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Old Zazzle Products and Their Timeless Value

My old Zazzle products are selling. In some cases, it is the first time they have ever sold, as much as 4 years after posting them for sale in my Zazzle store! I think it is because I have been editing the titles and tags of my previously posted Zazzle products. I have been working on “cleaning up” my stores. This includes deleting poor designs and editing the product information on items that I think are still relevant to keep in my stores. In this article, I give you 3 examples of how my old Zazzle products provide me with timeless value.

Old Zazzle Products and Their Timeless Value

Old Zazzle Products and Their Timeless Value
Old Zazzle Products and Their Timeless Value

I am sure you feel the same way as I do about your old Zazzle products. You worked hard to design them, but years have gone by and they have not sold. Or you sold a product once 3 years ago but never again! What can you do? You have already promoted the products on social media or added them to a website.

Recently we have been told by Zazzle to delete products with no views or sales or old designs which are no longer relevant or poorly done. The other option is to edit the titles and tags of these products to give them a new chance of being found in searches. This is what I have chosen to do. I am now seeing results from my editing efforts with royalty earnings. I am now realizing the timeless value of these old Zazzle products.

Sold Zazzle Product For the First Time 4 Years After Posting it For Sale

Sold Zazzle Product For the First Time 4 Years After Posting it For Sale
Sold Zazzle Product For the First Time 4 Years After Posting it For Sale

I made this sunflower rehearsal dinner invitation (see image above) in 2013, edited the tags in 2016, and finally made my first sale in 2017, 4 years after posting it for sale in my Zazzle store!! The only change I made was editing the tags.

The tags are specific and descriptive and obviously helped a customer find and purchase my unique design (see image below).

I sold 50 invitations and made $15.50 US in royalties. That is a nice surprise to see a large royalty payment for a product I made 4 years ago!

First Sale of an Old Zazzle Product 4 Years After Posting for Sale
First Sale of an Old Zazzle Product 4 Years After Posting for Sale

I almost deleted this Sunflower Wedding Rehearsal Dinner Invitation, because it had so few views, all of which were more than a year ago.

Boy am I glad that I edited the tags instead of deleting the product. I would have lost out on my $15.50 royalty payment!!!

This showed me (and now you) the timeless value this previously overlooked product really has.

It Takes Time to See the Effects of Editing Zazzle Product Tags

Sometimes your product will sell soon after making editing changes to the title and tags. However, other times it requires patience because you may only see the positive effects of your edits in a few months. I posted my “Blessed” Baby Photo Pillow (see image below) for sale in 2015, and only made my first sale in 2017!

Sold Zazzle Product 2 Years After Posting For Sale and 9 Months After Editing Tags
Sold Zazzle Product 2 Years After Posting For Sale and 9 Months After Editing Tags

It took 2 years to see the first sale of this pillow (see the second image below) and it only happened 9 months after making the product tag edits.

I knew it was a good design and a desirable product. I just needed to make sure people found my product.

I also had to account for seasonal factors. Baby products are more popular at certain times of the year compared to others. This may explain why it took so long to make a sale, even though I did not do anything else to alter or promote the product.

Even though a product may not sell right away, it still has a timeless value.

Sold 9 Months After Editing The Product Description and Key Words or Tags of This Zazzle Product
Sold 9 Months After Editing The Product Description and Key Words or Tags of This Zazzle Product

Boost the Sales of Previously Sold Products

Boost Visibility of Previously Sold Zazzle Product by Editing Tags and Title
Boost Visibility of Previously Sold Zazzle Product by Editing Tags and Title

I first sold this Tattoo Artist Business Card 5 years ago in 2013 (see image above).

Even though sold products are always visible in the Zazzle marketplace, I had not sold this card again since 2015. I decided to edit the tags in January 2017 and just sold this card in April 2017. The first sale in 1.5 years!! (see image below)

Edit Previously Sold Zazzle Products to Boost Their Visibility for More Sales
Edit Previously Sold Zazzle Products to Boost Their Visibility for More Sales

My card design obviously has timeless value. It just needed to be found by customers.

What you have learned in this article:

  1. Your old Zazzle products have a timeless value that you may not yet have even seen based on your current sales
  2. Editing your Zazzle product tags and titles may result in the first-ever sale of these products
  3. Previously sold products, which are no longer selling, can receive a boost in sales by editing the product information

I want to hear from you. Let’s start a conversation!

Post your questions and comments below.

What old Zazzle products have you edited and seen new sales results from because of your efforts?

Have you tried editing previously selling products that have stopped selling as frequently? Have your editing efforts resulted in renewing the sales of these products?

    7 replies to "Old Zazzle Products and Their Timeless Value"

    • Robert Wahl

      When you make a product… how do you “think” about making tags. In other words, what process do you use for coming up with a great tag… product association, pretending you’re the customer, casting the widest word net possible?

    • Linda Kaun

      Hi Elke,

      What I would find really helpful is a before and after type of post on the actual editing of your tags. What were they before, and then how did you change them to be better? Thanks…

    • Alison Langridge

      Hi Elke

      Thank you for sharing. I enjoy reading your posts and they are very encouraging.

      Is it possible to create one design with wording that can be customised and reuse it to make other products. For example, could you use your sunflower design to make birthday cards or anniversary cards or poster?

      I’ve been trying to make greeting cards but it would seem you have to make each one from scratch which would take forever!

      Many thanks


    • NellieQ Designs

      I think it’s important to stay up on the latest trends and then to make sure that your tags reflect them. For example, I’ve noticed that what was considered “rustic” a few years ago in wedding magazines, might be called “boho chic” or bohemian this year.

    • Larry

      Great info as usual Elke, going to get this done!


    • Linda Kaun

      Thanks Elke, these are all helpful comments from you.

    • Kate

      Thanks for this info! I’m so tag-paranoid! 😉 I do have a question, though. How do you see the tags on a product in the marketplace? I mean, I can see my own tags on the back end, but is there a way to see how someone else’s product was tagged? Take your sunflower card in the post: you made the point of saying that the tags were “specific and descriptive,” but when I click the link to your product all I see is the description and title. Am I missing something?
      Thanks again, and thank a TON for all of your helpful advice!

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