Do you want to know how to make more money online with Zazzle selling your graphic designs, photography, and artwork? Have you tried on your own, but just can’t seem to make more than a few sales on Zazzle? I, Elke Clarke, used to have that problem too. I struggled for a long time, but then I created The 5 Step Profit Plan™ and have used it to sell over 10 million dollars of products on Zazzle. Do you want to know what The 5 STEPS are so that you can start improving your Zazzle earnings? Keep reading.
How to Make More Money Online with Zazzle

I Used to Struggle To Make Money On Zazzle
When I first started on Zazzle, I assumed it would be easy to make money online. I uploaded my graphic designs, artwork, and photography onto products and thought people would just magically buy everything I put up for sale. I was SO WRONG!
My mistake was that I did not treat it like a business. I had no proven plan on how to make more money online with Zazzle. My actions had no purpose or direction. Can you relate to this?
But after struggling for many years, I finally figured Zazzle out.
I figured out that the way to make money online with Zazzle is to have a proven plan and a mentor. The proven plan I created is The 5 Step Profit Plan™ and it has made me a millionaire.
That is why I have now dedicated my life to being a mentor and helping others, like you, who want to know how to make more money on Zazzle.
Elke Clarke Uses The 5 Step Profit Plan™ to Make More Money Online with Zazzle
Over the years, I made a lot of mistakes and did not earn the kind of money I wanted on Zazzle. It was only after I optimized my Zazzle profit plan that I began to see big increases in my earnings. I went from making $2,380 in 2008 to $37,000 in 2009 using my 5-Step Profit Plan™. (See the graph below.)

When I increased my earnings from 2K to 37K in one year, I knew The 5 Step Profit Plan™ really worked. I kept seeing dramatic increases in my Zazzle earnings every year after that.

