Are you ready to become a successful entrepreneur? Do you want to have time and freedom? Work anywhere in the world that you want? Be able to take the vacation time that you want without having to ask your boss? Fulfill your dreams and be truly happy with what you do. Of course, you do! This is exactly what my mother, Elke Clarke, and I have done for ourselves. We have built a successful online passive income business that has generated over 11 million dollars in sales. And we work when we want, wherever we want, and make our own business decisions. Interested in learning how you can achieve this type of success? You are in luck! In this article, we have something very special for you. We were interviewed on the Evergreen Entrepreneur Podcast!

The Evergreen Entrepreneur Podcast Interviews Elke Clarke and Jen Clarke
Due to our success and powerful influence in mentoring entrepreneurs like you to grow their online businesses, my mother, Elke Clarke, and I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Kayce Broening, creator of the Evergreen Entrepreneur Podcast. She recently launched her podcast to give you advice on how you can become an ‘evergreen entrepreneur’. She contacted us to be on the podcast because she saw that we are two powerful women who are self-made successful entrepreneurs and will give you valuable advice.
In the podcast, we tell you how we began our journey to online success and now mentor over 400 students using the proven plan and steps that worked for us. It was an honor to be on the podcast and allowed us to tell you that anyone can become as successful as we are. You do not have to have a special education or expensive computer programs to make money online. You can achieve success as long as you put in the work and are passionate about following your dreams. Read the quotes in this article from the podcast and listen to the episode below to learn more.
What Is The Evergreen Entrepreneur?
About The Creator, Kayce Broening
Elke Clarke and Jen Clarke’s Success with Passive Online Income
Elke Clarke-
Hello, my name is Elke and this is my daughter Jen. The two of us are evergreen entrepreneurs. So we’re in the right place on this podcast to talk to you today about our journey over the last 10 years as to how we’ve been considering making money online with e-commerce.
We have become successful online selling different products on a print-on-demand platform and making royalties from each sale. In fact, this form of passive online income has done so well for us that my daughter has sold over 1.2 million and I sold over 10 million dollars worth of products sales. Because of this, we now help others and mentor them on how to make money online using the same steps that we used to do consistently year after year.
So I love the fact that your program is called Evergreen entrepreneur. It is right up our alley! It is an honor to be on your podcast and share our entrepreneurial journey with you Kayce.
Elke Clarke and Jen Clarke Help Mentor You
Elke Clarke-
We obviously have tried a lot of different things in our life to get to where we are, but having the last 10 years of experience has helped us be successful. We’re so excited that we can now mentor others through our experience. We have over 400 students worldwide already in our program and we just celebrated 2 year anniversary of our program. We’re just so excited to talk to you today and share with you our journey. We want to help mentor others to find their success and put them on the right path to achieving their dream goals.
Interested in learning more about how Elke and Jen can mentor you? Read more about The 5 Step Profit Plan Program™ here.
You Don’t Need to Be a ‘Starving Artist
Jen Clarke-
My mother, Elke Clarke mentioned that she found Zazzle while she was trying to sell her artwork online. She was fed up with the stereotype of being a ‘starving artist’. Zazzle was the perfect platform. It eliminated up-front costs, and shipping expenses and gave her unlimited possibilities to sell her art. Zazzle’s platform gave her a way to become a successful entrepreneur selling her artwork. No more ‘starving artist’ stereotypes.
I was also very creative, designing my own fashion designs and jewelry. When I tried to sell my designs, I too was experiencing the ‘starving artist’ feeling. Because you are an artist, customers think that they can bargain with you and lower the price of your goods. They do not understand the hard work and not to mention the hours that go into creating something. I too was fed up. It was discouraging trying to sell your beautiful works of art and feeling as if customers did not want to pay the price. Zazzle gave me the opportunity to still be creative and eliminate all the problems I was experiencing.
What Is Zazzle?
Zazzle is a unique print-on-demand (POD) platform that allows you to make passive online income. You earn royalties from the products that you sell in your virtual store. You just need to post a product for sale with a unique design and Zazzle does the rest for you! It is truly the perfect platform for creatives to make money online.
- Has no upfront costs. You can open a virtual store for free!
- Offers over 1,000 products for you to choose from to post for sale. Ranging from home decor, stationery, electronics, clothing accessories, and more.
- Provides an easy-to-use design tool that allows you to create gorgeous products. You do not need to have an expensive graphic program or photoshop to start designing.
- Deals with production and shipping of each product you sell. You do not need to worry about production or shipping costs.
- Has no ‘physical’ inventory until a customer buys your product. This means that you have unlimited possibilities to sell your products. A customer can purchase a product today that you made years ago! Isn’t that cool?
- Offers 100% customization of products. This means that you can post one product for sale and you can sell to multiple different customers. Each customer can make your product 100% of their own.
- Is international! Zazzle offers to ship worldwide. You can sell to customers all around the world.
- Deals 100% with customer service. If a customer isn’t happy with what they purchased, Zazzle deals with it.
- Gives you a royalty each time you sell a product from your virtual store.
- Allows you to have creative, time, and location freedom while making money online.
You Have the Skill-Set, Now You Need That Extra Push Forward
Elke Clarke-
We are changing the scope of how people think that they can make money online, and making people so happy and confident in their abilities. We mentor you on the proven steps you need to implement into your business and that you have to be in the right mindset to believe in yourself and that you are capable of achieving success. It’s all about taking action and doing the right things for your business. Letting yourself believe that this is a new way of making money and that you are able to do it.
Jen Clarke-
At the end of the day, you are your own worst critic. I know I am. We second guess our success, what we are capable of, and if we can achieve it. Our mentoring and the community that we have created gives you the extra boost you need to acknowledge yourself and gives you those positive vibes. Sometimes we need support from someone else. It is just that extra energy that someone gives for you to make the next step forward. We teach this and the proven business steps you need to take to build your business in The 5 Step Profit Plan Program™
Listen to The Interview on the Evergreen Entrepreneur Podcast
Listen to the full podcast below where Kayce Broening interviews Elke Clarke and Jen Clarke.
Visit her podcast website here.
Watch Jen Clarke’s Summary of the Evergreen Entrepreneur Podcast
Enrollment is Now Open For The 5 Step Profit Plan Program™!
We want to teach you. You are capable of achieving success. All you need are the right mentors and a proven plan. You need to learn from the experience of someone who has achieved success. The 5 Step Profit Plan Program™ was created just for you. Through our step-by-step program, we teach you what you need to know to build a successful online business. Want to learn more? Click here.
Enrollment in The 5 Step Profit Plan Program™ is now open, and there are payment plan options available too! We would love to mentor you and help you on your journey toward success.

Connect With Elke and Jen
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About the authors:
Elke Clarke, is the award-winning author of the book Create Online and Grow Rich. Elke mentors and teaches digital creatives online marketing and business strategies to build a profitable eCommerce business. The 5 Step Profit Plan VIP Mentoring Program™ is Elke Clarke’s signature program that hundreds of people around the world are using to make money online by being successful designers and sellers on Zazzle. Connect with Elke, on social media by clicking here or visiting
Jen Clarke, is the award-winning author of the book Earn Around The World. Jen, along with her mother, Elke Clarke, mentors and teaches digital creatives online marketing and business strategies to build a profitable eCommerce business. The 5 Step Profit Plan VIP Mentoring Program™ is Elke Clarke’s signature program that Jen and hundreds of others are using to be successful designers and sellers on Zazzle. Connect with Jen, on social media by clicking here or visiting