Are you making a significant amount of money online with Zazzle, like 5- and 6-figures a year? If not, did you know that there are 3 fears that stop you from achieving success on Zazzle? I, Elke Clarke, teach creative entrepreneurs how to overcome these 3 fears and when they do, their income starts to increase. Even if you are an amazing graphic designer, photographer or artist, until you overcome these 3 fears you will not start achieving the kind of success you want on Zazzle.
I have personally experienced these fears, and in the beginning, they kept me from earning the money I wanted. It was only after I found ways to banish these 3 fears for myself, that I experienced success. In fact, I have now earned over 1 million dollars on Zazzle to date. Keep reading to find out what these 3 fears are and how you too can overcome them to begin achieving success on Zazzle.

3 Fears That Stop You From Achieving Success on Zazzle
Zazzle is an eCommerce platform that graphic designers, photographers and artists can use to make money online using their creativity. You put your designs up on virtual products in your virtual Zazzle store. Once customers buy your product, Zazzle prints and ships it, bills the customer and pays you your royalty.
In 2007, when I first started on Zazzle, I was determined to succeed. What I did not expect is having to face so many of my fears along the way, before I experienced my success.
My biggest fears were the fear of uncertainty and the fear of failing. Was I even going to make any money on Zazzle? How was I going to make it happen when I knew nothing about selling online and graphic design? Could I ever make enough money on Zazzle to replace my corporate income? How could I make a steady income when I was dependent on what customers bought every month? How could I cope and feel like I was doing the right thing?
My fears were so strong that they almost crippled my ability to make Zazzle work for me as a viable business opportunity. But being there for my children while they were growing up gave me the motivation to find ways to over come my fears.
So how did I do it?
The 3 Real Fears That Will Instantly Kill Your Chances of Achieving Success on Zazzle
To be successful, I had to define my fears based on specific issues I was having that stopped me from using Zazzle properly to be successful. It turns out that these 3 fears are not just my fears. All of my students have these fears too before they start my courses.
Do you have these 3 real fears?
- Selling…I don’t know what sells, so I don’t know what to post for sale.
- Creative ability…I am not good enough to compete and feel like I have missed my chance because I am only starting now.
- Promoting…I am bad at promotion, so my products won’t get noticed and I won’t make sales.
If you have even just one of these fears and you are not dealing with it, you are hurting your chances of success on Zazzle.
Read on as I explain these fears in more detail and provide you with ways that you can overcome these fears and start achieving success.
Fear #1: I don’t know what sells on Zazzle
When you first start on Zazzle, you are excited that you have found such a great online business where you can make money selling your creativity. You can see yourself putting up your graphic designs, photography and artwork and start seeing the dollars rolling into your account. You know others are doing well on Zazzle and so you are pumped and expect to achieve success too.
But when you start posting your products for sale you may say to yourself; “Wow! There are a lot of products to choose from. How do I know what to put my designs on and which niche should I focus on so I have the best chances of selling and making money?”
That is when the fear of uncertainty creeps in. You also feel like you have no control over knowing what niches are trending or what products to make so your products show up in the popular searches in the Zazzle marketplace. After all, how can you make money selling products if customers can’t find them?
How to Overcome Any Fear
The way to overcome any fear is to find a way to take control of it and know it can be conquered because you have proof that someone else overcame your same fear.
I have already told you that I overcame each of these 3 fears and that my course members are overcoming them too. So the second component is to know how to take control of each fear. Keep reading to find the solutions to overcoming each of the 3 real fears that are stopping you from achieving success on Zazzle.
Solution To Overcoming Fear #1
So how do you find out what products sell the best and what niches are the most popular?
You have to do your research. You need to use Google Trends, social media, niche magazines and even Zazzle to pick up on current trends and popular niches. Once you figure out what is popular, your fear of knowing what sells is reduced.
You can now post products for sale on Zazzle with confidence that you have the best chance of making sales with the products and designs you have chosen to make.
Fear #2: I can’t compete and I have missed my chance to make the big money
Zazzle has been in business since 2005. Back in 2015, at the time of Zazzle’s 10 year anniversary, there were over 600,000 designers who had virtual stores on Zazzle. The means that competition is fierce for someone like yourself who is just starting out.
I am sure you have had the following thoughts, I certainly did when I first started.
Are my designs good enough to compete with all the talented designers on Zazzle? If I put my designs up for sale, my designs will be seen and judged by other designers, Zazzle staff and customers -OMG!- reality had sunk in that I was on the same site as Disney and other brands. Since I am not that good yet as a graphic designer, photographer or artist, I am not going to make any sales. Send familiar?
