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Zazzle Store Set Up for Success Jen and Elke Clarke Zazzle ProDesigners

Zazzle Store Set Up for Success

In this blog post, we talk about the crucial mistakes to avoid when you name your Zazzle store. If you choose the name of your store incorrectly, you will find that you picked a name that does not suit what you are selling on Zazzle or worse, that it’s copyrighted and you might have your store and all your hard work shut down. You definitely want to avoid these things from happening. In this article, we cover tips and pointers you should consider every time you create a new store on Zazzle.

But before we dive right in, let us introduce ourselves in case this is your first visit. Welcome to The Creative and Ambitious Entrepreneur Blog. We’re Jen & Elke Clarke. We are a mother and daughter-team that started Zazzle e-commerce businesses over 10 years ago and together we have sold over 15 million dollars worth and counting of products on Zazzle.

The Creative and Ambitious Entrepreneur blog is for you, the creative. We share actionable steps that you can take to make money in your e-commerce business. In each post, we will take you one step closer to achieving freedom with your time, location, and finances.

We believe that a profitable e-commerce business is what opens the doors for you to start living your dream life if you work smarter, not harder, use the right tools and follow a proven roadmap. We’re here to give you the tools you need to make your dream life happen.  Let’s get started!

In this article, we talk all about what you need to do to choose the name for your Zazzle store for success. So check out our insights and tips below that you can implement today to get you closer to making your dream life of a passive online income using your creativity a reality.

Zazzle Store Set-Up Tip #1: Determine the purpose of your store. What is it you’re going to sell and what is your niche?

Let’s start with your store name. Think about what you are going to be selling and what direction you want the store to be going in. This is crucial when you name your store because of course, you want to name your store something similar to the vision you have. For example, a name like Fuzzy Paw Creations for a store that will sell dog-related items would be a great choice. 

If your  Zazzle store name is not aligned with your brand and the products you are selling, you will not build that customer trust factor that is so important for a customer to feel comfortable purchasing from your store.

If you decide to change the name of your store later on, your Zazzle store URL will always stay the same. So if you put all this hard work in and post products, but decide to change the store name, you’re stuck with the same URL that you originally chose. Customers will still be directed to this previous URL, which can cause problems with brand recognition and customer trust. You always want your store to look professional as if you are a big brand. 

Play around with names that will resonate with your intended customer so that the name you choose aligns with the intention or purpose of your Zazzle store. You want to ensure that your name is also relatable, and clear. The customer needs to know exactly what to expect from your store. 

Zazzle Store Set Up for Success Jen and Elke Clarke Zazzle ProDesigners

Zazzle Store Set Up, Tip #2: Double-check that the name you decide on is not already taken OR that it isn’t copyrighted.

You need to check whether someone else has used the same store name, not just on the Zazzle marketplace, but also if it is copyrighted by someone else on the internet or a physical store as well. Since Zazzle focuses on the US market, you can at least start there. Every country has trademarks, the most important thing is to make sure that your name isn’t trademarked within the US-based market.

Check and see if your name for the store does not already exist. A great way to do this is to go to the US Trademark website, you can do this by searching for “US Government Trademarks” or “TESS”.

TESS is a search engine where you will be able to search every single trademarked item that has been registered in the United States. Choose the word search option and quickly search whatever you want to use as your Zazzle store name. You will see if anything has been registered as a trademark with the word or piece of your phrase.

Go through the entire list and see on the left-hand side all the name variations, and more information in the middle and right-hand side about whether it’s active, and what it is trademarked for. You can click on each of those entries and get more information on what the trademark is about.

Then, it’s up to you whether you need a lawyer to move on or if it’s clear that nothing is being used with the words you want for your Zazzle store. If you find yourself unsure, double-check with a lawyer, it’s way better than finding out a year later that your store is being taken down because you’re using a copyrighted name. 

It is our goal for you to have your  Zazzle store name become your brand and that you have your store for a long time. So be sure to go the extra mile here before you decide on the name.

If you do find there’s a copyright infringement issue, you may need to talk to a lawyer to see if you can continue to use the name and not be at risk of receiving a cease and desist letter. 

You also want to avoid competition. Why would you want the same store or brand name as someone else? You want to stand out and be unique.

Zazzle Store Set Up, Tip #3: Choose a store name that feels good for you and aligns with your vision

We’ve been on Zazzle for over 10 years if you had asked us back then if we would be with the same Zazzle store, we would’ve thought, “No way!” We both didn’t realize what we were building back then and what it would become today. We want you to, first of all, have a store name that feels good to you and is aligned with your vision but is one that will allow you to grow your business over many years,

We’ve made our mistakes, we thought at the beginning we could open a Zazzle store up for fun, mix some products in, and didn’t see the importance of the store name. When Jen opened her first store, she thought of the store name as if it was a username. She went on to make her Zazzle store name “Jenclarke78”.

As she began selling things and wanted to be more professional, she realized she couldn’t change her store name. Of course, she didn’t want to build up a store into a 6-figure brand known as “Jenclarke78”! The store still exists today but, it’s not making any money.  It was a learning experience and we would recommend not going this route. 

If you’re just starting on Zazzle, we recommend that you not choose a username type name option. For example, if we wanted to change my store name from “Jenclarke78” to “Fluffy Paw Prints”, we could do it in the store settings and it would show up on the store home page BUT the URL will still be This will create confusion for customers.

Zazzle Store Set Up for Success Jen and Elke Clarke Zazzle ProDesigners

Zazzle Store Set Up, Tip #4: Be mindful of the small details such as punctuation, double letters, and spelling for store names.

