There is no better time than right now to have a successful online business. What you need to know is how to make it a successful one in order for you to make money. Coronavirus has shifted our realities and you are now looking for a way to create more stability with your finances. We understand completely. My daughter, Jen Clarke, and I, Elke Clarke, are E-Commerce Online Business success stories. We have made over 1.5 million dollars online licensing our graphic designs, art, and photography to Zazzle, an e-commerce shopping site.
In 2008 during the Great Depression, we built the foundations and implemented 5 strategies for our E-Commerce Online Businesses to move them towards success. Just like in 2008, we are going through a tough time right now, and most likely heading into a recession. This is exactly why we tell you the 3 things you must do to create a successful online business, to help you during these uncertain times.
Coronavirus Has Resulted in a Shift Towards Online Business
With the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, social distancing, and the economic changes happening in the world, there has been a major increase in online businesses. Brick-and-mortar businesses are pivoting and are starting to operate online with a new business platform. Shopping online has sky-rocketed. E-Commerce is booming. You’re witnessing a monumental shift in history towards online business models. The traditional ways of working are not the way of the future. Because of this, you are probably looking for an online business plan that you can follow and a platform that will work for you.
The Perfect Online Business Platform for You
Zazzle is a Print on Demand company that has an online store where customers can find products with unique designs. Customers can also customize these designs and see the changes in real time.
As a creative, you can open up a virtual store and post products for sale with your graphic designs, art, and photography. When a customer buys your product. Zazzle does everything from printing the product to shipping, billing, and customer service. Then you receive a royalty payment. This is one of the main reasons why this is the perfect online business platform for you. You are able to work from home and Zazzle deals with all the rest. Awesome!!!
There’s more to it and I would love to share more with you.
Private message me on Instagram so we can chat. @elkeclarke.
Thing You Must Do #1 – Define Your Customer Avatar
All successful companies have a defined customer avatar. It’s a fictional person who would be the perfect customer for the product or service the company wants to sell. In order to sell anything online, and especially have a successful online business, you need to know exactly who you are selling to.
Even though it seems odd to describe all the details about ONE person when you want to sell to thousands of people, it works. Picture them in your mind. Have them present for all the decisions you make for your business. When you visualize your avatar, you visualize the potential success of your business. If you narrow it down to one person, you realize there are many people shopping online EXACTLY like your defined customer avatar.
Take out a piece of paper. Write down everything you can about your avatar. Brain dump everything down. To get you started, think about…
- Age
- Family details
- Where they live and profession
- What are their hobbies?
- How do they act?
- What would my customer avatar want to buy?
- How would my customer avatar find my products?
- Where would my customer avatar hang out on social media?
Thing You Must Do #2 – Quality Production Plan vs Quantity Production Plan
There is a huge misunderstanding when it comes to E-Commerce and having a successful online business. Most people think you get more sales if you post thousands of products for sale on Zazzle. I am sure this thought has crossed your mind more than once. It is normal. The logic seems sound. More products, more chances to sell. But you have to be weary of this.
Making more products can lead to more sales. But the sales only happen if you post really great products for sale that customers actually want to buy. If you have thousands of products for sale that no one wants, then you are very unlikely to make sales. It is all about quality over quantity.
It’s also true that if you make fewer products but with intention, it takes less time and you make more sales. This is why quality is so important.
It’s also true that you have to do the math and know the number of good sellers you need to sell to make 5-figures monthly. That way you can strategically plan and take action.
Producing products with a plan to provide quality products is key. You need to make sure that your avatar would buy your products. Not that you are just whipping out things because you think having more quantity will guarantee sales.
On your piece of paper, start to write down the type of quality products your avatar would be interested in. Remember, sales equal production with quality in mind, not quantity.
Thing You Must Do #3– Asses and Pivot
You need to know what your results are monthly so you can determine if you are reaching your earnings goals. For most, assessing numbers can be scary, especially within your business. But you need to know exactly where you are so you can get to where you want to be. If you think you are doing well, when really you are not… then there is a big problem. In order to have a successful online business, you need to buckle down and look at those numbers.
Once you do this, you will realize what gaps you need to fill. Are you reaching your goals? Or are you actually way further behind than you thought? When you know exactly what’s going on, you will stop wasting your time thinking that everything is all good. Or more importantly, you will stop wasting your time fretting about the fact you are worse than you actually are! As I said, numbers can be scary, but you need to get over your fears so that you can use the information you find to assess what you do in the future for your business. You need to take this information and pivot to direct your energy to things that are working.
Take out another piece of paper and write these things down:
- What are your monthly sales and how do they stack up against the earnings goals you set?
- If they are NOT on track, figure out why and then pivot to do things that improve sales.
- But if they are on track, figure out why and then do MORE to keep scaling.
Stop doing what isn’t working, to free up more time to do what is working.

Join The Scale Your E-Commerce Online Business Challenge
Have you wanted to start an E-Commerce online business but didn’t know which one is the best for you? Have you been trying to create a successful online business on Zazzle, but never earn the amount you want? Do you believe it is possible to make your dream of owning your own successful online business come true if you have the right coaches and proven strategies to guide you?
If you said “Yes!” to one or all of these, then you will LOVE our Scale Your E-Commerce Online Business Challenge 2020.
We started on April 27, but you can still sign up! Every day, we will be going LIVE at 2 pm EST until May 1, 2020. Plus, you can watch the replays if you are not able to join live or you missed them!
Jen and Elke Clarke, Zazzle Experts, will be taking you through the challenge. You will be building your brand, improving your ability to do proper titles and tags, and learning how collections can help you promote with ease and without being “salesy”.
Everyone who has joined us so far has made huge changes to their Zazzle businesses because they realized they weren’t doing the things I have mentioned in this article.
Click here to sign up for the challenge and get your free worksheet.

Want To Scale Your Business Fast NOW?
This is for you if you don’t want to wait a minute more to start your Zazzle business properly and fast. Enrollment is open for The Profit by Design Academy™ and you can become a member today. If you join before May 1, 2020, you will receive a STELLAR BONUS.
All of our students who have implemented the work and used my 5 Strategies properly have seen amazing results. They have scaled their businesses fast.
The best part?… some of them are having their BEST SALES MONTHS EVER RIGHT NOW, during these uncertain times with Coronavirus.
Learn all about The Profit by Design Academy™ here.
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