How about…There are already hundreds of thousands of great designers making money on Zazzle. I am too late to the game. The only way I would have been successful on Zazzle is if I started 10 years ago, like Elke did. The people who are successful now started so long ago, I will never be able to catch up. There is no more room for anyone else to make money on Zazzle because the successful designers are already taking up all of the customers on Zazzle. Even if I make some money, I will never make a 5 or 6-figure income because that just does not happen any more after Zazzle made the changes to the Volume Bonus.
I can’t compete…or so you think. But there is a solution.
Solution To Overcoming Fear #2
Changing your mindset about what opportunities could actually be possible for you on Zazzle is the key to overcoming Fear #2. You need to have a positive mindset to believe it is possible to achieve your earnings goal. Once you believe, then you will be open to being confident in yourself, learning and doing what it takes and changing your perspective on what is possible.
Firstly, if you feel that your designs don’t match up to what Zazzle is promoting, you can do two things.
- Post your designs anyway and have faith in your work, that it is good enough and customers will buy it. Sometimes were are our own worst critic and if we think it is not good others may love it. Let the customer decide.
- Upgrade your skills, so that you can produce the quality items you want to sell. The internet is a great place to learn anything these days and therefore there is no excuse to be able to learn what you need to know or do to be better and achieve your level of design, photography or art that you want.
Secondly, you need to have the mentality of abundance instead of scarcity. Why do you think there are 4 different gas companies at one street intersection? Why are they not spread out to avoid competition? It is because there is enough to go around. You can check out this video Jen, my daughter and top Zazzle earner, and I did for you on this topic while we were in Spain. The sooner you alter your way of thinking to one of abundance and gratitude, the sooner you will see a shift in how possibilities open up for you.
Fear #3: I am bad at promotion so I won’t make sales.
This fear of being inadequate about something you clearly know needs to do to be done well in order to succeed is a huge hurdle to overcome.
Not only have you given yourself an excuse to fail, but you are putting yourself down at the same time. This double whammy makes it so easy to just stay in your comfort zone and accept your failure as a truth even before you try to see if you can overcome your fear.
Let’s break fear #3 down.
- Is it actually true that you need promotion to make sales? Maybe. Promotion means many things and not just being good at Facebook. Once you realize there are many clever and effective ways to promote that do not involve being on social media 24/7, your fear has been conquered.
- Also, if you are willing to learn, then your fear is unfounded. There are many social media experts online that you can get advice from to learn the basics of any social media platform. Plus, you also have Zazzle experts, like me, who can help narrow down what platforms are important to use and what to do to be effective in your promotion strategy for your Zazzle products and business.
Solution to Overcoming Fear #3
Most people stay gripped in fear because they don’t like selling and have no idea about what to do on social media. So before they even give Zazzle a chance, they write it off as something they won’t be able to do.
Honestly ask yourself:”Am I one of these people?
But if that is you, now I would like you to reconsider.
What if you….
- were told which social media platforms worked and which ones you should avoid?
- had the tools and training to be able to post on social media and get results?
- were shown other clever ways to receive organic (free) promotion without you even being on social media?
Would you loose your fear of promotion? Will you feel confident that you could get your products to be found on Zazzle and on Google? Can you believe you will start achieving success on Zazzle?
If you said yes…..
Then I invite you to join me for my free workshop on ‘Proof It Is Possible To Make Money Online’ with Elke and Jen Clarke.
In this free workshop, I will show you that it is possible to overcome these fears and that it is possible to make money online.
At the end, you have an opportunity to become a member of my courses at a special discount price. If you choose to invest in my program. Please not spaces are limited at this price.
Click here to participate in my free workshop.

What you have learned.
- There are 3 fears that can stop you from achieving success on Zazzle
- To overcome any fear you need proof that someone else has overcome the fear, like a mentor. You also need proven action steps to take control of what the fear is about.
- The article gives you solutions that can use to help you overcome each of the 3 fears
- You can also participate in a free workshop (click here to join). The free workshop goes into more details on what action steps you can take right now to overcome the 3 fears.
- If you like what action steps you need to begin achieveing success, you can also invest in Elke Clarke’s Zazzle courses and mentoring program . If you want in-depth help to see results faster than trying to accomplish it all on your own the program is for you. Please note, the bonuses and prices are only in effect until May 31, 2018 at midnight EST.
Post a comment below:
As always, I would love to here about you and your Zazzle journey.
Post a comment and answer these questions.
1. Which fear(s) do you have?
2. Did you know how important it is to overcome your fears to achieve success?
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About the authour:
Elke Clarke is the author of the upcoming book, Creative Online Millionaire
She has made over a million dollars online using Zazzle.
Elke mentors and teaches creative entrepreneurs how to make money online, with her blog, free eBook, and online courses.
Elke Clarke is the CEO and Founder of Clarke Courses Inc..