The 5 Step Profit Plan™ has worked for me consistently year after year. In fact, for the past 6 years, I have earned over 100K each and every year.
My 5 Step Profit Plan™ truly has stood the test of time and has been proven to work for me even with the changes that have happened on Zazzle over time. That is why I knew it would work for other people, not just me.
I have now dedicated my life to helping others like you, learn how to make more money on Zazzle using The 5 Step Profit Plan™.
That is why I created The 5 Step Profit Plan VIP Mentoring Program™. Members who have enrolled are seeing results on Zazzle too. I will tell you more about the success of these members soon, but first…
What is The 5-Step Profit Plan VIP Mentoring Program™?
I, Elke Clarke, have sold over 10 million dollars of my designs on Zazzle. People kept asking me how to make more money online with Zazzle. That’s when I created The 5 Step Profit Plan VIP Mentoring Program™ to show people, like you, how to make more money online with Zazzle.
The 5 Steps are:
- Planning and Set Up
- Mindset and Goals
- Production
- Promotion
- Analysis
Your Zazzle Mentor, Elke Clarke:
If you want to be good at any activity, and reach any goal, you get a coach or mentor. How do you know the person is a good mentor? A good mentor is someone who gets results, can guide you, and is already successful at what you want to accomplish. My consistent success on Zazzle over many years makes me the perfect choice as your mentor.
That is why, I, Elke Clarke, have dedicated my life to mentoring people, like you, to learn how to make more money on Zazzle.
Planning and Set Up = STEP 1
It is really important to complete your Zazzle store setup to achieve a high zRank score. Your store will be featured on the sidebar of Zazzle search results if your zRank score is at least a 4. This is important for promoting your store and products in the Zazzle marketplace.
Your Zazzle store should also be easy to use, organized, and enticing for your customer to want to shop in.
Plus you as the designer need to improve your design skills and plan how you will build your Zazzle business.
That is why STEP 1 is so important.
Mindset and Goals = STEP 2
It is so important to keep a positive mindset while you work online. You can use affirmations and other mind-training techniques to keep focused on your goals and believe you can achieve them.
Surrounding yourself with people with the same objectives and attitude can also be a great way to help you. A mentor can make a difference in your success. The mentor guides support and motivates you, specific to your needs and business objectives.
You can not achieve something you are not striving for. That is why you MUST set your Zazzle earnings goal to keep on track to accomplish your goal.
That is why STEP 2 is so important.
Production = STEP 3
You must post popular designs on products for sale to make money on Zazzle. It seems obvious but it is extremely hard. That is why you need guidance using a proven plan and a successful Zazzle mentor.
That is why STEP 3 is so important.
To be successful you need to do research and have experience over many years to know what sells and what does not. Don’t despair. There are lots of options but they are not easy to explain here in one paragraph. That is why I created The 5 Step Profit Plan VIP Mentoring Program™ to teach people what I have learned over many years of experience on Zazzle. I know what products and designs sell.
Promotion = STEP 4
Do you get intimidated by promotion? Zazzle makes it easy to promote with its easy-to-use sharing buttons. If you don’t use these because you don’t have social media accounts, then you are missing out on sales.
That is why STEP 4 is so important.
Take action today to promote on at least one or two of the social media platforms that Zazzle has listed as share buttons next to every product and collection.
However, to be successful at promoting, it is definitely more complicated than clicking a share button on Zazzle. Some people spend their whole careers being Pinterest experts or Facebook experts.
That’s why The 5 Step Profit Plan VIP Mentoring Program™ gives you just what you need to promote your Zazzle products effectively without getting bogged down by all the information out there about each social media platform.
Analysis = STEP 5
How can you tell if your efforts to sell on Zazzle are working or not? That’s why STEP 5 is so important.
Doing the analysis is key so that once something sells you can figure out why and make more products like it.
You should also stop doing things that are not working for you so that you don’t waste your time.
Your sales, product views, and followers or re-pins on social media are all good things to look at. They give you clues about what is working and then you can take action to improve.
Free 5-Step Profit Plan™ Worksheet
Now that you know what each of the 5 STEPS is, you can create your own list of things to do to make more money on Zazzle. Click the link below to download the free worksheet I made just for you.
Elke Clarke’s 5-Step Profit Plan™
Free Worksheet
Proof That The 5 Step Profit Plan VIP Mentoring Program™ Works
Below, I showcase several members of The 5 Step Profit Plan VIP Mentoring Program™ who have had great success after joining the program.
They are people who:
- were brand new to Zazzle
- had been on Zazzle many years
- had little or no experience designing
- experienced designers and artists
- had no success on Zazzle
- had some success but wanted to learn how to make more money on Zazzle
LM Gildersleeve had been on Zazzle for a few years
“I joined the 5 Step Profit Plan Program only 2 months ago but I have already doubled my April sales from last year. Elke’s mentoring has helped me so much.” LM Gildersleeve, Owner of Lasgalen Arts Designs.
LM Gildersleeve, the owner of Lasgalen Arts Designs, is a member of The 5 Step Profit Plan VIP Mentoring Program™ with Elke Clarke. Her testimonial is only one of many proving that the power of mentoring is the key to her success and knowing how to make more money online with Zazzle.

LD Design Loft Has Experience Designing But Was New to Zazzle
“I’m pleased that my Zazzle earnings have already helped out our household budget and we can now confidently plan for family vacations knowing we have extra income coming in.” Lorena Depante, Owner of LD Design Loft
Lorena Depante, Owner of LD Design Loft, is a member of The 5 Step Profit Plan VIP Mentoring Program™ with Elke Clarke. Her testimonial is only one of many proving that the power of mentoring is the key to her success and making money online with Zazzle.

Susan Frazier is Experienced, and Had Been on Zazzle for Some Time But Wanted to Make More Money
“Today I made more money in one day than I ever made on any other day in the entire 4 years I have been on Zazzle. The 5 Step Profit Plan and Mentoring Program really work.” Susan Frazier, Owner of The Dancing Pelican
Susan Frazier, the owner of The Dancing Pelican, is a member of The 5 Step Profit Plan VIP Mentoring Program™ with Elke Clarke. Her testimonial is only one of many proving that the power of mentoring is the key to her success and making money online with Zazzle.

