The Print on Demand Starter Kit with Zazzle expansion Experts Jen and Elke Clarke

Sell on Zazzle with Confidence

with simple to follow processes, a proven framework, and passive workflows to make building the foundation of your Zazzle business way less overwhelming and growing your revenue easier than ever 

If you think you can’t make money online, think again.

Let’s look at the numbers…

“The market size for Print on Demand is estimated to grow to $38.2 billion by 2030.”

That means there’s more than enough room for you to make money online, on a platform that’s only growing, and we want to help you THRIVE on it.

Zazzle is the perfect platform for you
to use your creativity to fill your bank account.

Seriously, some of our STUDENTS have celebrated their best months ever ON Zazzle and can now do things like:

Stay home with their new baby

Pay off all their debt

Retire their husbands

what would you do?

Profit By Design Academy Affiliate Info

Maybe you’ve already tried Zazzle on your own…

BUT it didn’t go how you expected.

Maybe you didn’t know where to start, you weren’t making sales, or you didn’t understand how to promote to start selling.

It can feel like there is a lot to learn on your own which is why we will guide you.

We don’t want you to be stressed about whether you can compete on Zazzle nor feel overwhelmed with everything you need to do to build the proper foundation to start selling.

What if you could get rid of that nagging voice in your head telling you that you can’t because we know you CAN? 

Others in your shoes have already had success with our framework. Now it’s your turn!


The Print on Demand Starter Kit with Zazzle expansion Experts Jen and Elke Clarke

The proven foundation building FRAMEwork that guarantees you grow your Zazzle business’ most important asset every single day by leveraging proven “what’s working now” foundation building strategies

You’ll be able to start your Zazzle business faster with more confidence, clarity and success with the framework we teach you inside. 

Avoid the overwhelm of not knowing where to start, kill the feeling of frustration by moving forward instead of backwards, and begin to feel like you can succeed on Zazzle.

The Print on Demand Starter Kit™ is the "must do" course if you want to start out right to succeed on Zazzle.

follow our proven framework of 1. start, 2. Create, 3. Promote uTo build the proper foundation step-by-step in your zazzle business

This framework has helped us (and our students)

go from zero to CONSISTENT sales on Zazzle

LET’s BREAKDOWN the framework:

POD Starter Kit Framework for Zazzle Success with Jen and Elke Clarke Zazzle Expansion Experts
Client Results
POD Starter Kit Sandra 1 year Zazzle sales with Jen and Elke Clarke.png
POD Starter Kit Wendy Increase 1 year with Jen and Elke Zazzle Beginners Course

what you get!

POD Print on Demand Starter Kit for Zazzle Jen and Elke CLarke

Here's the breakdown:

Join Profit By Design Academy


MONTHLY LIve Q&A Zoom calls with Jen and Elke

Bring us your questions about implementing the proper foundation and we’ll cover them on these calls, including any questions related to framework and road map training that you’ll go through on your own. There are tons of little questions that pop up once you do the work. We are here to get those answered.

Value = $397

Print on Demand Zazzle POD Starter Kit

3 Modules with step-by-step video lessons

guides, worksheets and more

3 self-paced video modules with Short Video Lessons that Walk you through STEP-BY-STEP to show you how to implement The 3 steps in the POD Framework to set up the foundation of Zazzle business to start selling

When you enroll, you’ll get immediate access to the course modules so you can build the foundation of your Zazzle business and know how to effectively implement the POD framework we’ve used to go from zero to 6-figures in sales.

Value = $997

wait, that's not all!

We're loading you up with more bonuses!

Pinterest bans affiliate marketing by stripping referral codes




These “done for you” Pinterest Pin Templates for Product Mockups are easy to use and get you quickly pinning desirable pins on Pinterest that your customers are going to love to click on and end up on the purchase page of your Zazzle products. Just drag your product cover images into the files in this Canva template. Use them over and over again to save time.

Value $5,000 Included

Profit By Design Academy Coaching

Silver and Beyond

12 Group Coaching Calls

12 Silver and Beyond Group Coaching Calls

If you have achieved a lifetime earnings of $25,000 or more on Zazzle you will be invited into an exclusive monthly group coaching call for advanced Zazzle ProDesigners who are aiming for Gold. Here you will be able to ask those high level questions that Silver ProDesigners have. After all, going from $25,000 (Silver)  to $100,000 (Gold).

Value $20,000 Included

coffee wine chats

Silver and Beyond



What you always wanted. Someone to to talk to that speaks your language….Zazzle. In this invitation only community of Silver ProDesigners and up you will find your tribe. Make friends. Share Zazzle insights. Help each other with issues. Keep each other accountable and motivate one another to succeed on Zazzle. There is no other group like it for Zazzle. Truly heaven.

Value $10,000 Included

Zazzle PDA

88 Journaling mindset prompts

Journaling will help you become a more savvy business owner. These prompts will help you take your mindset to the next level and overcome any blocks in your way. Journaling will help you create positive energy and attract your dream life through powerful manifestation. It might sound “woo woo” but trust us, it works. You’ll be able to choose how you run your business and be aware of the actions you need to take to get there.

