Jen Clarke and I, Elke Clarke, learned so many amazing marketing on Pinterest tips at Social Media Marketing World 2018 #SMMW18 in San Diego last week. Did you know that Pinterest is one of the most popular visual search engines customers use to get inspiration and purchase online?
Customers are highly affected by visually appealing pins that it influences their purchasing behavior. Visual promotion is the new way to attract your future customers. This is why Pinterest is such a powerful tool that everyone should be using for their online promotion.

Marketing on Pinterest Tips We Learned at Social Media Marketing World 2018
While at Social Media Marketing World 2018, we were able to attend an informative session with Peg Fitzpatick about the top things you need to know about Pinterest. She is a social media expert and successfully uses Pinterest to drive traffic to her blog. In fact, she has received over 3 million views of one of her seasonal pins every year. From Peg we learned that Pinterest is more popular than ever and has seen a spike in site visits, especially since the changes on Facebook.
Peg Fitzpatrick told us pinning our content is vital to our online promotional success. Pinning gives us the amazing opportunity to share fresh content as well experience long-term traffic from older pins. She also covered how important hashtags and the use of keywords are for search engine optimization and visual search engine optimization. And most important of all, we learned we need to have a call to action in our pins.
After listening to Peg, we were further convinced that we are on the right track with our recommendation for you to use Pinterest for your social media promotion. Wouldn’t it be amazing to learn more about how you can implement certain Pinterest strategies to successfully promote your Zazzle products? In this article we will cover the basics of what you can do to get started.
Be a Part of Our First Ever “Learning Lab” Live Training All About Pinterest for Zazzle Promotion
If you want to dive deeper with us to learn how to implement all these specific Pinterest strategies into your Zazzle promotion efforts, we invite you to join us for our first “Learning Lab” training event which will be about Pinterest. We cover all the details on how to professionally promote your Zazzle products on Pinterest.
Click here to enroll in the “The Pinterest Learning Lab” live training event.
Once you purchase, you will receive a downloadable with the link to the registration page for the live event.
We will be holding the live event on Tuesday March 20, 2018 at 11:30 AM EST. After we have done the live session, you will receive an email with a login and password to get unlimited access to the video on our course member’s page.
If you are not able to attend the live event you can still purchase and you will get unlimited access to the video. We will send you an email with a login and password to access the video.
Search Is On the Rise, Social Is Declining
Do you think Pinterest is a social media platform? If you said; “Yes”, think again.
Pinterest is a SEARCH PLATFORM unlike Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, which are SOCIAL PLATFORMS.
What is the difference?
On Pinterest you do NOT need to engage with your audience socially, like you do with these other platforms. Pinterest, like Google, is a powerful search platform. You can use this to your advantage because you don’t need to be actively communicating with your followers to engage and receive traffic to your Pinterest boards and pins.
The best thing about Pinterest is that your pinned content is categorized and can easily be found when people search for it using keywords. Based on a report recently done by Shareaholic, people are actively searching more online these days.
As you can see in the chart below, visits to social media platforms are declining while the instances of people searching for information and inspiration is on the rise.

Visual Search Engines Like Pinterest are Gaining Popularity
YouTube and Pinterest are now the most popular visual search engines to search for things online.
People are attracted to visually appealing images and videos more so than text. This is why you need to take advantage of Pinterest to promote your Zazzle products.
If you create visually appealing images to pin your products and engage people on your boards with additional informative and entertaining pins, your products will more likely be found on Pinterest and purchased on Zazzle.
Fresh Content and Long-Term Traffic on Pinterest
Isn’t it amazing to be able to pin fresh new content while being reassured that it will also generate long-term traffic on Pinterest?
This is another way that Pinterest is different from other social media platforms. Your content is evergreen. It will always be available and searchable. When it comes to Facebook and Instagram, your content needs to be fresh and engaging. It needs to be exciting and new. On Pinterest your content can engage, entertain and inform your audience when they want to find something specific. But you don’t have to worry about catering to your audience every day to keep your engagement scores up.
Pinterest gives you long-term evergreen traffic promotional opportunities.
The Importance of Hashtags and Keywords
When designing on Zazzle, make sure you have the right titles and tags when publishing your products for optimal SEO. This is the same when you pin something on Pinterest.
Adding the right keywords and hashtags in the pin description on Pinterest is a great way to take advantage of free advertising because your pins will be found by keyword searches.
Don’t forget to add descriptions to your boards as well as your pinned items because Pinterest also searches these text fields. It is a great way to attract people to your boards.
Ensure you have Call To Actions in Your Pins
One of the most important things you can do while pinning is to give your audience a call to action EACH TIME.
In your pin, encourage them to click the link to go to your blog or product. Or entice them with a free downloadable that can be found in your article or on your website.
When pinning your Zazzle products, you can give them a call to action to “click on the product to customize it”.
The key is to engage them and make them perform an action. This will result in more views to either your blog or Zazzle product views and sales.
Join Me For A Free Facebook Live Q&A on my public Facebook Page!
On Thursday March 15, 2018 at 11:30 a.m EST I will be holding a FACEBOOK LIVE Q&A on my FB page “” to talk about Marketing on Pinterest Tips.
I hope you can join me.
If not you can watch the replay and I will STILL answer your questions later. Just post them in the FB comments under the Q & A LIVE video
Here are the details:
1. I will also answer any questions you have about my recent blog post on Marketing on Pinterest tips.
2. This will be a PUBLIC FREE Q & A for anyone.
Like my FB Page “” so that you will get notified when I start my live broadcast or be on my Facebook page just before 11:30 a.m. EST. We will be live for about 45 minutes.
3. You don’t have to read the blog post to join.
4. I hope you can join me so we can have a great discussion and I can answer your questions live.
If you missed it LIVE, you can always watch the REPLAY.
Look for the REPLAY under the “Videos” section on my FB page “
5. Write your questions in the comments. I will answer them even after the live session is done.
What is your experience with Pinterest and pinning?
How do you find it helps with your Zazzle product promotion?
Post your comments below and let me know!
New Updated FREE e-Book On How To Make Money On Zazzle
Zazzle Diamond ProSeller, Elke Clarke, shares some of her inside tips on how to make money on Zazzle. Download Your Free Copy of her e-book ’10 Insider Tips on How to Make Money on Zazzle’
We have recently updated Elke Clarke’s FREE e-book ’10 Insider Tips on How to Make Money on Zazzle’. Even if you have downloaded the previous version of the e-book, we recommended that you read the new one which contains updates and new material
Download it by clicking >>>HERE<<<<
1 Response to "Pinterest Tips We Learned at Social Media Marketing World"
Hi Elke and Jen,
I have found there are a lot of “0” engagements, on my Pinterest boards, but of those people that click on a product, there are maybe 1 to max of about a max of 9 clicks for any one design. Usually 1 or 2. Sometimes 9 on the products that have been on the site longer.
I have started to add more posts featuring others related posts, and not just my own products.
For example:
since my shop is business cards, I have added posts about resumes, great typefaces and online jobs for college students. Related info others might be interested in.
Sandra McGinley