Zoe Strawbridge is Experienced and Learned How to Make More Money on Zazzle by Expanding Her Product Line
“Since taking Elke and Jen’s courses and being in their mentoring program, my Zazzle income has almost quadrupled! And that’s within less than 12 months.” Zoe Strawbridge, Owner of Gorjo Designs
Zoe Strawbridge, the owner of Gorjo Designs, is a member of The 5 Step Profit Plan VIP Mentoring Program™ with Elke Clarke. Her testimonial is only one of many proving that the power of mentoring is the key to her Zazzle success. Through my mentoring Zoe realized that she could use Zazzle for more than what she had originally been using it for with her graphic design clients. This opened up a whole new world for Zoe and it shows in her quadrupled income in less than 12 months.

Brandon Had No Design Experience, Had Been on Zazzle for 5 Years, But Wanted to Make More Money
“Since I started using The 5 Step Profit Plan VIP Mentoring Program™ I have sold over $100,000 of Zazzle products and my products keep selling again and again with no extra work. Brandon B.
Brandon had been struggling for the past 5 years to make money on Zazzle. After becoming a member of The 5 Step Profit Plan VIP Mentoring Program™ he has sold over $100,000 in Zazzle products in 13 months.

Jen Clarke Had Zazzle Experience But Wanted to Make More Money
Jen Clarke is my daughter. She is a Gold Zazzle ProDesigner and has sold over 1.8 million dollars worth of Zazzle products. She started Zazzle because she saw that I was making money.
In the beginning, she was happy making a little bit of money on Zazzle. But then she decided she wanted to travel and really needed to increase her Zazzle income dramatically. That’s when she asked for my help and began using The 5 Step Profit Plan™.

Now she is also a mentor for The 5 Step Profit Plan VIP Mentoring Program™. She brings her experience and valuable knowledge of Zazzle to my mentoring program. Because she is in Europe, does our Mentoring Hour™ Video Calls for people living in Europe, Asia, Australia, and New Zealand.
This has allowed Jen and me to mentor people, like you, all over the world.
How to Make More Money on Zazzle with The 5-Step Profit Plan VIP Mentoring Program™
If you are ready to learn more on how to make more money online with Zazzle, then I invite you to join me in The 5 Step Profit Plan VIP Mentoring Program™.
I, Elke Clarke, and Jen Clarke Zazzle are the mentors for The 5 Step Profit Plan VIP Mentoring Program™. The program includes access to 2 courses that teach you step by step what to do to set up all 5 STEPS in Elke’s 5 Step Profit Plan™ so that you too can learn how to make more money online with Zazzle.

Join Me On My Weekly Free Facebook Live Show
Please join me on Thursday, June 21, 2018, at 11:30 a.m. EST for my FACEBOOK LIVE SHOW on my PUBLIC FB page “” to talk about this blog post topic.
How to make more money online with Zazzle.
We always have really great discussions. I hope you can join me.
Use my free worksheet to help you get started with The 5 Step Profit Plan™. I can’t wait to hear what you are doing to put the 5 STEPS into action for your Zazzle business. Tell me during my Facebook LIVE Show.
If you can not be there on the LIVE show, watch the replay and add your answers to the comments. I will STILL read your comments and answer your questions later. Just post them in the FB comments under the Q & A LIVE video here on my FB Page “”
Elke Clarke’s 5-Step Profit Plan
Free Worksheet
What have you learned from this article?
- You need a proven plan to build a long-term profitable Zazzle business
- Elke Clarke’s 5 Step Profit Plan™ is the key to her own million-dollar Zazzle success
- There are ways you can take action right now to make more money online with Zazzle
- Download Elke Clarke’s 5 Step Profit Plan™ Free Worksheet (see above for link)
About Elke Clarke
Elke Clarke is the author of the upcoming book “Creative Online Millionaire”. She runs a successful 7 figure Zazzle business. She has mentored and coached people around the world on how to make more money on Zazzle. She is the creator of The 5 Step Profit Plan VIP Mentoring Program™
Please note that even though I, Elke, use The 5 Step Profit Plan™ to earn my Zazzle income. If you use The 5 Step Profit Plan VIP Mentoring Program™ you may make more, less, or the same as I do or any other person showcased in this article and on this website (elke Your results will depend on your efforts, actions, and any unforeseen circumstances that may happen.