When I opened my first e-commerce Zazzle store in 2007, I dreamt of making a 6 figure passive income online. Now I am living my dream, doing what I love, traveling the world, spending all the time I want with my family, and working only a few hours a week online. I can live this amazing life because of my secret formula for selling success on Zazzle.
10 Years of Selling Success on Zazzle – How I Earn Substantial Passive Income Online

My story starts when I had a 9 to 5 job and a young family to support. I was working long hours, commuting 2 hours a day in traffic, and missing my kids terribly. I desperately wanted to find a way to make a substantial online income with my art and design skills AND stay at home to have time for my kids while they were growing up.
That’s when I discovered Zazzle.
Zazzle is the perfect solution for making money online longterm
Over time, I became one of the top earners on Zazzle, working about 2 hours a day! I went from, struggling to pay my monthly bills, to be able to afford what I wanted. Travel with my family on amazing vacations all over the world. I live in a fabulous house that I own. Drive a nice car. My bills are always paid on time AND I put my 3 kids through college.
Even more important than money, was that I experienced all my kids’ precious moments while they were growing up. All the money in the world can’t give you lost time back. Zazzle gave me my time freedom!
My unique success formula works so well that I have made a 6 figure income on Zazzle EVERY YEAR SINCE 2012! That’s 5 years in a row!
I spent many years learning and perfecting my formula for success on how to make money online with Zazzle.
At first, I struggled. I had to learn what worked and didn’t work.
But now I know what to do.
How do I know? For the past 5 years, I have consistently made over $100,000 US a year from my Zazzle stores.
In fact, I have made over $850,000 US in the 10 years I have been on Zazzle. That is 1.13 million dollars Canadian!
My success is proof that my Zazzle success formula works!
Zazzle is the best way to make money online, better than Etsy & Shopify
I think, for people who want to sell products online, Zazzle has more benefits than Shopify and Esty. Zazzle makes life easy for the seller. Everything is set up for you and it is free.
Open an account and start posting products for sale in minutes.
Add your artwork or photos or graphic designs to virtual products. Zazzle takes care of marketing, sales, product fulfillment, billing, shipping, and customer service.
Then you deposit your royalty payments in your bank account every month.
You can open a Zazzle store right now for free.
All you need is a computer, the internet, and your time.
I made my first Zazzle product using a picture of 2 polar bears on a button about Global Warming. Not my best work, but I was just testing whether Zazzle works. It does! Three days later, I sold 2 of these buttons and made my first 29 cents on Zazzle! (see the image below) I have never been so happy to make 29 cents. It meant there was a future opportunity for me to make money on Zazzle.
I spent 2 minutes posting the button for sale 10 years ago and have made money from it for the last 10 years!! No extra work! That’s it!
Imagine yourself working for 2 minutes and still earning money 10 years later without doing any more work! Would you like income like that? I know I do.
I sold this button again the other day, on my 10-year anniversary on Zazzle!
When I saw the email telling me I had made the sale (see the image below), it reminded me how amazing an opportunity Zazzle is for anyone.
I know how to achieve selling success on Zazzle!
If I can make 29 cents on one sale on Zazzle, then I can make even more money selling more!
Ten years later, I have made over $850,000 US in royalties by selling $8.5 million dollars worth of products on Zazzle!
But I had to make a lot of mistakes to get it right. It also took me much longer to figure out how to be successful on Zazzle. Why? Because I did not have a coach to tell me how to make money on Zazzle.
Today, I can help you because I am a successful expert on how to make money on Zazzle. You can use my formula for selling success on Zazzle.
Do You Want to be Successful on Zazzle?
You can definitely open a store and make your first product on Zazzle today.
But then what?
Do you have a lot of time to waste figuring it out all by yourself?
Do you want to earn income from Zazzle sooner?
Let me help you.
I show you exactly what to do step-by-step using my formula for success!
- I teach you how to post products for sale.
- I tell you how to make products that sell.
- I tell you how to promote it.
- I tell you what promotion works for me.
- I teach you how to find more ideas to make popular selling products.
- I tell you what niches are popular.
- I tell you which products have a good chance of selling.
- I teach you how to make good designs for products.
- I tell you what does not sell. That saves you time and heartache.
- I tell you how your products can be seen on Zazzle searches so that you make more sales.
Do you want to use my formula for success on Zazzle? Click here now.
How much does it cost for Elke Clarke’s formula for selling success on Zazzle?
My success formula has made me almost a million dollars. You are probably thinking that getting access to such great insight is so valuable it must cost at least several thousand dollars.
But let me tell you a little bit more before I tell you the cost.
People who have completed my course are seeing sales results right away!
I love that I can help people and am so happy when I hear about your Zazzle success stories.
This is the first time that my selling success formula is available to the general public.
For years, I have been privately helping people become successful on Zazzle. One of these Zazzle success stories is my very own daughter, Jennifer. She makes enough money on Zazzle to travel and live on one of the most beautiful islands in Spain. You might know about her already because she has been writing guest blog posts on my site.
Zazzle is a great way for people of all ages to make money online.
My daughter is in her 20s and uses her Zazzle income to do what she loves full-time, being creative and traveling. When I started Zazzle, I was in my 40s and used my Zazzle income to raise my kids. Now I am in my 50s and am using my Zazzle income to travel and have time and freedom for myself.
What would you do with your Zazzle income?
I promised to tell you the price to receive my formula for success, but I have to tell you a story first. I was already helping many people just with coaching one on one. But it was taking away from my own time and freedom.
There is great demand for me to share my formula on how to be successful on Zazzle.
My mentors suggested I make up a course so more people can benefit from my success formula. I have never done anything like this before and ended up putting way too much good stuff in my first course!
It is a beginner’s course on steroids!
Plus, there are countless insider tips you will discover and have many “ah ha” moments.
My business coaches told me I should charge at least $397 US! “The course is packed with incredible value. It is a bargain at $397!” they said to me. And they are right!
The many people who have already taken my course, say it has given them amazing insight and saved them months of time.
But it’s my 10-year Zazzle Anniversary! I want to give people a discount on my course to celebrate!
I wanted to celebrate my 10-year anniversary and do something absolutely crazy, at least for as long as I can this year. So I set the price at a ridiculously low amount of $147. This is my special 10-year anniversary price just for you. I know it is too low a price for the amount of value you receive, but I want to make my success formula available to all of you.
However, I don’t know how long I can keep this price so low. My business coaches are telling me the course price should really be $397!
But if you purchase now, you will receive my special 10-year anniversary price of $147 US.
Click here now to receive the special anniversary price.
If you can’t do the course right away, don’t worry. You can lock in the price by buying now and then doing it at your own pace when you can. You have continuous lifetime online access to the course for as long as I can keep updating it and it is relevant to helping you be successful on Zazzle.
What did you learn from this article?
- It is possible to earn a substantial passive income online on Zazzle. Elke Clarke is proof of that.
- Elke Clarke has coached many people privately.
- Elke Clarke has developed a formula for success on Zazzle, which she has used for the last 10 years to make $850,000 US
- Recently, Elke Clarke has decided to make her formula for success on Zazzle public so that anyone can benefit if they enroll now
- The 10-year anniversary low price is only possible for a limited time.
I want to hear from you. Let’s start a conversation!
Post your questions and comments below.
Write about your Zazzle success or difficulties.
I want to hear from you.
If you are totally new to Zazzle or have been working on Zazzle for several years and not earning what you want on Zazzle, this course is for you. Yes, I want to be guided step by step so I can start earning money on Zazzle. Enroll me in the course now.

