It is time to start setting goals for your Zazzle business. Last year is still fresh in your mind, and you need to make executive decisions on how to make this year better for your business. To succeed in the future, you must plan and reflect on your past achievements.
The year 2017 was an amazing year for me and my daughter, Jennifer. Setting specific goals played a key role in why we had a stellar year. We accomplished many things. Achievements that we didn’t think would be possible a year prior. We had a plan and worked with a single-minded purpose to carry out our plan. It worked for us and we achieved 100% of our goals.
To make next year a monumental year for your business, you need to set goals that are realistic and implement your strategic plan.
Keep reading for tips and a worksheet on how you can make this happen for you.
Setting Goals For Your Zazzle Business

Yesterday I had an amazing Private Facebook Live Q&A session about setting goals with my VIP Masterclass Members enrolled in my Advanced Zazzle Course (30-Day Profit Plan with Elke Clarke). I am so grateful that we have created such an interactive and supportive community with our course members. It is a unique and one-of-a-kind mentoring group for Zazzle business owners. Our Facebook group has allowed Jen and me to communicate on a higher and more personal level with our students so that we can answer questions relative to each member’s situation on Zazzle. Since we are at the beginning of a new year, we had a great discussion on setting goals for 2018. Everyone is focused on becoming more successful this year and increasing their Zazzle earnings.
How to Achieve Your Zazzle Earnings Goal
In my Advanced Course, I teach my members to set 5 realistic stretch goals before they take any action steps. I also ask them to dig deep to find their “why” or reason for wanting a successful Zazzle business. It is so important to use your “why” to motivate you when things get tough.
Yesterday’s Facebook Live video content also had a big impact on my students. I went into detail about how important it is to set goals based on your past experience, your own capabilities, and your past achievements and failures.
But the group also clearly understood that having a mentor and a proven plan will help elevate you beyond your own capabilities and past results and allow you to achieve more.
That is why my course members are seeing success beyond what they could achieve on their own. For that, I am extremely proud and happy to be able to serve in the capacity of a mentor. It proves that my course members can achieve their goals with a proven plan, mentorship, and a drive to achieve their goals.
I Want You to Achieve Your Zazzle Earnings Goal
So now I want you to set your Zazzle goals. Here is what you need to do:
- Define your “why”.
- Review your accomplishments and failures in 2017
- Set your 5 goals (2 finite end goals and 3 habit goals)
- Develop your own action plan or find one that has been proven to work on Zazzle
- Surround yourself with positive people and mentors to help encourage you when the going gets tough.
1. What is Your “Why” for Growing Your Business?
You will have a different “why” or “reason” for accomplishing your Zazzle business goals than another person. This is completely fine. We all have our own reasons for what we want to accomplish in life. I wanted to be a successful mompreneur, stay at home with my kids and be there for them as they grew up.
You may want to do Zazzle for fun and the social aspects of the Zazzle community. Maybe you want to be a stay-at-home mom or dad and support your young family. Are you close to retirement and want additional income to supplement your savings or pension? Do you want location freedom so that you can work from anywhere and travel the world? Or you may just want to make a living from your creativity as a graphics artist, artist, or photographer.
Whatever your “why” or “reason” is for growing your Zazzle business, it will help keep you motivated when things get tough or your goals are not achieved as quickly as you would like.
2. Review Your Accomplishments and Failures of the Previous Year
What were your goals in 2017? Did you achieve them? What did you do that worked? Identify what should you not do in 2018 because it did not work. What should you keep doing?
You can learn a great deal about yourself, your work habits and skill sets, and the state of your Zazzle business if you are open and honest with your answers to these questions.
Don’t beat yourself up, but on the mistakes you made so that you can do something positive to fix your situation.
Also, remember to own your accomplishments and celebrate your successes.
Did you not work as many hours as you need to? Did you only post for sale 50% of the products that you had planned for 2017? Is that why you made only 50% of what you wanted to earn?
Do you have things that are working for you or do you need to find help from people that are seeing results?
Setting Goals For Your Zazzle Income
The key to achieving your goals is to set 5 main goals which have specific details and dates. This helps you aim for a deadline as well as know exactly what you need to accomplish.
I want you to break these down into several one-off goals (i.e. ones that have definite end dates and goals) and others that are habit-forming (i.e. ones that commit you to regular behavior that will help accomplish your goals).
I have provided you with a worksheet which you can download here.
Click Here to Get the ‘5 Goals for 2018’ Worksheet
Print the worksheet off and complete the blanks. Then keep the sheet somewhere where you will see it daily to remind you of your goals and the commitments you have made to achieve your goals.
3. Set Your 5 Goals
Below are the 5 goals I want you to set for 2018. They are outlined on the worksheet which you can download now. Setting your goals is easy if you use my worksheet.
Click Here to Get the ‘5 Goals for 2018’ Worksheet
Goal #1: Your Zazzle earnings goal.
I will earn $______ from Zazzle by December 31, 2018.
Goal #2: Your Zazzle work time commitment goal.
I will work ______ hours a week on Zazzle in 2018.
Goal #3: Your work habit goal.
