One of the most effective ways to promote your Zazzle products is on Pinterest. Pinterest is constantly changing. Learn about the popular Pinterest Marketing tips to grow your Zazzle business effectively. These changes require you to keep up in order that you can get results when you market your Zazzle products through your eCommerce store and external website. There are so many things that you must do on Pinterest to have your pins viewed and repined it can be overwhelming. But here is the good news, we are here to help cut through the massive amount of information and give you only what’s necessary. In this article, you will learn what things you can stop doing on Pinterest because they are not effective. This saves you time and effort while being effective at promoting your Zazzle products on Pinterest.
Things to Stop Doing on Pinterest Today to Promote Your Zazzle Products

Things change so quickly in the fast-paced online marketing space and Pinterest is no exception. Keeping up with what you need to do to get sales and affiliate income results in your Zazzle product promotion can be time-consuming. That is why in this article, I and my guest author, Lynn-Marie Gildersleeve, provide you with the most recent do’s and don’ts from 2 Pinterest experts. Lynn-Marie is a fellow Zazzle Designer (Designs from Lasgalen Arts) and a member of The 5 Step Profit Plan VIP Mentoring Program™. Let’s dive into this helpful information.
Pinterest Marketing Tips – August 2019
A recent Facebook live video interview with Alisa Meredith, Content & Marketing Manager at Tailwind, as well as Jeff C., of Manly Pinterest Marketing Tips Blog, was extremely helpful to bring us online marketers up to date on things to stop doing on Pinterest to save time and be effective.
So that you can avoid watching the hour-long interview, Lynn-Marie and I have outlined the key points below. We have also related the Pinterest Marketing Tips specifically to your Zazzle business so that you can apply them directly and get the most benefit from reading this article.
Don’t waste time creating board covers
People on Pinterest rarely look at your boards’ index to see all your boards. The majority of people only look at pins in feeds.
Don’t re-pin your own pins into other boards directly from Pinterest
Instead, re-pin your product fresh from Zazzle again, but also check out how to best do this in the next “don’t” section below.
Don’t use the same image and URL to pin the same product to 2 boards
It is highly recommended to pin the same URL as many times as you want as long as you have a new and different image for each new pin. This strategy works well for your older pins that may be relevant for a new board, like a holiday card, that you want to re-pin fresh for this year.
The best course of action is to create a new image of the product to pin with the same Zazzle product URL.
Pinterest sees each pin as an image & URL. The Pinterest algorithm does not see the title or description for individual pins. Create a new image of the Zazzle product and pin it manually. (Click here to find out how to pin an image.)
This way Pinterest sees two different pins of your Zazzle product.
Don’t change the descriptions of other people’s pins
This is simply bad etiquette. Would you like it that happened to your pins when people re-pinned them? No.
Don’t delete pins
It’s a waste of time.
Don’t add hashtags to older pins
Pinterest only uses hashtags for sorts to present pins to you the viewer for a short time after the pin is initially pinned.
This means there is NO benefit for you to add #s to your older pins.
Don’t change descriptions on old pins
Pinterest doesn’t see them
Don’t use cutesy names, spaces, or icons in Board Titles
As I teach in The 5 Step Profit Plan VIP Mentoring Program™, use keywords in the Board titles that are relevant to the subject matter of the pins you have on that board.
Also, use these same keywords in the Board’s description.
Don’t use Group Boards
Pinterest Group Boards are beginning to be “devalued” so spend less time on them.
Don’t waste your time on other people’s group boards either.
Don’t create Sections
Pins in Pinterest board sections are not searchable. Since you are using Pinterest to promote because pins are searchable, the sections are a waste of your time and effort for your Zazzle business.
Don’t miss out on visibility – Do add text to your pins
When creating your other images to pin the same Zazzle URL, add text to your images to add interest and help educate your customer.
Use the Zazzle Create or Canva. Both make it easy for you to add text over the top of your image.
Use keywords in your text that are relevant to your Zazzle product. Pinterest has the technology to visually read the text on pinned images and use it to sort results. Cool right?
Don’t add personal boards to your business account
You can still intermingle the business and personal subject matters together effectively if it relates to your Zazzle business and Zazzle products. Otherwise, personal pins you are pinning solely to give you ideas for your kids’ crafts and holiday cookie receipts should be in your personal account.
Don’t have all your Zazzle stores in one Pinterest account
Open up a separate Pinterest Business Account for EACH of your Zazzle stores so that your marketing and branding can be consistent with your Zazzle store brand. You can open as many Pinterest Business Accounts as you want and they are FREE.
Don’t limit the number of pins
For a business account, there is no limit on the number of pins you can pin. Go for it.
Do Comment
We would love to hear about your Pinterest experience and what you think about these latest changes on Pinterest. Comment below.
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About the Jen And Elke Clarke:
Lynn-Marie Gildersleeve is the owner and creative designer of Designs From Lasgalen Arts, specializing in stationery and party supplies for occasions and holidays. To connect with Lynn-Marie click on this link which takes you to her Zazzle store and where you can reach her through social media.
Elke Clarke, is the award-winning author of the book Create Online and Grow Rich. Elke mentors and teaches digital creatives online marketing and business strategies to build a profitable eCommerce business. The 5 Step Profit Plan VIP Mentoring Program™ is Elke Clarke’s signature program that hundreds of people around the world are using to make money online by being successful designers and sellers on Zazzle. Connect with Elke, on social media by clicking this link or visit
6 replies to "Things to Stop Doing on Pinterest Today to Promote Your Zazzle Products"
I make all my personal boards as private. That way I don’t have to worry about having so many pinterest accounts! 😀
Sad to hear about the sections part. I tried working with that (was thinking it could be a board you can click on and in it would be different sections to check out with pins in them)and it was a mess. (Was hoping to do like a holiday catalog thingy with added holiday-inspired recipes and such.)
Thank you Lynn-Marie and Elke most helpful.
Thanks soooo much!! Love you! Gosh how can one person do everything required on Pin and the ZAZZLE, if one can not yet afford extra help. Please share how one person can succeed.
Nimue, good idea about the personal boards.
Francesca. You are welcome
Hi Ona. One person can handle it because you don’t have to pin all the time. You schedule to can pin a few products once a week and easily pin by using the easy to use pin tool on Zazzle.