In time for this US Thanksgiving weekend, I want to introduce you to a powerful new book entitled Project Heaven on Earth: The 3 simple questions that will help you change the world…easily by Martin Rutte. Have you ever wanted to make a difference in the world but did not know how? This difference could be on a personal level or by impacting others. Either way, you would be creating a better world, Heaven on Earth. Through his book, Martin helps you define what Heaven on Earth is for you and what simple, easy, concrete steps you can take in the next 24 hours to begin creating and experiencing it. In this article, I will tell you what the 3 questions are and how you can project heaven on earth.
How You Can Project Heaven on Earth by Answering 3 Simple Questions

My articles usually teach you how to make a passive online income so that you can do what you love and have time and freedom. In this article, I am excited to focus on a way that you can use your newly gained time freedom. Besides your personal “why”, which motivated you to build your online business, you can also, through a simple, easy concrete, step, have a greater impact than you thought possible. You can easily be part of a bigger collaborative good that can positively impact both you on a personal level and humanity.
I recently had the pleasure of listening to Martin Rutte talk about his Project Heaven on Earth. I knew right away that I had to tell you about his story and how you can easily do something simple today to be part of this growing worldwide movement to do good and create Heaven on Earth.
Who is Martin Rutte?
Martin Rutte is co-author of The New York Times Business Bestseller, Chicken Soup for the Soul at Work. Articles on his innovative work have appeared in: The New York Times, The Miami Herald, and The Wall Street Journal.
Martin is a dynamic international speaker who has worked with corporations such as Sony Pictures Entertainment, Virgin Records, Apple Computer, Marion Merrell Dow, and The World Bank. He has been a four-time keynote speaker at the Harvard Business School and was the Co-Founder of The Centre for Spirituality and the Workplace, at the Sobey School of Business, Saint Mary’s University, in Halifax, Canada.
Martin has served as a board member of Money Concepts Canada, Global Family, The Hunger Project Canada, and as a committee member of The Canadian Cancer Society.
For over 15 years Martin has been researching peoples’ vision for the kind of world they deeply long for, which has evolved into founding “Project Heaven on Earth”.
Martin Rutte’s newest book is Project Heaven on Earth: The 3 simple questions that will help you change the world …easily. He sees Heaven on Earth as the new story of what it means to be a human and what it means to be Humanity.

What is Project Heaven on Earth?
Project Heaven on Earth is both a simple and powerful concept.
“What Martin Rutte has done for all of us in this book is to take our Soul’s deep longing for the kind of world we want – Heaven on Earth – and made it simple, easy and concrete for us to begin creating and experiencing it”.… Jack Canfield
“There is a desire, a longing, in each of us for a world that eliminates war, hunger, disease, hatred, senseless suffering, poverty, and environmental degradation. We feel deep in our hearts, deep in our souls, that we want to do something, which will actually take our planet to its next evolutionary level.”…Martin Rutte
Do you have this desire?
We know we have it within ourselves to tackle problems like these because the human spirit is capable of anything and we are witnessing examples of that every day.
Do you believe that anything is possible?
Martin Rutte believes that “what we want is a new context, a new story for the third millennium – one that inspires us all, one that enlivens humanity. The concept is that you can be part of the conscious co-creation of Humanity’s New Story, namely, Heaven on Earth.”

“Project” is both a noun and a verb
Martin stresses that the word “project” can be a noun and a verb. This makes the phrase “Project Heaven on Earth” even more meaningful.
The definition of “Project” as a noun is “an individual or collaborative enterprise that is carefully planned and designed to achieve a particular aim”.
As a verb “project” is defined as “extending outward beyond something else”.
You can take it one step further. “Project” as a noun is a “state of doing”. “Project” as a verb is a “state of being”.
That means you can personally project what you define as heaven onto the earth.
The word “Heaven” can be a verb
The word “Heaven” as a noun has various meanings, one is religious, and the other is not. The non-religious definition is “a place, state, or experience of supreme bliss”.This is what Martin is referring to in his book “Project Heaven on Earth”.
In his book, he also explains that “Heaven” can be a transitive verb as defined by The Oxford English Dictionary:
“To make heavenly in character, to transport or transform into heaven, to bless with heaven, beautify, render supremely happy.”
That means you can say you are “Heavening” the Earth with your good deeds.
What does Project Heaven on Earth mean to me?
I love that this concept goes beyond religion and focuses more on the spiritual, no matter what religion you may believe in.
The intention is to co-create a new Humanity but in the process of me taking action for the greater good, I am also creating a better me.
It also gives me a way to transport from a state of “I feel helpless” to “I can take the simplest of actions and make a difference personally and for others”.
That is such a powerful concept.
What was my simple, easy, concrete step?
I took my simple, easy, concrete step exactly 2 years ago without even knowing about Project Heaven on Earth. In November 2016, I got out of my comfort zone in order to give back and empower others, like you.
I am an introvert and was happy being behind the computer and making money on Zazzle without anyone knowing who I was. My focus in the world was my family.
But I felt an overwhelming need to give back in a bigger way. I was grateful for my own success and knew in my heart others could benefit from the system I had developed to become successful. In November 2016, I began posting helpful articles weekly on my blog That led to me creating and launching The 7 Days to Success Course™. Both impacted the lives of many people in the first month they were released.
I have positively influenced the lives of people all around the world with my courses and mentoring program. It has been a labor of love for me and something I never thought I would be doing. I had to get completely out of my comfort zone and learn how to create courses, which I had never done before, and emerge from my shell of shyness to be a mentor.
I am so happy that I overcame my barriers. The lives I have touched positively and, more importantly, the joy I receive from witnessing people succeeding because of my initial simple, easy, concrete step, is Heaven on Earth for me.
What can you do?
Whatever you do will make a difference. Start today.
That is what is so fantastic about Project Heaven on Earth. You define what Heaven on Earth is for you and what your first simple step will be.
You will look back and realize that you have made a significant impact with that first simple, easy, concrete step.
Check out the examples below of easy simple steps you can take or be inspired to find your own.
Examples of simple steps:
- Create a Facebook group to bring likeminded people together to come up with simple step ideas and share success stories
- Paint paintings or take a series of photographs of what Heaven on Earth means to you and promote them through an art show or on social media
- Naming a coffee after Project Heaven on Earth and donating the funds raised to a special cause
- Raising money to build a school
- Collecting change (coins) to create change for abused women
- Putting $100 from each real estate agent’s commission towards building homes for the homeless
- Ask other people the 3 questions
- Adding the URL to the signature of your email to spread the word and create conversations through curiosity
- Spreading the message by buying 3 copies of Martin’s book (1 for you, one for a friend, and one for the person you will meet in the future that you think would benefit from it.) Click here to go to the page that lists the Amazon links to the book for each country
You can read more stories by clicking on this link and going to the Project Heaven on Earth website
Answer the 3 questions
Martin has come up with the 3 simple, yet powerful, questions, that will help you change the world easily.
All you need to do is take the time to thoughtfully answer the following 3 questions.

