free JEn and Elke's “150 Trending Zazzle Niches and Designs" Guide

How to Make Money on Zazzle 10 Easy Tips

Jen and Elke Clarke
By Jen & Elke Clarke

Table of Contents

If you are looking for how to make money on Zazzle, then keep reading. Zazzle is not a get rich quick scheme, it is a viable e-commerce business that we, Jen and Elke Clarke, have used to earn a living for 14 years. Once you set up and run your Zazzle store properly, Zazzle can be a great platform to sell products using your creativity. In this article we are going to cover 10 easy tips to help you make money on Zazzle.

make money on zazzle

“In December 2020, Zazzle had 22 million visitors compared to 40 million for RedBubble. That’s why it’s important to also promote on social media and Pinterest to get people to see what you have for sale on Zazzle.


Who are we, Jen and Elke Clarke, and how can we help you?

But before we dive right in, let us introduce ourselves in case this is your first visit. Welcome to The Creative and Ambitious Entrepreneur blog. We’re Jen and Elke Clarke. We are a mother and daughter team that started Zazzle e-commerce businesses over 10 years ago and have sold over 15 million dollars-worth and counting of products on Zazzle.
The Creative and Ambitious Entrepreneur blog is for you, the creative. We share actionable steps that you can take to make money in your e-commerce business. In each article, we will take you one step closer to achieving freedom with your time, location, and finances. 
We believe that a profitable e-commerce business is what opens the doors for you to start living your dream life if you work smarter, not harder, use the right tools and follow the proven roadmap. We’re here to give you the tools you need to make your dream life happen. Let’s get started!

Make Money on Zazzle Tip 1: Nail Your Niche

Zazzle Millionaires

To sell well you must decide and focus your efforts on a niche in which you will sell well rather than trying to sell products in many niches all at once. The way to find this niche that will be profitable for you, do research on Google Trends and Google searches to see what people are searching for. Next, make a list of the interests and skills you have. If you love fly fishing and are good at watercolor, you could easily create products geared towards the fishing niche painting different types of fish or fishing accessories. These paintings or other graphic assets and photos can then be uploaded onto products Zazzle sells and posted in your Zazzle store for sale. Since you love the niche and are a customer yourself for this niche, you will be on the pulse of what people want, which will help you know what products to make that are popular. If you want help with this click here to download our free Nail Your Niche Worksheet.

Once you choose your Zazzle store name and open it on Zazzle, the URL can not be changed. We suggest coming up with a name that aligns with what you plan on selling in your store. Do a trademark search on TESS to see if the name you want to use is trademarked. Also check on Google to see if the name is already being used by well known companies. If these searches don’t come up with anything then you are ready to lock in your store name on Zazzle.

Make Money on Zazzle Tip 3: Set Up Your Store

Zazzle Millionaires
After opening your store, it’s time to set up your Zazzle store homepage. To create a professional looking Zazzle store you must add the following to your store:
  • name
  • logo
  • banner
  • about section
  • media section
Zazzle guides you with prompts that will give you notice of your percent completion. It’s easy and you can do it quickly.

Make Money on Zazzle Tip 4: Set an Earnings Goal

When you are starting out, you may not be thinking about an earnings goal. You may not even know what might be possible. So let’s help you with some numbers. Some of our Profit by Design Academy™ Bootcamp graduates started out by making only about $100 a month in the first 3 months but their income increased as they implemented more of the training. Now they are making $1,000 a month or more. Some of our students are making $5K, $10 and even $15K a month. It all depends on if you do the work and how well you implement The 5 Strategies that we teach. However, these students each set an earnings goal. We recommend you use our ERSD Goal Setting Technique to help you set goals that you will be happy setting and working towards. Click here to get all the details.

Make Money on Zazzle Tip 5: Commit To Working 20 Hours a Month

make money on zazzle with Jen and Elke Clarke
Could you carve out 20 hours a month (5 hours a week, or less than 1 hour a day)? That’s what students did in Profit by Design Academy™ Bootcamp. Using our 5 Strategies and implementing the work schedule we recommend in The Profit by Design Academy™ Bootcamp students, including Brandon and many others have reached 5- and 6-figure lifetime earnings working only 20 hours a week. 
Now it is time for you to commit to the number of hours you are willing to work on Zazzle. Your other decision must be, are you doing it on your own (and most likely will have to work more hours) or will you get help? Brandon worked for 5 years on his own on Zazzle and made less than $500 a year. In 3 years, with The Profit by Design Academy™ Bootcamp he has earned $100K+ and become a Gold ProDesigner on Zazzle. There are other examples of students that have busy day jobs but have used our training to stick to working 20 hours a month on their Zazzle stores and are successful.

