Have you ever considered Youtube as a marketing tool to market your Zazzle store? It is a unique and free marketing tool that has many advantages. When you think about promoting, you might think of the typical social media platforms like Pinterest, Instagram, and Facebook where you can use photographs as a visual way to showcase your Zazzle products. But video is a great medium to use to create authority in your niche by providing valuable information and entertaining your audience. Today we have a special guest, Adam Shaw, who uses his YouTube channel to effectively promote his Zazzle store. I and my daughter, Jen Clarke, did an extensive video interview with Adam about Youtube promotion, which you can watch in the video link below, plus we have provided you with a summary and more great tips in this article.
Youtube as a Marketing Tool: How to Use YouTube Promotion to Make Money on Zazzle
Setting up a YouTube channel to provide videos that educate or entertain your audience leads to you becoming known as a go-to person in your niche. If you haven’t done so already and you are thinking about YouTube promotion for your Zazzle store, then you will learn a lot from this article and a video interview with our guest speaker, Adam Shaw. His YouTube channel is Bravura Media Company and his Zazzle store is called Alley Cat Shirts. Adam talks about several strategies that if you perform correctly will lead to growing viewership, online authority, and eventual sales. Follow these set of guidelines and you’ll be well on your way to growing your YouTube promotion and eventually your Zazzle sales.
Below is a summary of the answers Adam gave to the questions we asked in the video. We hope you find it as informative as we did, and inspire you to create your own YouTube channel.
Youtube as a Marketing Tool: Why did you choose to use YouTube as a promotional platform for your Zazzle store?
YouTube has become a magnificent asset that everyone should have in their online marketing strategy. The platform has over 30 million daily users that are hungry for content that either educates, entertains, or does both. The platform, which is owned by Google, is regarded as the 2nd largest search engine on the internet. What’s even more fascinating is that Youtube is also considered a hybrid form of social media in that users can leave questions and or comment on the material.
Also, Google regularly ranks YouTube videos on Google search result pages in order to have people stay on their platform. There are really so many reasons why you should have a presence on YouTube.
What is your background on YouTube?
I have 3+ years of experience on YouTube. As of today, I have accumulated 1,113 Subscribers, and 325,000 views and uploaded 343 videos. But to be honest, the stat that I’m most proud of is that audiences have watched over 600,000 minutes of video from my channel. To put this into perspective 600K minutes is equivalent to 1 year and 59 days of watched content. If you look at these numbers like I do, you can see the incredible amount of potential that’s available in reaching new audiences for your Zazzle products with YouTube promotion.
Tell us about your Zazzle experience.
I have been a seller and designer on Zazzle for 9+ years and feature products with historical designs, whether they be vintage maps, photographs, or old documents. The products I design range from postcards, pillows, and blankets all the way to cornhole boards, which actually sell pretty well if you could imagine.
How do you promote your Zazzle store and Zazzle products?
Certainly, for a while, I had trouble trying to market my historically designed Zazzle products. Eventually, I realized that vlogging and more specifically YouTube could be used as a new marketing avenue for my Zazzle products. YouTube has been the most successful for me.
What kind of video content do you recommend posting on YouTube?
Produce video content that people want to watch. It took me 1 year to learn this lesson. Oh boy did I learn it well!
I was selfishly producing videos that were direct pitches selling my various Zazzle products. The videos provided no upfront value and were comparable to a 1 am info-commercial. Doing this leads me to a grand total of 0 sales and no YouTube authority growth.
I then asked myself, why would anyone want to watch a YouTube video that was predominately an advertisement? My answer was “NOBODY”. Then I thought about why people watch YouTube videos in the first place.
The answer is for entertainment or education! I realized that if I could produce video content that is educated and or entertaining, it would build trust with new audiences (gaining subscribers) and also it would increase video watch time, which is a YouTube factor that ranks videos in search results due to popularity.
Lots of content is absolutely KING. It’s a simple concept that leads to really great results for YouTube promotion.
Why do you recommend uploading a lot of YouTube video content?
You need to upload a massive amount of videos for so many reasons. One reason is that you will be competing with millions of other videos, and some of your videos will do well and rank up on search results. Other videos will not do so well and never will see the light of day.
Uploading lots of video content regularly and consistently sends a message to YouTube that you’re taking the platform seriously, which in turn contributes to video ranking.
Finally, having a large collection of videos also expands the capacity of total channel watch time, which is easily the MOST important ranking factor on YouTube in regard to channel growth.
How do you build subscribers on YouTube?
While YouTube is considered to be the 2nd largest search engine online, it is also a social media platform. Largely because people can interact and leave comments on videos. If you can realize that YouTube is a community of people watching content and you can become an active participant in that community you will gain trust and authority. As an added bonus, engaging with user comments pushes a video’s rank upward due to increased popularity.
So to build subscribers, it is important to like and reply to comments posted on your videos. You can also subscribe and comment on other people’s channels.
What can you do to market your Zazzle products on YouTube?
I put hyperlinks to my Zazzle store and products throughout my YouTube channel. I have links in my video descriptions and my channel tabs. Try to put your links in subtly and within context. Avoid self-promotion as it can have a negative effect on your customers and viewers. But providing backlinks of products and your Zazzle Store still provides a potentially nice SEO boast on Google search results for those links if your video is popular.
The best place to mention that you are selling a product is at the end of your video.
Once you become an authority in your niche on YouTube, you automatically become the go-to guy or gal for information and or related products. Being an authority or expert in a chosen niche online builds creditability, trust, and the desire for people to do business with you whether that be with linked products on videos or customers actually reaching out and contacting you.
Make sure you add your email in your video’s description. Also, add your contact details on your profile and channel pages.
What have you learned from this article?
- YouTube promotion is a great way to build your niche authority and promote your Zazzle store and products
- Videos are a great medium to engage with people to provide information and build trust with your customer
- Make engaging and educational videos for your YouTube channel that are about 10-30 minutes long
- Be consistent and upload as many videos as you can, at least one video a week
- Create relationships with your viewers by commenting and liking and subscribing
- Use subtle ways to market your Zazzle store and products within your videos for the best success
- Add your contact information in your video descriptions and on your channel page
Do you have a YouTube channel?
Are you promoting your Zazzle store and products through your YouTube videos?
Let me know how your experience with YouTube promotion is going!
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3 replies to "How to Use YouTube Promotion to Make Money on Zazzle"
A little overwhelmed by the info in this video.
I may have to watch again to break it down into sections if things to do.
I do feel that I am learning though even if still circling on the outside.
Thanks Francesca
I also use slide show sites but also learned to take those and convert them into videos for Youtube. It’s quite a task in itself doing this but the extra visits can help increase visibility of our shop. Good info! thank you Elke!
Elke and Jen and Adam,
Thanks a lot for this episode. I learned a lot. For the longest time, I’ve held off promoting my Z site and part of it had to do with “figuring out” how to not sell my products but give value instead. And out of that, build relationships, which then create a space to sell in. I’m still learning. I’ve only done a couple of really bad videos so far…. time to jump in there and keep going with it. You inspired me. Thanks. Linda