My personal goal for 2017 is to surpass 1 million dollars US in lifetime earnings through my online Zazzle stores. What blows my mind is that it is achievable! What is your Zazzle earnings goal for 2017?
1 Million Dollars Zazzle Lifetime Earnings

For the past 5 years, I have consistently earned a six-figure yearly income from selling my graphic designs, photos, and artwork through my online Zazzle stores. Adding up the numbers from 2007, when I started on Zazzle, up to the end of 2016, I have already earned over $850 K US in lifetime earnings (see chart below). Based on past performance my lifetime earnings estimate for 2017 is 1 Million dollars US.

Set Your Zazzle Lifetime Earnings 2017 Goal In Order to Achieve It.
If you do not set a goal, it will not happen.
I always set a stretch goal for my Zazzle earnings number at the beginning of the year. I can then aim towards achieving it as the year progresses.
Use the lifetime earnings as a number to achieve because it seems a more significant goal than saying I want to earn so much this year or so much per month.
Also, it is easy to monitor your progress if you use “Lifetime Earnings” as your set number. Every time you log into your account you can go to your “Earnings Summary” page and check your number under “Cleared Earnings” against your target number.
I put my number on a sticky note and have it close to my computer, where I see it every day to remind me of my goal.
What Is Your Personal Zazzle Earnings Goal for 2017?
To set your earnings goal for 2017, make sure it is a stretch goal, but not so high that you know in your heart you won’t achieve it. I always assumed about a 20 to 30% increase from the previous year as long as I put in more effort than I did in the past. If you don’t put any effort in, as I did over the past 18 months, expect a decrease in your overall revenue by at least 20 to 30% or more.
Once you have decided on your goal, write it down somewhere where you will see it daily. Write the words in a long hand.
“By December 31, 2017, I will achieve XXX lifetime earnings from Zazzle.”
Or, incorporate the number into your Zazzle password. Make it your screensaver. Put it on a sticky note on your memo board or calendar or “wish board”.
The main thing is to “see” your earnings goal daily. You must be reminded frequently of what you want to achieve. It is proven that, even if you don’t quite know HOW to achieve your goal, if you write it down and revisit it often, then things will fall into place to help you reach your goal.
Some people feel this has to do with positive energy, motivation, or your subconscious just helping you along to achieve the goal you set. Irrespective of how it works, specific goal setting has always been a practice I have used with great success.
Make Plans and Take Action to Achieve Your 2017 Zazzle Lifetime Earnings Goal
Here are some of the “plans of action”, which I will use (and you can too) this year to achieve my Zazzle lifetime earnings goal for 2017.
- Add existing popular designs (which have sold) to new products Zazzle adds to their product line if the design is appropriate
- Capitalize on cross-selling, which means creating matching products for items that have sold. If you sold party hats with a design, add it to paper plates, party favor bags and table clothes, etc
- Delete old never viewed, never sold products
- Improve titles and tags on existing products
- Find new trending niches and create designs specific to these niches
- Promote more externally on social media, blogs, and websites
- Increase the zRank score by completing store requirements
- Try new things like learning how to use a graphics program or a new feature in the graphics program
- Take some old designs and update them so they look fresh and exciting
- Keep making products and share on social media consistently, at least once every 2 weeks to keep your store fresh and active.
My Zazzle lifetime earnings goal of 1 million dollars US will become a reality by the end of 2017.
I wish you success in achieving your Zazzle lifetime earnings goal for 2017.
You can do it!
Beginners Zazzle Course
If you want help with all these plans and start earning money on Zazzle sooner, then the Beginners Zazzle Course, The Profit by Design Academy® is for you.
Click this link to find out more and get started today.
5 replies to "1 Million Dollars Zazzle Lifetime Earnings: My 2017 Personal Goal"
That is an exciting goal and I wish you the best of luck to achieve it. You are an inspiration to the rest of us.
Excellent advice about how to keep on target and what to do to keeping pushing forward.
I’ve tried this method before, with no success. I was given some advice years ago by a business advisor, “Throw enough mud at the wall and some of it will stick”. Though it was not the advice I wanted to hear, it has certainly seemed to be the method that works for me. Of course I research markets, trends etc. But it does always seem to come down to putting my work out there and seeing what connects with people.
Best of luck in 2017. I can see you surpassing $1M!
That is really impressive. The small bookstore I work in has reached its lifetime goal of 1 million dollars, but it took quite a bit longer. My goal for this year is to remain working at the bookstore because I love it, and my boss is the kindest person ever! However, in order to remain working at the bookstore (I recently quit a second 14 year long job of delivering newspapers every morning from 2-6am) I need to earn additional money through my Zazzle endeavors. Ultimately, I want to earn enough so that when I can no longer work at the bookstore (my boss is 78 and has said he would leave the book business feet first), I can make my living with Zazzle. If I have to put a number out there for this year’s goal, I will say $5000.00 which will pay off my PayPal account and leave a couple thousand dollars to sweeten the deal….
Thanks for the inspiration Elke! 🙂 On your second year of being on Zazzle, how many products would you say you had up by then??
I’d like to set attainable goals for myself and am trying to get a clearer picture of just how many quality products I need to try and get up to make a significant difference in my earnings for the year… Thanks!!
After taking your course over the holidays, I set my Zazzle income goals at at least $1,000 a month. After selecting a few niches, I subscribed to some magazines that focus on those niches to keep up on the latest trends. I will also be going to some trade shows.
Last fall I began reading Marc Allen’s book “The Millionaire Course”. As a result, I spend 30 minutes every morning reviewing my goals. That’s actually why I took your course. One of my goals was to learn more about success on Zazzle.