Value $6,000 Included

Zazzle women entrepreneur


12 months of coaching support and accountability in a Private Community

This exclusive community is a supportive place for you to ask questions, celebrate wins, and build connections with others. This group is here to provide support and accountability between the weekly calls and be a place of inspiration, motivation, and encouragement to help you thrive in your Zazzle business and remind you that you can do this.

Value $12,000 Included

Earn $1000 through Profit By Design Academy

LIBRARY OF mindset

LIBRARY Of Mindset Masterclasses with Jen & Elke

These prerecorded masterclasses are packed with strategies and guidance to help you overcome mindset blocks holding you back from becoming a successful Zazzle seller.  You can watch them on repeat as many times as you need. These masterclasses are designed to help you do the deep work to shift your mindset (which is a huge part of achieving success) to be more aligned with creating a successful Zazzle business.

Value $24,000 Included

All of this is worth $167,000 but you’ll only be paying a tiny fraction of what it’s worth to scale your Zazzle business with confidence, clarity, and direction!

You’ll get 12-months of live coaching and Team Clarke support and access to the digital course material!


pay in full
12 one-hour strategy group coaching calls with Jen and Elke
12 one-hour mindset group coaching calls with Jen and Elke

24 one-hour design and title and tag critiques group coaching calls with Jen and Elke

1 year access to 5 self-paced video modules,  guides, and worksheets that cover The 5 Strategies™ in detail and show you step by step how to set up and scale your Zazzle store for success

1 year access to ALL LEVELS of the training for Zazzle beginners (Zero to Bronze), intermediates (Bronze to Silver) and advanced (Silver) so you can level up at your own pace


Pinterest Templates for Zazzle Product Mock Ups for Many Niches

12 one-hour Silver and Beyond group coaching calls with Jen and Elke covering advanced topics for earners above $25,000 in LTE

Exclusive Silver and Beyond Community for Silver and up Zazzle ProDesigners

88 Journaling mindset prompts

12 months of coaching support and accountability in a Private Community

Library of Mindset Masterclasses with Jen and Elke


SAVE $1,000

Only 1 PAYMENT OF $4,444


payment plan
12 one-hour strategy group coaching calls with Jen and Elke
12 one-hour mindset group coaching calls with Jen and Elke

24 one-hour design and title and tag critiques group coaching calls with Jen and Elke

1 year access to 5 self-paced video modules,  guides, and worksheets that cover The 5 Strategies™ in detail and show you step by step how to set up and scale your Zazzle store for success

1 year access to ALL LEVELS of the training for Zazzle beginners (Zero to Bronze), intermediates (Bronze to Silver) and advanced (Silver) so you can level up at your own pace


Pinterest Templates for Zazzle Product Mock Ups for Many Niches

12 one-hour Silver and Beyond group coaching calls with Jen and Elke covering advanced topics for earners above $25,000 in LTE

Exclusive Silver and Beyond Community for Silver and up Zazzle ProDesigners

88 Journaling mindset prompts

12 months of coaching support and accountability in a Private Community

Library of Mindset Masterclasses with Jen and Elke

 REGULRLY $487 x 12 payments

save $1,000

ONLY 12-monthly payments of $387

Client Results

I earned $233,000 while working only a few hours a week while enjoying my retirement.

“I had earned $12,000 on my own, but after enrolling in The Profit by Design®, Jen and Elke helped me double my income every year. Four years later I had earned $233,00, as of November 2023 while working only a few hours a week while enjoying my retirement.


Zazzle Success Story

Jen and Elke helped me earn over $420,000 on Zazzle.

“Jen and Elke helped me earn over $420,000 on Zazzle. They helped me believe that I could build my own successful online business. Now I celebrate with pink champagne every time I reach another earnings milestone.”


This is your opportunity to create the online business you’ve always dreamed of!

This program is for you if you want to…

Start and scale your Zazzle business to your first $5k month and beyond
Feel confident and follow a proven roadmap to success on Zazzle
Have coaches in your corner supporting you and fellow creators to grow within a supportive environment

This probably isn’t the best fit if you…

Don’t have a few hours a week to do the work and show up for calls (or watch the replay)
Want to figure Zazzle out yourself in your own time and delay your $5k months
Are satisfied with exactly where you are right now in business

meet your coaches!

sell a million dollars on Zazzle

We’re Jen and Elke Clarke, THE Zazzle Expansion Experts who help people like you live their dream lives by building successful million-dollar online businesses using our signature 5 Strategies™ on Zazzle.

Before we found success on Zazzle, we tried and failed a lot. We had serious doubts about whether we could scale our business to reach our big dream goals, but we stuck with it, developed The 5 Strategies™ and it paid off — big time.

We know what it’s like to have big plans that would transform your life We also know that menacing fear that floods thoughts if the dreams don’t come true. We can help you overcome that fear.

It all started 15 years ago when I, Elke, was desperate to take my side hustle and turn it into a $10k+ month business (that’s profits) so I could escape my job and spend more quality time with kids. I was determined to make it work even though I got started during the 2008 recession.

