Brandon is our first million-dollar Zazzle success story and we are celebrating with him. We are Jen and Elke Clarke, THE go-to Zazzle experts. Combined we have sold over 15 million dollars worth of Zazzle products and banked over $1.5 million. We empower creative entrepreneurs to make money online to live their dream lives. In this article, we will give you insights as to how our client, Brandon, went from earning $2,500 in 5 years on his own to earning $100,000 in 3 years with our coaching. We, Jen and Elke Clarke, coach creative entrepreneurs who want to earn 6-figures ($100,000+) selling on Zazzle.
A Million Dollar Zazzle Success Story
This article is in a different format than usual because it is a special edition. Brandon has generously agreed to keep track of his journey over the past 3 years as he started and scaled his Zazzle business. His accounts will help you to understand that you can use to make money online. But it is not a get-rich-quick scheme. It takes time to establish your brand, and product inventory and to set up your business as a business so that you can reach 6-figures in lifetime earnings, such as Brandon did, or 7-figures like Jen and I have earned combined to date. If you want to achieve similar results, pay close attention to Brandon’s story and read all the way to the end.
June 2017 – Brandon Enrolled in The Profit by Design Academy™
Brandon was inspired by our success and wanted to know how he could sell on Zazzle to make some serious bank. He had struggled on his own for 5 years. Then in June 2017, Brandon decided to invest in himself and his future by getting help from us.
He started a brand new Zazzle store following our self-study online course The Profit by Design Academy™. Brandon decided to start fresh because his old Zazzle store had made him only $2,500 in 5 years total (or $500 per year).
He used The Profit by Design Academy™ to set up his new Zazzle store properly. Brandon then filled it with products that would sell on Zazzle based on Elke’s 50 Best Selling Products List that is provided in The Profit by Design Academy™. He also made Zazzle collections and promoted them on Pinterest using the course’s step-by-step training videos and downloadable PDFs that make it easy to implement The 5 Strategies.
The 5 Strategies: Establish Create, Announce, Align, Promote™ are the strategies Jen and I have used (and still use) to start and scale our million-dollar Zazzle businesses.
By October 2017, Brandon had already made more than he usually made in a year ($500)! In November 2017, he more than doubled his total income ($1,290)! At the end of December 2017, 6 months after starting his new Zazzle store, Brandon’s total earnings were $2,141.26.
Instead of taking 5 years doing it on his own, NOW IT ONLY TOOK 6 MONTHS to get paid the SAME amount of money by Zazzle, using The Profit by Design Academy™.
March 2018 – Brandon Enrolled in The Profitable Membership™
Brandon’s total earnings in 9 months were now up to $4,291.60, which was great. However, Brandon was losing momentum doing the self-study course and realized he needed to be held accountable and get ongoing support to increase his income. That’s when he joined The Profitable Membership™ It’s an add-on to The Profit by Design Academy™ that is designed to give you continued dynamic support as you build your Zazzle business.
Brandon wrote:
Joining The Profitable Membership™ in March 2018 was crucial to my progress. Jen and Elke’s coaching identified areas where I could improve including my design skills. I targeted products and designs that I had previously skipped over because I felt they took too long to design. Elke found examples in my store of times that I rushed product design. I had created lots of templates that just weren’t working how I thought I had designed them. Some of the early products that I had posted for sale were just plain bad.
I realized I had stopped paying attention to what Jen and Elke taught in their course.
To fix my mistakes, I took the time to create the template products properly. Also, designs I thought looked great when I originally made them, clearly did not follow what I had learned in The Profit by Design Academy™. I also fixed these designs and posted them as new products.
March was definitely my month to clean up my Zazzle store and look for new possibilities.
April 2018 – Brandon’s First $1K Month
Brandon’s April Earnings were $1,112.45. His first 1k month EVER! Brandon’s New Zazzle Store Earnings running total of the first 10 Months = $5,404.05
Brandon Wrote:
Due to all the cleanup done in March, I started to see sales on the new products I made in less than a month. The learning for me is that I had done the research to know what is popular but I posted a poor design.
Once I posted a good design in the popular niche that I had identified, I made sales on Zazzle almost immediately.
I also kept putting into place the suggestions Jen and Elke gave me in monthly masterclasses held in The Profitable Membership™. This helped me see that there are many components to Strategy #2: Create and I had not taken advantage of all of them.
With each week of implementing changes, I saw an increase in my sales.
June 2018 – Brandon’s Third $1K Month in a Row
Brandon Wrote:
My original earnings goal that I set for myself when I first started the course was $1,000 (2X what I had made on my own). Then I increased it to $5,000 after I reached $1K in 3 months! I keep increasing my earnings goal every time I reach it. It really works best when you follow what Jen and Elke suggest with Elke’s ERSD Goal Setting Technique.
As of June 2018 (a year after starting), my goal is to reach a lifetime earnings of $25,000 by July 2019 (= $250,000 in sales).
This seems impossible right now, but so was my lifetime earnings goal of $1,000 that I set when I first started in July 2017.
July 2018 – Brandon Reached $10K in Lifetime Earnings
Brandon Wrote:
Being a member of The Profitable Membership™ is paying off for me big time.