Another huge tip from us in terms of deciding your Zazzle store name is to not use dashes, commas, and punctuation. You want something that is easy for the customer to type in the search option.

Avoid double letters together, for example, JenNeutralDesigns, those two N’s can be easily mistyped or confused. 

Another thing to be mindful of is the spelling. Whether you use American spelling or British spelling, a popular mix-up would be the word favor. “Favor” can also be spelled as “favor”. The main thing is to think about what the customer could mess up and see it from their point of view as you decide on your store name.


Zazzle Store Set Up, Tip #5: You don’t need multiple Zazzle stores when you first start out. We recommend 1 or 2 stores.

When we both started on Zazzle, we thought we had to make multiple stores for different types of products or niches, we had a business store, stationery store, birthday store, you name it, we had it! 

Zazzle offers over 1,000 products for you to customize and sell. When you create a store name like “Birthday Card Designs” it looks a bit odd to your customer if you want to branch out and add something else to your store other than birthday cards. This creates a disconnect between the store name and what you provide for your customers and limits your potential to sell other products Zazzle offers

We recommend only 1 or 2 stores when you first start out. We’ve started with multiple stores, and it just doesn’t work as well. There are too many things to do to maintain a professional appearance in all these separate stores. 

There used to be a time when this was logical, but now with all the things Zazzle asks you to do to make your storefront look nice, alongside the social media marketing required per store, it just makes sense to stick to 1 or 2 at most. 

Instead, you can use your one store more effectively by setting up the store categories to serve as sub-stores rather than creating separate stores. If you decide to do more than one product, you’d just add another category rather than create an entirely new store. 

What we want you to focus on is to keep your options open and create a store that will have the ability to be flexible. 

A more generalized store name is always best, so you can make sure you’re able to tap into other niches if you want to expand. If you do things like the example of “Fluffy Paws” as a store name, that’s a good name as it means you’re very focused on dogs or anything else fur and paw related.

That’s a great choice for a name and store, it’s not too limiting. Whereas the “Birthday Card Designs” example, is much more specific and there will be less opportunity to expand. 

Zazzle Store Set Up: Choosing your store name – The Bottomline

Pick a store name that aligns with your brand and vision for your Zazzle business.  

Ensure that your name fits your brand vision for your Zazzle store, is professional, and does not infringe copyright or trademarks.

Every single product showcased on the  Zazzle Marketplace and on Google searches will have your store name and logo beside it. That makes it super important for you to make this crucial decision right at the start when you open up a new Zazzle store. 

Believe it’s possible for your Zazzle store to be as successful as a big brand name store.  

Take these steps to name your Zazzle store for success, 

If you want help with choosing your store name as well as help with everything else you need to do to set up your Zazzle store for success, The Profit by Design Academy™ is your next step.

Thank you so much for reading! We hope this blog post has given you actionable steps to start and scale your Zazzle business so that your passive online income can give you the location and time freedom to live your dream life. 

This Week’s Blog Post is Sponsored by zSUPERCHARGER™

Recently we were analyzing what made our successful students and coaching clients so successful. We’re talking about the ones earning $25,000, $50,000, and even $100,000 in lifetime earnings. The Zazzle designers are achieving what you want to achieve.
The first thing we noticed is that our course students LOVE LOVE LOVE IT when we do critiques. After they make the changes we suggest in our critiques to their designs, titles and tags, store categories, and collections their Zazzle sales go up! No wonder they love our critiques.
The second thing we noticed is that our coaching clients were successful because they had 6 months’ access to us to get their designs, titles and tags, store categories, and collections critiqued as they grew their Zazzle businesses.
It’s these two things that supercharged our students’ and clients’ successes to get to $5K months faster.
We took these 2 key things for Zazzle’s success and put them into one program which we know you will love because it will get you more sales faster.

Join the Waitlist for The zSUPERCHARGER ™ with Jen and Elke Clarke

Get on the waitlist for the New Zazzle Program The zSupercharger with Jen and Elke Clarke Zazzle experts
Click this link to get on the waitlist for this new program, The zSupercharger™ with Jen and Elke Clarke.  It is for you if you are a Zazzle designer, at any level, who wants to supercharge your Zazzle business. Jen and Elke are million-dollar sellers on Zazzle that have helped Zazzle designers create a million-dollar Zazzle business.

We are super excited to announce our new program The zSUPERCHARGER with Jen and Elke Clarke.
It is for you if you are a Zazzle designer, at any level, who wants to supercharge your Zazzle business. And wants Jen and Elke to provide personal feedback on how key components of your Zazzle business are doing.
We can’t wait to tell you more about it and how it will benefit you and your Zazzle business.
The waitlist is now open.

Join the waitlist to get notified FIRST about when the program launches. Be the FIRST to get access to enroll before the public. Get PRIORITY access to the training before others do so you can be ahead of the rest. PLUS, it’s the ONLY WAY you can get access to a SPECIAL LOW WAITLIST ONLY PRICE.

About the Authors:

Zazzle Store Set Up for Success Jen and Elke Clarke Zazzle ProDesigners

Jen and Elke Clarke are a mother-daughter duo that empowers women entrepreneurs to make money online. Through courses and coaching, Jen and Elke help women (and men) become successful creative entrepreneurs on Zazzle and e-commerce. Combined Jen and Elke have earned over $1.5 million combined through their businesses on Zazzle. Jen and Elke have influenced and transformed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people worldwide with their free content, paid courses, and private coaching.

They are international, award-winning authors. Click the links to purchase their books through Amazon Earn Around The World and Create Online and Grow RichJen and Elke Clarke have been featured in Yahoo Finance as the TOP 5 e-commerce coaches in 2020 (June 2020).