Today, on episode 3 of The Creative and Ambitious Entrepreneur Podcast, we’re going to talk to you about our three pillars of success, which are an integral part of our business framework, and how we implement these pillars of success into our Zazzle businesses. These pillars have helped us create our million-dollar businesses that we have today.
But before we dive right in, let us introduce ourselves in case this is your first visit. Welcome to The Creative and Ambitious Entrepreneur Podcast. We’re your hosts, Jen & Elke Clarke. We are a mother and daughter team that started Zazzle e-commerce businesses over 10 years ago and have sold over 15 million dollars-worth and counting of products on Zazzle.
The Creative and Ambitious Entrepreneur Podcast is for you, the creative. We share actionable steps that you can take to make money in your e-commerce business. In each episode, we will take you one step closer to achieving freedom with your time, location, and finances.
We believe that a profitable e-commerce business is what opens the doors for you to start living your dream life if you work smarter, not harder, use the right tools and follow the proven roadmap. We’re here to give you the tools you need to make your dream life happen. Let’s get started!
Check out the pillars described below to gain more insight on our three pillars: Perceivable. Passive, Profitable™ that we’ve implemented into our Zazzle businesses. And for even more details on each point, listen to ALL of episode 3 of The Creative and Ambitious Entrepreneur Podcast on your preferred streaming platform!
The first pillar we implement is “Perceivable”. This pillar helps us understand what we can expect to get out of our business and what needs to happen to perceive that the business you are pursuing will work for you. In our case, we make money online with Zazzle, we license our designs to this platform, and then when a customer purchases one of our products, Zazzle pays us the royalty that we set up. For us, we had to perceive that this was going to be possible.
We had to perceive that Zazzle would be a long-term company, so we did the research. We ensured Zazzle had values we could align with. We also had to check out the business structure of the Zazzle marketplace. Zazzle is a family-owned business, meaning, they’re not a company looking to make a profit so they can appease stockholders. They are there to run the business the way they want to and it’s 100% family-owned. As a seller on Zazzle, we also wanted to perceive that it was a possibility to build a business on the platform and grow that business long-term. We checked everything off our “list” and we felt comfortable with Zazzle as a platform to run our businesses.
When we were starting our businesses, we had done a lot of research trying to figure out what kind of businesses we’d want to get into. Among the research we did we discovered that a business that would allow for passive income aligned with what we wanted long-term. When we found Zazzle, we were on a journey to find platforms to earn money online. A lot of platforms weren’t passive. We had to work constantly to keep up our business. We wanted to create a business that worked for us, not a business that required constant attention. We wanted to find and create a passive online business to align with our “Passive” pillar for success.
Obviously, we had to work more often in our business initially, and build the business up, but at the end of the day, it would work passively for us while we aren’t working. On Zazzle, you can make sales while you’re sleeping, hanging out at the beach, anything that’s not physically being on the computer. The “Passive” pillar is a key part of our business framework for success. We work hard for what we earn but also enjoy the rewards by not always having to work to keep up our business. Having a passive income is the main reason we wanted to make money online in the first place.
“Profitable” is the third success pillar and is all about making money you get to keep. You can make a lot of money but if you can’t keep it because you have so many expenses, it doesn’t make sense. There are a lot of people making tons of money in the online space, but they have a lot of expenses. They spend thousands of dollars on Facebook Ads and other forms of promotion. Zazzle gives us so many tools and options, so we don’t have these types of expenses. We personally have never spent a dollar on Facebook ads promoting but we still managed to build a million-dollar business.
We have sold 15 million dollars and counting of Zazzle products, without any Facebook ads or any other promotional ads. The fact that you have very little operating costs, means you can take home more of your money. In some business models, you have to earn a ton of money, because you have to pay out so much in expenses before you can look at your take-home income. The Zazzle business model doesn’t require you to have many expenses. We are personally averaging about 85-95% profit with our Zazzle payout, which is exceptional in comparison to some other business models!
Our 3 Pillars: Perceivable, Passive, Profitable™ make up the foundation and framework for our businesses. Because Zazzle meets the requirements of The 3 Pillars: Perceivable, Passive, Profitable™ as a successful business framework, along with our personal success on Zazzle, you can feel confident that Zazzle would be a great place to start your e-commerce business. When you use the 3 Pillars to assess a business, like Zazzle, you can avoid personal frustration because if the 3 pillar criteria are met, the business is a good choice to put your energy into.
To learn more about the three pillars and how we use them in our business so that you can too, don’t forget to tune in to episode 3 of The Creative and Ambitious Entrepreneur Podcast.
Thank you so much for checking out The Creative and Ambitious Entrepreneur Podcast! We hope this episode has given you actionable steps to start and scale your Zazzle business so your passive online income can give you the location and time freedom to live your dream life.
If you enjoyed this episode please take a minute to subscribe, rate, and review the podcast. Each review helps us reach more creative entrepreneurs like you working to create a profitable e-commerce business. Don’t forget to take a screenshot, share it in your Instagram stories, and tag us.
@msjenclarke and @elkeclarke
We’d love to hear your biggest takeaways from the episode. See you back here next week!
Jen and Elke Clarke are a mother-daughter duo that empowers women entrepreneurs to make money online. Through courses and coaching, Jen and Elke help women (and men) become successful creative entrepreneurs on Zazzle and e-commerce. Combined Jen and Elke have sold over 15 million dollars-worth of products, and earned over $1.5 million combined through their businesses on Zazzle. Jen and Elke have influenced and transformed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people worldwide with their free content, paid and private coaching.
They are international, award-winning authors. Click the links to purchase their books through Amazon: Earn Around The World and Create Online and Grow Rich.
Jen and Elke Clarke have been featured in Yahoo Finance as TOP 5 e-commerce coaches.
“FREE Jen and Elke’s “150 Trending Zazzle Niches and Designs” Guide”