Zazzle Font Hacks For Designers - Jen and Elke Clarke

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Zazzle Font Hacks For Designers by Jen Clarke Top Zazzle Earner

Creating beautiful text-based designs to sell on Zazzle products can be easy if you know the key Zazzle font hacks of the newly redesigned Zazzle design tool. Manipulate the shape, spacing, placement, and color of the fonts to create designs that sell well on Zazzle. There is no need for Photoshop or other graphics programs because Zazzle offers hundreds of fonts you can use commercial-free to create niche products like wedding invitations, stationery, and party supplies for special occasions like birthdays and anniversaries, holiday cards, business cards, and more. All you need to know are the key Zazzle font hacks that I outline for you here in this article and in my Zazzle Font Hacks Training Video.

Zazzle Font Hacks For Designers by Jen Clarke Top Zazzle Earner
Zazzle Font Hacks For Designers. Article by Jen Clarke, Top Seller on Zazzle

Zazzle Font Hacks For Designers

I will show you Zazzle font hacks that will easily transform your designs from standard simple font type options into unique designs so that you can make more money online with Zazzle. To date, I have sold over 1.8 million dollars worth of Zazzle products using these font hacks and other Zazzle design tool hacks.

This article is Part 1 in the 4-Part Series on Zazzle Design Tool Hacks.

Here in Part 1, I am going to show you the following 4 Zazzle Font Hacks:

  1. Change the letter spacing and line spacing of text on Zazzle designs
  2. Adjust the curvature of the text for unique Zazzle font designs
  3. Use vertical orientation for additional Zazzle font design options
  4. Play with color and hex codes of Zazzle fonts to maximize your earning potential

These 4 Zazzle Font Hacks are easy for you to learn and use. You will be designing unique and beautiful products on Zazzle in no time using these font hacks

So let’s get started!

Change Letter Spacing and Line Spacing of Text on Zazzle Designs

Using letter spacing and line spacing when designing a product is important. You can make a design look more modern by playing around with spacing. Use these tools to make your fonts more noticeable and prominent. By playing around with both of these options on the Zazzle design tool, you can make your design unique.

  • Make sure your letter spacing looks eye-pleasing and not too far apart.
  • Use line spacing to make your lines of text more defined.

Adjust the Curvature of Text for Unique Zazzle Font Designs

The curvature option in the Zazzle design tool is an amazing feature. By adding a curve to your text as a design element in your overall design, it provides unique options for you to explore. The curved font can be the focus of your product or it can complement an image that you upload. You can make the text both convex and concave.

  • Use the curvature font function on the design tool to make your font stand out.
  • Balance out a circular frame or image by curving your text.
  • Change the degrees of the curvature function to make your curve broader or tighter.
  • Use a negative degree to make your text curve convex.

Use Vertical Orientation For Additional Zazzle Font Design Options

You can make your product design interesting by using vertical text orientation. It can be the focal point of your design or complement an image.

  • Choose the vertical orientation option when you want to highlight one side of your product with text.
  • Letter spacing and line spacing do not work with the vertical orientation option.

Play with Color and Hex Codes of Zazzle Fonts to Maximize Your Earning Potential

By changing the colors of your text, you can make a design pop or create popular color variations of the same core design. Use trending colors. Make your fonts match the images that you use by using complimenting colors. By changing the color of your font, your design becomes unique and interesting.

  • Use similar, contrasting, or complimenting colors in your design.
  • By using the color picker, you can drag your mouse to choose a color you like.
  • Input your hex code if you know exactly what shade you would like in your design.

Watch The Video Tutorial on the Zazzle Font Hacks For Designers Covered in this Article

Next Week’s Article! Part 2 of the 4-Part Series

Do you want to use Zazzle photo templates properly to increase your Zazzle sales? In Part 2 of this 4 Part Series on Zazzle Design Tool Hacks,  I give you the hacks in the blog post and provide an extremely helpful video tutorial on how to use sample photos effectively as Zazzle Photo Templates to make sure you increase your chance of selling your amazing products on Zazzle.

Get One of Your Zazzle Designs Critiqued By Elke Clarke and Jen Clarke

Top Zazzle sellers, Elke Clarke, and Jen Clarke give you access to their expertise and years of knowledge when you enroll in The Design Critique Bootcamp™ with Elke Clarke and Jen Clarke. Choose one design and Elke and Jen will critique it during a live Zoom call. Have Elke and Jen improve your design and increase your ability to sell it on Zazzle. You retain all the royalties when you sell your new design.

What’s included:

  • Participate in a LIVE Video Zoom call with Elke Clarke and Jen Clarke
  • Have Elke Clarke and Jen Clarke critique one of your designs and provide design suggestions
  • Keep all the Zazzle royalties from your revised design
  • 1 Hour Video Session – 5 People max. each participant will get of their Zazzle design critiqued.
  • There will be 5 critiques in total.
  • Learn from your own critique as well as your fellow classmates.
  • Two available dates to sign up:
    1. Wednesday, February 13, 2019, at 11:30 a.m EST/EDT
    2. Wednesday, February 27, 2019, at 11:30 a.m EST/EDT
  • If you cannot join LIVE, you will have access to the video recording and be able to ask questions later to make sure you understand the suggestions.
  • YOU CAN SELL THE DESIGN that Elke and/or Jen make for you. You retain 100% commercial rights.
  • Results may vary, however, several past participants sold their updated designs soon after the boot camp. I personally made a $150 sale within a week of participating in The Design Critique Bootcamp™
  • Do you have designs that are not selling BUT want THEM TO SELL on Zazzle?
  • This opportunity may be the best investment you ever made for yourself and your Zazzle business.


Click here to enroll now for the LOW price of $49.97!


The Design Critique Bootcamp™ with Elke Clarke and Jen Clarke
The Design Critique Bootcamp™ with Elke Clarke and Jen Clarke, Top Sellers on Zazzle

What Have You Learned In This Article?

  1. Use the letter spacing and line spacing tools to make your fonts have more of an impact.
  2. The curvature tool allows you to create a unique shape with your fonts.
  3. By using the vertical orientation option, you can optimize the space in your design.
  4. Use the color picker or choose your own hex code to change your font color to compliment your design colors.

Let Me Know What You Think!

Did you find my Zazzle font hacks helpful? Let me know what you have been using in your designs. I would love to hear from you. Comment below!

About the author:

Jen Clarke is the author of the upcoming book “Earn Around The World“. Jen, along with her mother, Elke Clarke, mentor and teach digital creatives online marketing and business strategies to build a profitable eCommerce business. The 5 Step Profit Plan VIP Mentoring Program™ is the program that Elke and Jen have used to become top sellers on Zazzle.


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