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Elke Clarke | Believe It's Possible Jumpstart Your Zazzle Business for 2020 by Jen Clarke, Top Zazzle Earner

It is time to believe that it’s possible. You CAN achieve the goals that you have set for your Zazzle business. All you need is to implement the right practices in order to focus and accomplish your goals. I have had the pleasure of learning from two of the top internationally known, business mentors and motivational speakers. Jack Canfield and Bob Proctor have positively influenced my Zazzle business profitability. Their teachings have created such a positive impact on my business, as well as on millions of people worldwide. In Part 2 of the Jump Start Your Zazzle Business for 2020, I am going to tell you about key principles you can use to achieve your goals and show you that it is possible to create a profitable Zazzle business.

Elke Clarke | Believe It's Possible Jumpstart Your Zazzle Business for 2020 by Elke Clarke, Top Zazzle Earner
Elke Clarke | Believe It’s Possible Jumpstart Your Zazzle Business for 2020 by Elke Clarke, Top Zazzle Earner

Believe It’s Possible

In order to Jump Start Your Zazzle Business for 2020, you need to believe it’s possible to be profitable and successful. This goes hand in hand with Part 1 of this series, which is the mindset. You need to believe. Your brain, conscious and subconscious mind are the most powerful tools that you will use when it comes to achieving your Zazzle business goals. In order to become profitable and successful, you need to change your mindset and BELIEVE that it is possible.

Believe In Yourself as a Zazzle Designer

The first step is to believe in yourself as a Zazzle designer. Believe that your designs are unique and desirable. Once you truly believe this, then you will start to implement strategic action steps that will put you on the path toward success.

Aim High

The next step for you to Jump Start Your Zazzle Business in 2020 is to aim high. When you aim high, you push yourself and test your abilities. This helps you grow as a Zazzle designer and a business owner.

What will your goals be for 2020? Aim high when brainstorming what you want to achieve for 2020.

It is possible to achieve your “Aim High Goals”!

Jen, my daughter and Zazzle Gold ProDesigner, and I offer several Zazzle courses. Typically course members are unsure about what they think they can achieve when they first started our training. However, once they receive the training they need and begin to see results, they are experiencing success all the time and aim higher and higher because they believe it is possible.

How would you feel if you can achieve your “Aim High Goals”?

I have aimed low in the past and realized I would be further ahead if I had aimed higher.

Our Course Members “Aim High Goals”

When our course members started out with us, I encouraged them to set these “Aim High Goals”.

Some of the Aim High Goals course members had been:

  • Win a Zazzle Design Contest
  • Be featured on the top banner on the Zazzle homepage
  • Be chosen for the Today’s Picks section on the Zazzle homepage

Now course members, fellow Zazzle Designers, have achieved these High Aim Goals!!!

Jen, my daughter and Zazzle Gold ProDesigner, and I are super excited and proud. We want to congratulate the course members on their latest achievements.

Our Course Member’s “Aim High Goals” Achieved

Below are images of “Aim High Goals” achieved by our course members over the past few weeks.

Our Course Member SC Design -Coffee and Paper Co won the Zazzle HolidayZ Design Challenge 2019
Our Zazzle Course Member, “SC Design – Coffee and Paper Co.”,  won the Zazzle HolidayZ Design Challenge 2019. This is an amazing achievement and we are so proud of her. She worked hard on designing a gorgeous holiday collection and it was chosen as the winner by popular vote.
believe it's possible - Zazzle Business
Our Zazzle Course Member “The Dancing Pelican” had her Thank You Card featured on The Zazzle homepage. We are so excited to see our course members featured on the homepage. It is such an amazing feeling to see a design made by one of our members.
believe it's possible - Our Course Member Mary had her coaster featured on the Zazzle homepage.
Our Zazzle Course Member Mary had her coaster featured on the Zazzle homepage in the Top Picks section. It is wonderful to see that our course member’s products are trending and being featured in this section on the Zazzle homepage. We are so proud and thrilled to see their designs featured here!


Jack Canfield Taught Me To Believe It Is Possible

Jack Canfield and Elke Clarke with Elke's Book, Create Online and Grow Rich
Elke Clarke and Jack Canfield pictured with Elke’s Book, Create Online and Grow Rich

Jack Canfield is an award-winning speaker and an internationally recognized leader in personal development and peak performance strategies. He is the co-creator of the New York Times Best Selling Chicken Soup for the Soul® Series and author of more than 200 books with more than 500 million copies in print worldwide. His best-selling book, The Success Principles: How to Get From Where You Are to Where You Want to Be has been hailed as the new self-improvement classic.