Since starting with Jen and Elke, I have sold over $100,000 worth of Zazzle products and banked $10K.
The designs and products that started selling in 2017 are now selling over and over again in 2018. That means I am getting paid over and over again for products I made once.
In the meantime, the new products I made recently in 2018 are also selling. I am making sales every day and earning money from multiple products, over and over again.
Jen and Elke’s course and membership really helped my figure out how I can fill my store with best sellers that sell consistently. That is why my Zazzle income is increasing so quickly.
July 2019 – Brandon Reached $40K in Lifetime Earnings
Brandon Wrote:
In June 2018, I set my goal to be $25K in lifetime earnings. But over the past year, The Profitable Membership™ has kept me accountable and been an incredible source of countless important strategies that allowed me to make $30K JUST in the last 12 months. That’s a 3X increase from my first year when I banked $10K! I exceeded my July 2019 goal I set a year ago by $15K!!!!
Since starting with Jen and Elke 2 years ago, I have sold over $400,000 worth of Zazzle products and banked $40K.
June 2019 – Brandon Participated in Our First Mallorca Mastermind™
Brandon Wrote:
Because of Jen and Elke’s course and membership, I achieved so much more than I could ever imagine. I especially like it when I have $5K in months.
But when Jen and Elke announced that they were holding their first Mastermind, I knew that I needed to sign up. I did not want to miss out on anything else that they could teach me.
They asked me what my goal was for the coming year. I told them I wanted to make $40K in ONE YEAR instead of in 2 years like I did in the past.
That’s when Elke blew my mind. She showed me how I could set up my production strategy to make $60K predictably in one year. That means she showed me how to 2X my income of $30K from last year. She believed in me more than I did in myself and she made me feel comfortable and confident that I could take on this challenge and achieve this higher goal.
My advice is to participate in Jen and Elke’s Mastermind as soon as possible. Go back for a second and third time. I not only reached my goal, but I also exceeded it.
(Note: This event is now being held online due to COVID-19 and is called The Creative CEO Mastermind™ until we can hold more in-person masterminds in Mallorca, Spain, and Australia)

June 2020 – Brandon Sold 1 Million Dollars-Worth of Zazzle Products
Brandon Wrote:
The 5 days of training and coaching I received from Jen and Elke in The Creative CEO Mastermind™ last June (2019) were amazing. It made my business skyrocket. The follow-up monthly group coaching calls allowed me to keep learning, growing, and asking those 6- and 7-figure business questions that made my success possible. I also loved having direct access to Jen and Elke to ask questions and get answers fast. That means I can keep using my time efficiently.
I not only achieved my goal of $60K in one year but I exceeded it!
In 3 years after starting with Jen and Elke, I have sold 1 million dollars worth of Zazzle products and banked $100,000.
Jen and Elke’s course, membership, and mastermind are the perfect combinations of training and coaching that I needed to achieve such a big goal fast.
Brandon is Now Officially a Zazzle Gold ProDesigner
Zazzle’s criteria for Zazzle Gold ProDesigner is $100,000 in lifetime earnings from US-based sales. Brandin received his notice on July 7, 2020.
Celebrate Brandon’s success with us. It is well deserved.
Brandon has worked SMARTER not harder. He has invested in himself and his business with the right coaches. The investment has paid off for him incredibly well.
He continues to invest in his business by continuing to be in The Profitable Membership™. He is also looking forward to the next time he can be part of The Creative CEO Mastermind™.

Thank You Brandon for Sharing Your Million Dollar Zazzle Success Story
Jen and I want to give a big shout-out to Brandon for allowing us to continually report on all the details of his journey.
We hope it inspires you to reach your own full potential.
Only you have that unique gift that no one else can provide the world.
Use your talents and unique personalized gifts to create your own Million Dollar Zazzle Success Story.
Join The Creative CEO Mastermind™ (Virtual Online) from August 9th to 15th, 2020
Are you inspired by Brandon’s million-dollar Zazzle success story? Do you have the drive, determination and commitment to work for what you want and overcome any obstacle?
Are you currently earning what you really want on Zazzle? Do you want a personalized 6-figure production strategy that you can use to skyrocket your sales? Are you ready to take action as the CEO of your company to achieve your goal as Brandon did?
It’s also not always about the money. You can join even if you have not yet made any money on Zazzle. You will learn so much and build mindset superpowers that will transform you to a confident business owner, and badass CEO.
The criteria for acceptance are an unwavering drive and determination to work for what you want and a willingness to overcome all obstacles.
The Creative CEO Mastermind™ is an experience like no other. Whatever you need to thrive in your Zazzle business is what will be the focus of your tailored coaching. This is in addition to you working with Jen and Elke to create your personalized 6-figure earnings product inventory strategy, just like Brandon received.
Spots are filling quickly for the August 2020 Mastermind. Click here to secure your spot now in The Creative CEO Mastermind™. If you can’t make it to the August 2020 Mastermind but want to reserve a spot for a future mastermind that suits your schedule, contact us on Instagram. Jen @msjenclarke or Elke @elkeclarke