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making more money

The REAL Reason You are Not Making Enough Money on Zazzle

In episode 22 of The Creative and Ambitious Entrepreneur Podcast, we are talking about the REAL reason you are not making enough money on Zazzle. If you aren’t seeing the results you want on Zazzle, trust us when we tell you that we have been in your shoes. Over time, we were able to overcome our struggles and achieve success in our businesses. Let us be your inspiration for you to overcome your obstacles. We’ve made $1.5 million combined on Zazzle, and as Zazzle experts, we can help you.

making more money

About Elke and Jen

But before we dive right in, let us introduce ourselves in case this is your first visit. Welcome to The Creative and Ambitious Entrepreneur Podcast. We’re your hosts, Jen and Elke Clarke. We are a mother and daughter team that started Zazzle e-commerce businesses over 10 years ago and has sold over 15 million dollars-worth and counting of products on Zazzle.
The Creative and Ambitious Entrepreneur Podcast is for you, the creative. We share actionable steps that you can take to make money in your e-commerce business. In each episode, we will take you one step closer to achieving freedom with your time, location, and finances.
We believe that a profitable e-commerce business is what opens the doors for you to start living your dream life if you work smarter, not harder, use the right tools and follow the proven roadmap. We’re here to give you the tools you need to make your dream life happen. Let’s get started!
Check out our stories of how we overcame our struggles on Zazzle and what we learned about how to become successful on Zazzle. For all the details, listen to the ENTIRE episode of The Creative and Ambitious Entrepreneur Podcast on your preferred streaming platform.

Elke’s story of struggle and success on Zazzle. 

I (Elke) started my Zazzle business in 2007. At first, I treated my Zazzle store like a hobby rather than a business. I expected it to be much easier than it was. I assumed it was simply a matter of putting up some products, and from those products, I’d make lots of money. 

I quickly learned that wasn’t the case. In the first year, I only made $90. If you make less than $100 on Zazzle in one year, they don’t pay you out. I worked for an entire year on Zazzle and didn’t get paid. I was extremely frustrated. I couldn’t understand why this wasn’t working. I wanted so badly for something to stick and to finally make the sales I wanted.
I had to step back from my own ego and look closely at what I was doing. I needed to admit that my methods weren’t working and I needed to find a better way. Unfortunately, there weren’t many experts giving advice about Zazzle at the time. There was some information available about using e-commerce platforms like Redbubble and Amazon, but these are very different from Zazzle. 

While there were some people giving recommendations about using Zazzle, they were typically people with designer badges around the bronze level, meaning that they had made around $1,000 on Zazzle. I wanted to follow the advice of the top experts, people who had made more than $100,000, but they seemed to be guarding their knowledge. 

I had to work through trial and error, but I eventually figured out how Zazzle works. I called them The 5 Strategies™ which I developed for success on Zazzle. While I don’t regret it, I wish I had a mentor that could have helped me get to where I am today faster. 
If you are struggling to make money on Zazzle, we definitely understand because in the past we struggled too. However, now Jen is a Gold Zazzle ProDesigner and Elke is a Diamond Zazzle ProDesigner. with combined take-home pay of $1.5 million. We can assure you that success is possible on Zazzle. 

We have seen it for ourselves and our students. We want to help you make it happen too. 


Why treating your Zazzle business like a hobby isn’t working. 

The 3 Pillars: Perceivable, Passive, Profitable™ make up the business framework which we developed and used to build our million-dollar Zazzle businesses. We want you to understand that while a successful Zazzle business is “Passive,” that doesn’t mean it doesn’t take active work. You have to put in the effort to set your business up to work well for you. There is always an element of active participation in your business. 
You can’t treat your business like a hobby and expect it to be a lucrative source of income for you. To make more money, you have to treat your business like a business! The action steps you do in a business are vastly different than what you would do for a hobby. 

You can’t make sales without products, and you want those products to be desirable. You have to put consistent time into it and work strategically to set it up. When you work smarter, and not harder, your business will start to work for you. You can’t expect to treat it like a hobby, though, and have it be a profitable source of income for you. 
making more money

How you can follow the advice of experts to earn the money you want. 

We didn’t have mentors when we were first starting our Zazzle businesses. It was nearly impossible to find expert advice for setting up a successful Zazzle business. This is one of the reasons we began teaching and mentoring. As Gold and Diamond Zazzle ProDesigners, we wanted to help other designers achieve their sales goals and live their dream lives. We encourage you to seek out the advice of experts. Look for people who have been where you are and were able to have the kind of success you wish for. 

When investing in training, you do get what you pay for, but be sure to do research before investing. Inquire about the trainer or coach’s level of expertise and success on Zazzle specifically. While some people may mean well, they might not be giving the right or best advice for you. You don’t want to take the wrong advice and waste time following it. Listen to Zazzle experts who have achieved what you want and who have a proven strategy that has worked for their students. 

Create Your Dream Life With an Online Zazzle e-Commerce Business: The Bottomline

sell a million dollars on Zazzle
If you’re struggling, making more money on Zazzle may feel impossible. However, we can assure you that earning money on Zazzle is attainable. We know because we’ve been where you are. Using our proven 5 Strategies™, we overcame our struggles on Zazzle and created a Perceivable, Passive, Profitable™ online e-commerce business using Zazzle that has made money for us for the past 13 years. Now it’s your turn. How will you overcome your obstacles that you struggle with?
To find out how you can access the step-by-step proven roadmap to implement on our proven 5 Strategies™ to start and scale your Zazzle business, check out The Profit by Design Academy™. Be sure to also check out The Creative CEO Mastermind™️, our 6-month coaching program designed to help you develop a 6-figure business plan and embrace your inner CEO!
Thank you so much for checking out The Creative and Ambitious Entrepreneur Podcast! We hope this episode gives you insight into why you are not making the money you want on Zazzle and how you can make a change. 
If you enjoyed this episode please take a minute to subscribe, rate, and review the podcast. Each review helps us reach more creative entrepreneurs like you working to create a profitable e-commerce business. 
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 @msjenclarke and @elkeclarke
We’d love to hear your biggest takeaways from the episode. See you back here next week!

About your hosts

Jen and Elke Clarke are a mother-daughter duo that empowers women entrepreneurs to make money online. Through courses and coaching, Jen and Elke help women (and men) become successful creative entrepreneurs on Zazzle and e-commerce. Combined Jen and Elke have sold over 15 million dollars-worth of products, and earned over $1.5 million combined through their businesses on Zazzle. Jen and Elke have influenced and transformed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people worldwide with their free content, paid and private coaching.

They are international, award-winning authors. Click the links to purchase their books through Amazon: Earn Around The World and Create Online and Grow Rich.

Jen and Elke Clarke have been featured in Yahoo Finance as TOP 5 e-commerce coaches.