In this post, I (Jen) am sharing personal stories and my insight into how self-confidence and believing in yourself is key to business success as well as a happier life.
I have experience with low self-confidence and issues believing in myself, and having overcome that mindset, I can offer a lot of insight into how these issues can hinder your business success and how amazing it feels when you come out the other side of them.
Believing in your goals and that will achieve them will completely enhance the efforts you make towards those things.
The first thing to understand about believing in yourself is that there’s a link between self-sabotage and confidence. Self-sabotaging refers to when you subconsciously sabotage yourself from meeting your goals.
This could occur if you’re not doing something that could help your business or allow you to meet your goals. This happens when you let negative thoughts affect your actions, allowing limiting beliefs to override confidence in your abilities.
This also happens when you underestimate your self-worth or let fears dictate your actions. This self-sabotage definitely minimizes your confidence, which can negatively affect your business.
We want to “attack” those feelings in order to give you the ability to give 100 percent effort and love to both yourself and your business. Once you do that, you’ll be astounded at all the progress you can make in just a few months!
I can’t stress enough how important it is to have confidence in yourself as a business owner. This puts an extra spring in your step. I want you to really stop and think about what confidence that inspires better work can do for you. What could the increased income do for your lifestyle?
When you get into a confident and more positive mindset where you truly believe in yourself, those things start happening on a subconscious level.
My father passed away quite suddenly in 2015, which prompted me to have a lot of limiting beliefs. I started thinking I wasn’t capable of doing things because of the mental space I was in. I was also plagued by morbid thoughts and didn’t see the point of working towards things or creating things.
Every time I tried to work, I had anxiety. I took about three years away from working on my Zazzle shop. Although I’d set things up correctly to continue making income from that source during that time, I missed out on all that time of productivity and business evolution.
I suffered with depression and anxiety that really made it hard to believe in myself. Coming from that space, I have been able to learn from this experience, which has given me a lot of the insight I’ve shared in this post.
It can be hard to believe in yourself no matter what has happened to you or why you’re lacking confidence, but it’s SO worth it to help you achieve your goals and to make your dreams come true.
Thank you so much for reading!
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If you’re ready to take the first steps in starting and scaling your own Zazzle store, join The Profit by Design Academy® Coaching Program today!
See you back here next week!
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Jen and Elke Clarke are a mother-daughter duo that empowers women entrepreneurs to make money online. Through courses and coaching, Jen and Elke help women (and men) become successful creative entrepreneurs on Zazzle and e-commerce. Combined Jen and Elke have sold over 15 million dollars-worth of products, and earned over $1.5 million combined through their businesses on Zazzle. Jen and Elke have influenced and transformed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people worldwide with their free content, paid and private coaching.
They are international, award-winning authors. Click the links to purchase their books through Amazon: Earn Around The World and Create Online and Grow Rich.
Jen and Elke Clarke have been featured in Yahoo Finance as TOP 5 e-commerce coaches.
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