate in the #Last90Days challenge. It is such a great way to jump start your 2020 year and create new habits that will lead to a positive, healthy and profitable lifestyle.
Rachel’s #Last90Days Challenge:
- Get up an hour earlier than you normally do. Use the time for YOURSELF.
- Workout for AT LEAST 30 minutes each day.
- Drink half of your body weight in ounces of water each day.
- Give up one food category you know you shouldn’t be eating.
- Write down five things you’re grateful for every single day.
Elke Clarke and I are adding ONE MORE item to this list for you to challenge yourself with if you are a Zazzle designer
- Create and post for sale ONE product a day on Zazzle
Post ONE Zazzle Product For Sale Each Day
Challenge yourself to create at least ONE new Zazzle product each day for the rest of 2019.
Taking the time to create a new habit of working on your Zazzle business every day will benefit your greatly. Even though you are creating only one product a day, you are making a HUGE difference.
You might be saying…
I don’t have enough time each day to work on my Zazzle business. There is no way I can commit to making one product a day!
Think about it. If you take five minutes out of your day to post a new product for sale, by the end of 2019 you will have made almost 90 new products!
I know you have other commitments and life gets in the way. But if you challenge yourself to make it a habit, it will become extremely easy to do!
Take a stand right now and invest a small time each day for the future benefit and profitability of your Zazzle business.
When you spend these few minutes each day creating one Zazzle product, you will have made a significant impact in jump starting your Zazzle business for 2020.
Changing Your Habits Creates a Positive Mindset and Good Vibes
When you replace you old habits with newer positive ones, you create a chain reaction of good vibes. You start to feel better about yourself. Healthier. More productive. Energetic. You have more confidence and procrastinate less. This creates a shift in your mindset. You will be thinking positively and create an aura of good vibes. With slight changes in your habits, you will start to accomplish more!
Challenge Yourself with Us! Let Us Know About Your Journey.
Share our Instagram TV video on your social media accounts. Comment on our video and let us know that you are challenging yourself! We want to be there to support you along the way. The best way to implement positive change is to have a great support group. And we want to give you all the love and support you need! Let us know your #Last90Days Challenge journey and tag us!
This Article is Sponsored by The E-Commerce Accelerator
Elke Clarke | The E-Commerce Accelerator™ Zazzle Course
The E-Commerce Accelerator™ is for beginners or designers on Zazzle who are struggling to earn the income they want. It is a budget friendly option for you to get started. The E-Commerce Accelerator™ is a work at your own pace video training series with accompanying worksheet downloads. You will be added to a private Facebook Group where Jen and I do Live Facebook Q&A sessions and you will be able to interact with fellow course members.
The E-Commerce Accelerator™
- Great starter course if you are brand new or a beginner Zazzle Designer, or have been on Zazzle a long time and need a refresher or new start
- Set up your Zazzle store properly
- Get trained in the necessary skills to be effective on Zazzle as a designer and seller
- Post popular products for sale in popular niches
- Promote effectively and with ease on Pinterest
SUPPORT: Self Study with a Facebook Group
Click here to enroll with a one time payment of $97.
Click here to enroll with the two time payment of $49.
Connect With Elke and Jen
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About the authors:
Elke Clarke, is the award-winning author of the book Create Online and Grow Rich. Elke mentors and teaches digital creatives online marketing and business strategies to build a profitable eCommerce business. The 5 Step Profit Plan VIP Mentoring Program™ is Elke Clarke’s signature program that hundreds of people around the world are using to make money online by being successful designers and sellers on Zazzle. Connect with Elke, on social media by clicking here or visit
Jen Clarke, is the award-winning author of the book Earn Around The World. Jen, along with her mother, Elke Clarke, mentors and teaches digital creatives online marketing and business strategies to build a profitable eCommerce business. The 5 Step Profit Plan VIP Mentoring Program™ is Elke Clarke’s signature program that Jen and hundreds of others are using to be successful designers and sellers on Zazzle. Connect with Jen, on social media by clicking here or visit