Jack Canfield is one of my mentors. He has taught me to believe it’s possible. His invaluable business advice has helped me move my business and personal life forward and achieve my “Aim High Goals”!

Use Visualization To Achieve Success

I have followed many of Jack Canfield’s teachings, however, one of the most important practices that he teaches is visualization. He expands on visualization and how you can use it to achieve your goals in his book The Success Principles. The key point about visualization is that you need to visually create and see the things that you want to achieve. Many people create vision boards or put pictures of things up on their walls. This practice allows you to physically see the things you want to achieve every day. You will be reminded of your goals and have them constantly in your conscious and subconscious mind.

Visualization stimulates your mind and stores your goal as a physical image in your brain. You will have this image in your subconscious mind when making conscious decisions about your business. Visualization of your goals will prompt you to make strategic action steps to attract your goal and accomplish the end result.

Watch Jack Canfield’s video on visualization and The Success Principles here.


  • Imagine what you want to achieve on Zazzle. A featured product on the homepage? Have your product shown in a Zazzle email? Be a featured designer on the Zazzle blog. What is a goal that you want to reach for your Zazzle business?
  • I know you have seen or heard of a vision board. This can be physical or digital. Whichever method works better for you. You can print out physical images or you can have them saved on your computer or phone. Wherever you will see them often throughout the day.

Do This Helpful Visualization Exercise

  • Define down to the last detail what you want to achieve. It can be a big or small achievement. Right now the size does not matter. For example; I want to have my most popular Zazzle product featured on the Zazzle homepage under the Today’s  Picks Section.
  • Take a screenshot of your product. Then take a screenshot of the Zazzle homepage.
  • Use the Zazzle Create Tool to edit these photos so that your Zazzle product looks like it has been featured under Today’s Picks on the Zazzle homepage.
  • Print this picture out or save it and put it somewhere where you will see it throughout the day.
  • By doing this, you are visualizing your product to be featured on the Zazzle homepage.
  • Since you see this image each day, you will be reminded consciously and subconsciously to believe that it’s possible and to make business decisions to help you be featured on the Zazzle homepage.

Watch Elke Clarke’s Interview with Jack Canfield – Creative Success Principles

Bob Proctor Taught Me to Believe It Is Possible: Imprint Your Goals

Bob Proctor and Elke Clarke with her book Create Online and Grow Rich
Bob Proctor and Elke Clarke pictured here with her book Create Online and Grow Rich I now believe it’s possible to do anything I want.

I recently attended the Unleash the Secret Conference where Bob Proctor was the guest speaker. He is a world-famous motivational speaker, and multi-million dollar business mentor and was featured in the film The Secret. Bob Proctor focuses his teachings on mentoring business owners to use the power of their minds to achieve profitability, and financial, personal, and spiritual success. I had the pleasure of listening to his empowering speech this past weekend at Unleash the Secret.

His presence in the room gives off intensive motivational energy. He inspires you to achieve what you want. In his speech, he explained the key aspects of accomplishing your goals. The most important one was imprinting. You need to imprint your goals in your mind to consciously and subconsciously make strategic action steps towards your goal. When you imprint, you focus all your energy needed to reach your potential.

Imprint Your Goals

Then, he shared with us how he has used imprinting for over 20 years. He keeps a card in his pocket that has a specific goal written on it and carries it with him everywhere. Because he has looked at this card multiple times throughout the day, it has become imprinted in his mind through repetition. Now even when he only touches the card in his pocket, he has the image of what the card says in his mind. This is sending a message to his subconscious mind and releases energy to his brain that reminds him of his goal. This energy and connection through imprinting have allowed him to make certain business decisions or take actions to accomplish his goal on a daily basis. Imprinting helps you believe it’s possible.

You might have experienced this with certain smells or textures. A certain smell can trigger memories and make you think of a specific situation. You want to do the same with your goals. They need to be imprinted in your mind, allowing you to make decisions every day, whether they be big or small, that are geared towards achieving your ultimate goal.


 Do This Imprinting Exercise

  • Get a card or a piece of paper and a pen.
  • Move your imagination into high gear. Think about anything that you want to achieve for your Zazzle business.
  • Write down your goal on a piece of paper.
  • You do not need to know how to achieve it right now, or which direction you need to go in. All you need to know is that you REALLY want it.
  • Know that you are in charge of your life. You will achieve what you want to achieve if you are in tune with yourself and believe it’s possible.
  • Carry this card with you in your pocket or wallet. Read it as often as possible every day.
  • The repetition of reading this card will change your mindset. Focus all your energy on reading the card and believing the statement on it.

