Live video has become one of the most successful ways to engage with your audience on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. Learn to Use Live Video to Turn Followers Into Buyers. Are you using live video effectively in your marketing strategy for your Zazzle store? If your answer is “No”, then it is time to dive in and start doing a live video to establish your brand, and obtain and engage followers so that your followers can easily become your Zazzle customers without selling. Keep reading because, in this article, we will help you get over the fear of going live on video, give you tips on how to be effective while on camera, and what platforms to use.
How to Use Live Video to Turn Followers Into Buyers
Video is taking over social media marketing strategies for both large and small businesses. A Facebook executive predicted that by 2020, the content on Facebook will be ALL video!
A 2018 HubSpot report stated that 54% of consumers would rather see content from brands in the form of videos compared to email newsletters (46%) or a social image (41%). More importantly, people remembered the content of videos they watched (43%) much better than seeing still images (36%) or reading text (18%).
Why You Should Do Live Video on Facebook
If you want to be successful in your Zazzle business, you need to add a video to your social media promotion strategy. Plus, it is important to use live videos. Even back in 2016, when Facebook first researched the engagement of normal video vs live video, they found a 10x increase in the number of comments on live video posts.
Plus, Facebook features posts with more engagement in people’s newsfeeds. So to obtain organic reach on Facebook without buying ads, live video, with more engagement, is definitely the best strategy.
If engagement is 10x higher with live video on Facebook, then it makes sense to assume that the same would be true on Instagram and YouTube. That is why you should be doing live videos on any or all of these platforms to help grow your business.
Common Fears of Doing Live Video
If you fear being on video, you are not alone. Fear is similar to talking in front of an audience or being up on stage. Your fears are real and normal. They are due to physiological reactions in your body, which are a natural response to your stressful situation.
Here are some examples of common fears about doing live video:
Can you relate to any of these fears?
- You feel self-conscious about your appearance and how you speak.
- People won’t like what you have to say or will think you are a fraud because you don’t know enough.
- No one will show up to watch you.
How to Overcome Your Fear of Being on Video
The best way to overcome your fears about doing live video is to ask yourself:
What is your “BIG ULTIMATE WHY”?
You need a powerful, meaningful reason to help convince your mind that live video is essential for you to do things you don’t want to do.
Once your “WHY” is clear to you, the live video becomes a “must do with no exceptions” instead of a “scary thing that you can avoid”.
Here are some examples of what your “WHY” might be:
- Quit my job and do what I love (Fulfillment in Life and Joy Doing What Love)
- Retire early with financial security (Financial Freedom)
- Be a stay-at-home mom while still earning money (Time Freedom)
- Travel the world while I earn money (Location Freedom)
What is your “WHY”?
Where to Post Live Videos for the Most Impact
As you may have already guessed, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube are THE top social media platforms you should do live videos on first. You don’t have to conquer all 3 at once. Just pick one where you feel you can obtain the most followers or feel the most comfortable and start there.
Since each platform is different in terms of the audience, a video with a certain length or content may be perfect for Facebook but be absolutely wrong for Instagram or YouTube.
To find out what works in your niche you will have to do some research as to which of these platforms your customers are on.
Tips for a Successful Live Video
There are certain DOS and DON’T’s you should stick to end up creating a good live video.
- Look into the camera lens to make eye contact with your viewer.
- Introduce yourself and provide the website URL of your site or channel.
- Be consistent. If you go live once a week on Monday at 10 a.m. EST, that is better than going live 7 days a week at different times.
- Be energetic and passionate about your topic.
- Provide entertaining and or informative content that helps or serves your customer’s needs.
- Don’t get distracted by comments until you have finished your point.
- Avoid having the camera positioned so that everyone can see up your nose or your dirty laundry behind you in the back of the room.
- Don’t ask people if they can hear or see you. Just keep talking and pretend like all is good.
- Never say you are waiting until more people show up. Just start and don’t worry about attendees. People will watch the replay so always talk to your audience as if they matter and are live with you even if there is no one on during the live segment.
These are great tips but as you can see you will need more information and “how to” instructions to really do a good job of live videos. That is why we are holding a special training session to help you. Check out the information below about paid training called “The Live Video Learning Lab”.
Be a Part of Our Paid “The Live Video Learning Lab” Training for Zazzle Promotion
If you want to dive deeper with us to learn how to implement all the above Live Video tips and strategies ….AND MORE…. to help your Zazzle promotional efforts, we invite you to join us for our “Live Video Learning Lab” training by clicking here on this link.
We will be holding the live training on Wednesday, April 4, 2018, at 11:30 A.M. EST.
Then the replay will be available 48 to 72 hours later.
In-depth training with “step-by-step: instructions on how to use live video
Find out how to professionally and effectively promote your Zazzle products and brand.
The Live Video Learning Lab training will include HOW TO:
- Use your phone to go live on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.
- Look professional on video.
- Structure your video content to ensure maximum engagement.
- Create engaging content to attract followers and buyers.
Once you purchase, you will receive a downloadable with the link to the registration page for the live event. After we have done the live session, you will receive an email with a login and password to get unlimited access to the video on our course member’s page once it is uploaded 48 to 72 hours after the live recording. If you are not able to attend the live event you can still purchase and receive unlimited access to the video any time afterward.
Join Us For A Free Weekly Facebook Live Q&A on My Public Facebook Page!
On Thursday, March 29, 2018, at 11:30 a.m EST, I will be holding a FACEBOOK LIVE Q&A on my FB page “”
People love these engaging and interactive sessions.
I hope you can join me.
Here are the details:
1. This will be a PUBLIC FREE Q & A for anyone.
2. Like my FB Page “”
3. When I start my live broadcast be on my Facebook page so you will see the notification that I am a life
4. You don’t have to read the blog post to join.
5. If you missed it LIVE, you can always watch the REPLAY.
Look for the REPLAY under the “Videos” section on my FB page “
6. Write your questions in the comments on the live video FB post. I will answer them even after the live session is done.
Have you done a Live Video?
What platform have you posted live videos on, Facebook, Instagram, or YouTube?
Do you find it helps with your Zazzle sales?
Post your comments below and we would love to hear from you!
Download My Newly Updated FREE eBook On How To Make Money On Zazzle
Elke Clarke’s FREE eBook ’10 Insider Tips on How to Make Money on Zazzle’ was updated in January 2018. Even if you have downloaded the previous version of the eBook, we recommended that you read the new one which contains updates and new material
Download the FREE eBook by clicking >>>HERE<<<<