Stop jumping down the rabbit hole that is procrastination! In today’s post, I (Jen) am helping you understand what procrastination is and how you can stop doing it. This is something that affects everyone, and it can be really hard to just stop doing it.
However, understanding what procrastination is, deciphering why it’s happening to you, and then having an arsenal of tools to help combat the issue is bound to help you and your online business alike. That’s what I’m discussing today, as I know firsthand how frustrating and damaging procrastination can be.
Without further ado, let me help you procrastinate less so you can squeeze more out of every day.
First, let’s gain a clear understanding of what procrastination is. This is when you put things off or distract yourself with other things to avoid doing a certain task. Many times, you end up going down a rabbit hole that has nothing to do with the task at hand, leading to a lot of wasted time.
Procrastination usually occurs for a reason. The Profit by Design Academy® Coaching Program has five strategies included: Establish, Create, Announce, Align, and Analyze. If hearing any of these words or categories gives you discomfort or feels triggering, there’s likely a reason for that. It probably means you don’t like doing the tasks associated with that particular phase. And thus, you are prone to procrastinating on them.
Now, let’s try to dig deeper into that discomfort with certain tasks that leads to procrastination. You need to ask yourself, why do you feel this discomfort? Is it due to a genuine fear of doing the task? Or are you uneducated about how to fulfill the task? Or perhaps you need structure around the task to make it easier to tackle? Be honest with yourself as you answer.
I know that I used to procrastinate a ton on creating designs for my own Zazzle store. I would use researching things as a method of putting off the actual design process. Before I knew it, I’d have spent hours browsing Pinterest to locate trends. From there, I’d buy graphics to use but would not have any time left to actually design. Then, I’d get so overwhelmed by how behind I was that I’d stop trying to do it altogether.
Does this sound familiar to you? Procrastination can show you what you hate doing and where your weak spots are in running your business. That means that once you’ve identified these items, you need to examine whether you can and should outsource these tasks to get them off your plate. Decipher what you should spend your time on and what you shouldn’t waste time on, and that will help you figure out what to outsource.
I have a few effective tips on how you can stop procrastination in its tracks. First, you need to really analyze what tasks you’re procrastinating on and figure out if they’re something you should be doing, as mentioned above. Once you really look hard at all these tasks, you can purposely change your approach towards them and perspective on them in order to push yourself to get them done the way they need to be.
Journaling is another great way to help combat procrastination. Start by writing down things you should be doing for your online business but that you find yourself putting off. Write in why each item is important so you make that connection.
Another tip is to identify what your procrastination habits are. Maybe it’s doom-scrolling on Instagram or pouring yourself over Pinterest. Whatever it is, write down your habits then record how much time you’re spending doing each whenever you catch yourself procrastinating. This makes you conscious of what you’re supposed to be doing and what you’re not and will help you better control your time.
One more simple tip is to use your phone timer to help you manage your time more wisely. Set a timer and commit to getting a certain task done before the alarm goes off. Focus on just that and you won’t leave any room to procrastinate!
Finally, being part of a community or having someone to hold you accountable really helps with procrastination. For instance, we offer co-working sessions for the The Profit by Design Academy® members. These occur virtually but are a great hour where everyone encourages each other to get work done.
Even though it may not seem like it at the moment, procrastination really harms your bottom line. Every moment NOT spent on work is one away from the business you yearn to create and encourage to thrive.
With that being said, don’t let procrastination steal more from your success! Use these tips to put an end to it today.
Thank you so much for reading!
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If you’re ready to take the first steps in starting and scaling your own Zazzle store, join The Profit by Design Academy® Coaching Program today! And while you’re at it, don’t forget to grab The Online Business Starter Pack™ as well.
See you back here next week!
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Jen and Elke Clarke are a mother-daughter duo that empowers women entrepreneurs to make money online. Through courses and coaching, Jen and Elke help women (and men) become successful creative entrepreneurs on Zazzle and e-commerce. Combined Jen and Elke have sold over 15 million dollars-worth of products, and earned over $1.5 million combined through their businesses on Zazzle. Jen and Elke have influenced and transformed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people worldwide with their free content, paid and private coaching.
They are international, award-winning authors. Click the links to purchase their books through Amazon: Earn Around The World and Create Online and Grow Rich.
Jen and Elke Clarke have been featured in Yahoo Finance as TOP 5 e-commerce coaches.
“FREE Jen and Elke’s “150 Trending Zazzle Niches and Designs” Guide”