Project Heaven on Earth – The 3 Questions:
- Recall a time when you experienced Heaven on Earth. What was happening?
- Imagine you have a magic wand and with it, you can create Heaven on Earth.
What is Heaven on Earth for you? - What simple, easy, concrete step(s) will you take in the next 24 hours to make Heaven on Earth real?
What can you do to project Heaven on Earth?
You have a unique contribution that only you can make towards establishing Heaven on Earth. Once you answer the 3 questions, carry out your simple step.
Visit the Project Heaven on Earth website to learn more. Dive deeply into these three questions so that you can make an impact on the world.
Martin also gives you concrete steps to dissolve the traditional obstacles that could stop you from getting started.
Be inspired to determine what you can do in the next 24 hours that can have a ripple effect.
Free Bonus Course from Martin Rutte
Martin has a free online course called ‘One Week to Simply Begin Creating Heaven on Earth’ course.
Sign up here:
You will:
- get a different lesson every day for 7 days
- discover the different Gateways into Heaven on Earth and see which one is right for you
- experience what Heaven on Earth is for you
- discover your own simple Heaven on Earth project
- find out how to dissolve the traditional roadblocks that emerge when people think of creating Heaven on Earth
- see the unique contribution that only you can make toward establishing Heaven on Earth
- be invited into the free Heaven Makers global online community where you can join others on this journey.
It’s all free. Click here to get started.
How to purchase the book
I highly recommend purchasing the book through Amazon.
This link goes to Martin’s official site and book page which gives you the specific Amazon link for your country.
Keep scrolling down to see the link that works for your location.
Please note that I am not receiving any affiliate commissions for providing this information or advising you to buy the book. This is an important message and I am doing my part to share it with you.
What you have learned:
- Martin Rutte is the founder of Project Heaven on Earth. He is an international speaker, and author and for over 15 years has been researching peoples’ vision for the kind of world they deeply long for
- Project Heaven on Earth: The 3 simple questions that will help you change the world … easily a new book by Martin Rutte. It’s available on Amazon and is a must read
- Martin Rutte is on a mission to inspire you to be part of the conscious co-creation of Humanity’s New Story, namely, Heaven on Earth.
- You can take a simple, easy first step and make a huge difference in your life and in the lives of others
- Answer the 3 questions and go to com for more insight on the questions and how you can overcome the barriers that may stand in your way
- You can take Martin’s FREE 7-Day E-Course at this link.
In conclusion, you can use Martin Rutte’s Project Heaven on Earth to find out how you can make a difference in your life and the lives of others.
Special BONUS – LIVE Video Coaching Session with Martin Rutte for Mentoring Members
Would you like to be on a live video coaching session with Martin Rutte, like I was in the mentoring retreat that I went to, which cost me thousands of dollars to attend?
How would you feel if Martin coached you live on a video Zoom session as he did for me?
When I received Martin’s coaching, I had such deep insight into my personal “why” and also what I can do to help others and have a real impact in creating Heaven on Earth.
Do you want Martin to give you HUGE AH HA moments too?
THE FANTASTIC NEWS IS that Martin will be doing a private group coaching session for the members of my 5 Step Profit Plan VIP Mentoring Program™. I am grateful to have such a sought-after, international speaker as a guest, coaching my fabulous mentoring program members.
If YOU want to be part of this AMAZING coaching session, you must be a member of my mentoring program, There is still time to enroll before the live event. Click here to join.
Make sure that you are part of this huge event. It happens on Thursday, November 29th.
You will be motivated and inspired to define your Heaven on Earth with Martin’s help in this life-changing event.

Post your answers in the comment section below
- What is the most significant thing you learned from this article?
- What are your answers to the 3 questions?
I would love to hear from you and start a conversation
About the Author
Elke Clarke is a mentor, teacher, and online entrepreneur. The 5 Step Profit Plan VIP Mentoring Program™. is the best way for you to learn and implement Elke’s 5 Step Profit Plan. She developed the program and has used it to generate over 10 million in sales on Zazzle. Elke is the author of the upcoming book Creative Online Millionaire.