Repetition and Imprinting

  • Repetition will IMPRINT this goal in your mind.
  • You will have in imprinted in your thoughts even when you do not look at the card. When you put your hand in your pocket and touch the card, your mind will trigger thoughts about your goal.
  • It will send a message to your subconscious mind and make you think of your goal.
  • This imprinting will subconsciously make you implement strategic decisions to ultimately achieve your goal.

Watch Bob Proctor’s video where he explains this imprinting exercise here.

Now You Will Believe It’s Possible

Now you are all set to believe it’s possible for you. You have success stories to motivate you. The visualization and the imprinting techniques are tools to use to make things happen.

Post in the comments… What is your “Aim High Goal”?

See you next week for Part 3 of our 4-part series.

The Profit by Design Academy™ Enrollment is Now CLOSED

We have officially closed the cart for The Profit by Design Academy™ until Spring 2020.

Thank you to all our new members who have joined us for the 10-week Academy. We are excited to be on this monumental journey with you on your path towards Zazzle success. Jen and I are extremely grateful for the love and support that each of our members gives us. It is so wonderful to be able to mentor you and help you make profitable business decisions for your Zazzle business.

If you were unable to join the Profit by Design Academy™, we welcome you to join the E-Commerce Accelerator to help you build the foundations for a profitable Zazzle business.


This Article is Sponsored by The E-Commerce Accelerator

Elke Clarke | The E-commerce Accelerator Zazzle Course
Elke Clarke | The E-Commerce Accelerator™ Zazzle Course

The E-Commerce Accelerator™ is for beginners or designers on Zazzle who are struggling to earn the income they want. It is a budget-friendly option for you to get started. The E-Commerce Accelerator™  is a work-at-your-own-pace video training series with accompanying worksheet downloads. You will be added to a private Facebook Group where Jen and I do Live Facebook Q&A sessions and you will be able to interact with fellow course members.

The E-Commerce Accelerator™


  • Great starter course if you are brand new or a beginner Zazzle Designer, or have been on Zazzle a long time and need a refresher or new start
  • Set up your Zazzle store properly
  • Get trained in the necessary skills to be effective on Zazzle as a designer and seller
  • Most popular products for sale in popular niches
  • Promote effectively and with ease on Pinterest

SUPPORT: ​Self Study with a Facebook Group



Click here to enroll with a one-time payment of $97.

Click here to enroll with the two-time payment of $49.


Connect With Elke and Jen

Easily connect with Elke and Jen in the way that works best for you.

Click here to connect with Jen or go to www.JenClarke360.com.

Click here to connect with Elke or go to www.ElkeClarke360.com

OR open the camera on your phone and hover the camera over the QR code below to be taken to the link.

Jennifer Clarke's Social Media Pages

Use this QR Code option to connect socially with Jennifer Clarke or go to www.JenClarke360.com



Use this QR Code option to connect socially with Elke Clarke or go to www.ElkeClarke360.com

Use this QR Code option to connect socially with Elke Clarke or go to https://www.ElkeClarke360.com

About the authors:

Elke Clarke, is the award-winning author of the book Create Online and Grow Rich. Elke mentors and teaches digital creatives online marketing and business strategies to build a profitable eCommerce business. The 5 Step Profit Plan VIP Mentoring Program™ is Elke Clarke’s signature program that hundreds of people around the world are using to make money online by being successful designers and sellers on Zazzle. Connect with Elke, on social media by clicking here or visit https://www.ElkeClarke360.com

Jen Clarke, is the award-winning author of the book Earn Around The World. Jen, along with her mother, Elke Clarke, mentors and teaches digital creatives online marketing and business strategies to build a profitable eCommerce business. The 5 Step Profit Plan VIP Mentoring Program™ is Elke Clarke’s signature program that Jen and hundreds of others are using to be successful designers and sellers on Zazzle. Connect with Jen, on social media by clicking here or visit https://www.JenClarke360.com

    2 replies to "Believe It’s Possible – Jump Start Your Zazzle Business Part 2"

    • Mary Wickison

      Thank you for highlighting my coaster design in this week’s blog post. It’s my first editor’s pick, and it’s due to being a course member.

      Although I’ve been on Zazzle for many years, I was making products without a plan before I joined the mentoring group. The course is more in-depth than I ever imagined. Not only has it helped me understand design principles, but it has made me view my Zazzle store as a business.I now have the tools I need to make my business a success.

      I’m no longer aimlessly making products and hoping they will sell.I now have a strategy to give customers what they want and also to bring more people to my Zazzle store. Being in the mentoring group, with so many talented designers, has given me the support and determination I needed but didn’t realize I was lacking.

    • Elke Clarke

      Mary, I am so happy for you and so so proud of your progress. I am grateful to be part of your Zazzle Success Journey. Congratulations on your editor’s pick.

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