I am going to work every _____________________(list the days of week) from ____ -____(times during the day) at least __________(number) months during the year.
Goal #4: Your Zazzle posting products for sale habit.
I am going to post for sale ______ (number of) new products every week.
Goal #5: Your Zazzle posting habit to promote your products.
I am going to promote on social media _______(number of products) per week.
4. Develop Your Own Action Plan or Find a Plan That Has Been Proven to Work on Zazzle
When I first started on Zazzle, 10 years ago, I was not very successful. In fact, I did not even get paid out in my first year! That’s right. I made less than $100 in my first year. I had nothing to show for all of my hard work and 1000’s hours of my time spent on building my Zazzle business. Plus my family and friends thought I was wasting my time and a little crazy for not giving up.
I desperately wanted to be able to stay home with my kids, while providing for them financially, but also do what I loved (being creative). I was definitely clear on my “why”.
But it was only once I started to put goals in place and work on a plan of action that I saw some success.
Year after year, I slowly tweaked and improved my own strategic Zazzle plan, including a step for setting goals. I ended up calling it the “5-Step Profit Plan”. It covers the key essentials I have to address in my action plan for the year to make sure everything works together for me to realize the financial success on Zazzle that I wanted to achieve.
How I Achieved My Goal in 2017 of Making a Million Dollars from Zazzle
At the beginning of 2017, I set my Zazzle earnings goal and posted it here on my website in one of my articles. Since I implement my “5 Step Profit Plan” routinely, I earn over 100K on Zazzle year after year. In fact, at the end of 2017, I reached my million-dollar lifetime earnings goal.
I am now a millionaire mompreneur!
I have been asked many times how I became so successful on Zazzle. Many of my students have asked these questions over and over. How many hours a day did I work? What products did I post for sale that were popular sellers?
My Zazzle journey has definitely been an interesting one, but it will be completely different from yours. So even if I answered these questions they would not help you.
You are starting Zazzle at a completely different time than I did. There are so many more opportunities now that were not available to me when I started.
In fact, you should have an easier time becoming successful because there are more products to sell, the daily visitors to Zazzle have grown exponentially, and the attitudes of customers trusting internet companies and buying online have become much more positive than when I started on Zazzle.
But there is also more competition, more to learn, and more social media and tech to deal with. So it is important to have some way to get up to speed quickly and use any proven plans of action to accelerate your success.
My “5 Step Profit Plan” is the Secret to My Zazzle Success
I have spent many years perfecting my “5 Step Profit Plan”, making sure that each critical aspect of building a successful Zazzle business was covered, including, setting goals. I did this to reach the goals that I set out. It was through trial and error and my own research that I was able to perfect my plan over time.
My “5 Step Profit Plan” is at the core of the “30 Day Profit Plan with Elke Clarke” Advanced Zazzle Course, which I offer for anyone who is interested in investing in their future business growth on Zazzle.
5. Surround Yourself with Positive People and Mentors
If you want to achieve great things you have to be in a positive mindset and be in an environment where you will be supported and influenced positively. You also want to have a mentor to who you can ask questions and look up.
Do you currently have these positive influencers in your life? Where can you find them? What can you do to make this happen?
When I started on Zazzle, there were some really great people on the Zazzle forum who gave encouragement and general advice. I was so happy to have been part of this great group of people. But when I wanted to get some specific details on how to achieve my goals, the help was less forthcoming. I totally get it. People wanted to protect their success and achievements.
The 30-Day Profit Plan Course is a Unique of Kind Zazzle Mentoring Program
If I had been part of a true mentoring program where answers were given to me straight up, I received encouragement as well as telling it like it is if I messed up, I know I would have achieved my success sooner than I did.
I also think there is enough opportunity for everyone to be successful.
That is why when I made my Zazzle courses to help people, one of my key objectives was to create a safe, confidential environment (my Advanced Zazzle Course VIP Masterclass Facebook group) where I could help mentor others the way I had wished I would have been helped in my early days on Zazzle. That includes all aspects of your Zazzle business including setting goals.
So find what works for you, focus on setting goals, and make your Zazzle business goals for 2018 a reality.
3 replies to "Setting Goals For Your Zazzle Business in 2018"
Congratulations on reaching your goal for 2017. I remember reading about your target and was cheering you on from the sidelines.
I have just downloaded your goal setting worksheet and am certain, it will be beneficial to keep me on task and to ensure I stick with it.
Improving my Zazzle store always seems to be in my New Year’s resolution list and this year, with the aid of the worksheet, I have tangible targets.
My ‘why’ is to become location independent, so my husband and I can travel and be earning at the same time. My plan is to sell our coconut farm and buy a sailboat. This is why Zazzle will be a perfect fit for this lifestyle.
Thank you for the encouragement through your videos and articles and Happy New Year to you and Jennifer.
Hi Elke,
It’s always good to read these as a reinforcement to my determination. Thanks.
Congratulations on your achievements! It is always so encouraging to read your blog or watch you live on Facebook. Thank you so much again for your useful advice. I made a little note on the 1st of January about my goals but this sheet is much better and will look at it every day.