Make Money on Zazzle Tip 6: Set Your Product Royalty

Zazzle let’s you set your product royalty between 5% – 99%. The royalty you set is added on top of the base price of each product Zazzle sells. We recommend you stick to between 10% – 14.9% for you to be competitive in the Zazzle marketplace. This range also makes sure you do not incur a clawback fee from Zazzle. We recommend this range for products and designs that we call general market items. For other items like canvases of artwork or photography or any product that might sell traditionally as a giclee or limited edition you can set the royalty based on what you would charge in this artist market.

Make Money on Zazzle Tip 7: Create Lots of Products

being an entrepreneur

In Profit by Design Academy™ Bootcamp we recommend making 100 intentional products a month using our special production plan. Using a targeted and intentional approach to posting products for sale in your store, you will create an inventory of workers that will sell for you passively while you do more fun things than work. Creating at least 100 products a month will build up your inventory over time so that in 1 year you will have 1,200 intentional products working for you to make money on Zazzle.

Make Money on Zazzle Tip 8: Sell Personalized Products

Zazzle is the only e-commerce platform where customers can customize the products they see for sale. You can create products with the Zazzle Design Tool that customers can add their own text and images to using your templates that you set up. This means that you can sell the same product over and over again even though each customer can customize it differently. We highly recommend designing and selling products that have a customization option.

Make Money on Zazzle Tip 9: Promote Your Products

being an entrepreneur

In December 2020, Zazzle had 22 million visitors compared to 40 million for RedBubble. Click here for stats.  That’s why it’s important to also promote on social media and Pinterest to get people to see what you have for sale on Zazzle. We recommend pinning your Zazzle products frequently to your Pinterest account. It’s easy because Zazzle has a Pinterest pinning button right next to each product. Once you have posted your product for sale, just click the pin button and pin to Pinterest. Easy!

Make Money on Zazzle Tip 10: Earn Referral Income

Zazzle as an affiliate program. You can earn 15% promoting products from other Zazzle designers and brands. Awesome! Right? You can also earn 35% if you promote and sell your own products on Zazzle. #MAKEMOREMONEY. You can do this by enrolling in The Promoter Program 2.0.  There are no downsides and you can still promote other products besides your own and make 15%. Click this link to read all about it find out how to join. 

Make Money on Zazzle Tips - Summary

being an entrepreneur
Thinking of setting up an e-commerce online store using Zazzle? If so, here are 10 easy tips to help you make money on Zazzle:
  1. 1. Nail your niche
  1. 2. Choose your store name
  1. 3. Set up your store
  1. 4. Set an earnings goal
  1. 5. Commit to working 20 hours a month
  1. 6. Set your product royalty
  1. 7. Create lots of products
  1. 8. Sell personalized products
  1. 9. Promote your products
  1. 10. Earn referral income
If you want to learn more, check out our other blog posts and join our free private FB group for Zazzle designers where we do free challenges, free training and more to help you make money on Zazzle.
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The Creative And Ambitious Entrepreneur FB Group with Jen and Elke Clarke Zazzle Designers
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Get a copy of Elke Clarke’s book “Create Online and Grow Rich”

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About the authors

Jen and Elke Clarke are a mother-daughter duo that empowers women entrepreneurs to make money online. Through courses and coaching, Jen and Elke help women (and men) become successful creative entrepreneurs on Zazzle and e-commerce. Combined Jen and Elke have earned over $1.5 million combined through their businesses on Zazzle. Jen and Elke have influenced and transformed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people worldwide with their free content, paid and private coaching.

They are international, award-winning authors. Click the links to purchase their books through Amazon: Earn Around The World and Create Online and Grow Rich.

Jen and Elke Clarke have been featured in Yahoo Finance as TOP 5 e-commerce coaches.