Enrollment is officially open
Yes I want to RESERVE MY SPOT in the next VIP Masterclass.

You can now pay 6 payments of $197 US, plus have access to the VIP Masterclass Advanced Zazzle course immediately.
This is the best payment plan possible.
Click here to use the new payment plan and start right away.

Elke Clarke offers 2 courses that help people learn how to be successful on Zazzle. You can make money by promoting these courses on your social media sites, through your email lists, blog posts, or via word of mouth to friends and family. Join our affiliate program today and start earning extra money.
5 replies to "10 Years of Selling Success on Zazzle – How I Earn Substantial Passive Income Online"
Thank you for this post! 🙂 You have inspired me yet again to keep going and hope that one day I will start earning enough to come off my benefit. I really wish I could afford your course! The whole reason I started on Zazzle (aside from my love of designing things) is because I can hardly afford anything on a sickness benefit and I would love to be more financially stable.
I’ll definitely try to get hold of your course one day though!
I’m excited about the possibilities as I have downloaded the “10 Insider Tips”. I am struggling with the choice between what seems like oversaturated “popular niches” where there is stiff competition and more focused niches that I am passionate about.
Hi Elke, your story is really inspiring. I have started on Zazzle 8 years ago and have made so many mistakes. I am still trying to undo all my mistakes. I really want to be a successful designer on Zazzle so I can keep on staying at home with my kids. Like you I have also tried other POD sites and Zazzle was what worked best for me. Right now I am trying to save some money so I can take your course. I would love to be mentored by you and learn new things. I have attended your free webinar and have already started applying your suggestions. I can’t wait to start seeing some results. Thank you for sharing your inspiring story.
Thank you for your story very inspiring. Gives me hope to have success on zazzle as well.
Anthony, You are welcome. I’m glad I have given you hope.