Today’s post is all about how you can earn your first $1,000 on Zazzle and creating passive income. It may seem like an intimidating venture, but it’s totally possible, and we’re sharing some strategies that help speed the process along.
As a reminder, Zazzle is a print on demand (POD) platform where you can make income passively. It’s a great place for anyone looking to earn money online, and you don’t need to be creative or tech-savvy to open your own storefront.
When you make a sale on Zazzle, you’ll earn a royalty. This is a slow end game online business – it’s certainly not a get-rich-quick scheme but with right efforts and strategies can be a long term passive income. We know that from experience, as we’ve been on the platform for 14 years. But, in that time, we’ve managed to earn a combined $1.5 million on the platform – and in that process, we’ve certainly learned a lot about how to ramp up your income and find success on the platform. We want to share those learnings with you!
To start, let’s go over a timeline of Elke’s earning history on Zazzle:
– 2007 – In her first few months on the platform – she made $90.
– 2008 – She increased her earnings a bit, making a total of $2380. But, looking back she knows she was throwing spaghetti against the wall. This required her to work really hard and lots of hours for very little return. At this time, she recognized that she needed business skills to see what really worked, so she looked outside of the platform to attain those and was able to learn all the strategies that we – to this day – teach to our clients!
– 2009 – This is where those strategies came into play and she started ramping up her income, taking home $37k.
– 2010- Her upward trajectory continued with $50k in take-home earnings.
– 2011 – Again – she was on the up and up at $67k.
– 2012 Onwards – From 2012 to present day, she earns about an average of $100k+ yearly on Zazzle.
What an amazing journey, right? She realized that once her storefront was set up to match her strategies and making $100k+ year, it would operate that way on autopilot.
Even when things happened in her personal life that caused her to step away – like her husband passing away – her income kept coming in.
As mentioned above, the two of us have made over $1.5 million on the platform thus far. A lot of our success has come from the strategies we’ve developed and implemented. We know from experience just how daunting making that first $1,000 in sales can be, which is why we’ve broken down the numbers behind it as well as some strategies to help with it below.
Let’s talk through some examples of how much you need to sell particular items on Zazzle to earn that first $1,000. For the sake of this example, we’re going to say your royalty is set at 10 percent, which is what we recommend to all of our clients.
– Example 1: T-Shirts
– Example 2: Baseballs
– Example 3: Banners
– Example 4: Corn Hole Sets
These examples are a good way to understand that it’s important to have some variety in your storefront. Having items at different price points can help you sell more and reach your goals faster, as obviously, the higher-ticket items are going to yield more income.
We really like to use the self-referral strategy in order to get more bang for your buck out of each sale on Zazzle. When you post items for sale in your shop, you can also generate an affiliate link to that item that you can share externally in order to drive traffic to your store.
You can share this link on places like Pinterest, social media, or on a personal blog. Once a shopper clicks that link to a product, a collection, a store category, anything that belongs to you in the Zazzle realm, and then they buy anything from you, you will receive a 35 percent bonus on the sale. That comes in addition to the 10 percent royalty on the sale, allowing you to make 45 percent on that particular item.
Game changer, right?! That really ramps up your income and can make it a lot easier to make that first $1,000 from your shop. Let’s see just how large the impact is with the examples we just went through:
– Example 1: T-Shirts
– Example 2: Baseballs
– Example 3: Banners
– Example 4: Corn Hole Sets
These referral bonuses drastically slash the number of each item you’ll need to sell to meet that $1,000 mark! This makes it so much easier for you to make a better income, allowing you to truly work smarter, not harder.
Using self-referral bonuses and selling higher ticket items and a variety of items can help you reach that $1k mark a lot quicker! We can’t wait for you to gain momentum with your Zazzle business using these strategies and to really tap into the power of this amazing platform.
Thank you so much for reading!
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If you’re ready to take the first steps in starting and scaling your own Zazzle store, join The Profit by Design Academy® Coaching Program today!
Official Website:
Jen’s Instagram:
Elke’s Instagram:
Episode 4: How to Make One Million Dollars in Sales on Zazzle: Our Student’s Success Story
Episode 38: How to Sell 1 Million Dollars-Worth of Zazzle Products in One Year: with Chrisine Factora
Episode 62: How to Scale Your Zazzle Business with a VA: Interview with Gold ProDesigner – Christine
The Profit by Design Academy® Coaching Program
Creative and Ambitious Entrepreneur FB Group
Jen and Elke Clarke are a mother-daughter duo that empowers women entrepreneurs to make money online. Through courses and coaching, Jen and Elke help women (and men) become successful creative entrepreneurs on Zazzle and e-commerce. Combined Jen and Elke have sold over 15 million dollars-worth of products, and earned over $1.5 million combined through their businesses on Zazzle. Jen and Elke have influenced and transformed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people worldwide with their free content, paid and private coaching.
They are international, award-winning authors. Click the links to purchase their books through Amazon: Earn Around The World and Create Online and Grow Rich.
Jen and Elke Clarke have been featured in Yahoo Finance as TOP 5 e-commerce coaches.
“FREE Jen and Elke’s “150 Trending Zazzle Niches and Designs” Guide”