I decided to give Zazzle my all — no more worrying about not making it or how it was going to work. I decided it would work and that I would make it, and I did. I showed up for myself one hundred percent and did it by creating my own proven plan with strategies that I could constantly depend on for growth, year after year.

After a lot of trial and error, I figured it out. I realized Zazzle is the best e-commerce business for me to easily scale to $10k+ months of earnings. I could also work from home, use my creativity to make money, and finally spend more time with my family like I wanted.

That’s when Jen wanted in. She used my five step-by-step strategies to confidently set up and scale her Zazzle business and started selling fast.

jen&elke clarke

Zazzle is NOT a get rich quick scheme, however, since the two of us started we’ve banked a combined over $1.5 million dollars using these strategies. Not bad, right?

Over the past 6 years, we’ve helped our coaching clients bank a total of $7.2 million in earnings from their Zazzle stores.

Building a million-dollar business takes a lot of work, time, patience, and strategy, but with The Profit by Design Academy®, we’ll help you start and scale faster than ever on Zazzle.

This program is designed to save you YEARS of valuable time by building the proper foundations from the beginning to grow and scale your business with confidence and clarity so those $5k months come sooner, much sooner.

Client Results

I achieved $350,000 in lifetime earnings!

“I got off to a slow start because I got stuck in the tech, but Jen and Elke got me unstuck and helped me work smarter not harder. I followed their product production plan to achieve my first $5k earnings month on Zazzle sooner than I ever thought possible. By December 31, 2021, I had achieved $134,000 in lifetime earnings! A year later, my lifetime earnings were $262,000! In 2022, I only worked 6 months out of that year, and still earned $100,000+! Now as of August 2023, I am at $350,00 in LTE. Jen and Elke’s coaching allowed me to feel confident that I can be a successful online entrepreneur.”


Wendy Zazzle

I achieved over $200,000 in lifetime earnings!

“I found out about Elke’s training only a couple of months after opening my Zazzle store in 2018. Since then my sales have skyrocketed, and recently, in December 2021, I achieved over $30,000 in lifetime earnings!

 I have achieved over $200,000 in lifetime earnings as of June 30, 2023! 
This achievement is beyond my wildest dreams!

This has made working on my Zazzle store even more fun!”


This is your opportunity to create the online business you’ve always dreamed of!

To open up new opportunities for yourself and your family.

To build the dream life you’ve always desired, no matter what age you are.

To use your creativity to bring joy to others.

Zazzle is the platform that makes all of this possible, and so much more.

Don’t miss this opportunity to accelerate your growth and transform your life over the next year with us in your corner.
Profit By Design Academy experts

This is your opportunity to create the online business you’ve always dreamed of!

To open up new opportunities for yourself and your family.

To build the dream life you’ve always desired, no matter what age you are.

To use your creativity to bring joy to others.

Zazzle is the platform that makes all of this possible, and so much more.

Don’t miss this opportunity to accelerate your growth and transform your life over the next year with us in your corner.

A Reminder:

Here’s what’s included in this year-long coaching program:

12 one-hour strategy group coaching calls with Jen and Elke
12 one-hour mindset group coaching calls with Jen and Elke

24 one-hour design, title and tag live critiques group coaching calls with Jen and Elke

1 year access to 5 self-paced video modules,  guides, and worksheets that cover The 5 Strategies™ in detail and show you step by step how to set up and scale your Zazzle store for success

1 year access to ALL LEVELS of the training for Zazzle beginners (Zero to Bronze), intermediates (Bronze to Silver) and advanced (Silver) so you can level up at your own pace

PLUS! You’ll unlock these bonuses:

Pinterest Templates for Zazzle Product Mock Ups for Many Niches

12 one-hour Silver and Beyond group coaching calls – advanced topics covered for earners above $25,000 in LTE 

Silver and Beyond – Exclusive Community for Silver and up Zazzle ProDesigners

88 Journaling mindset prompts

12 months of coaching support and accountability in a Private Community

Library of Mindset Masterclasses with Jen and Elke

Scale your Zazzle business with confidence, clarity, and direction!



pay in full

Regularly $5,555

save $1,000

One-time payment of $4,444


payment plan

Regularly $387 x 12 Payments

Save $1,000

12-monthly payments of $387

You’ll get 12-months of live coaching, Team Clarke support, and access to the course material!

Client Results

I have no hesitation recommending this program.

“This has been an amazing learning experience. I was on Zazzle for three years prior and had no idea how ill equipped I was to have a chance at success. I can attest to the level of professionalism and structure and attention to detail in the PDA program. I would have no hesitation recommending this coaching program for people new to Zazzle and those, like me, who struggled to figure Zazzle out on their own.”


This program is an important part of the success of my online business.

“This program is an important part of the success of my online business. The continuous training, feedback and group support keep me moving forward and have helped me reach goals that I never thought possible. Thank you Elke and Jen for creating something very special.”



Let’s address them!

Let’s find out. Do you want to learn from us, Jen and Elke? We have built million-dollar Zazzle businesses and can teach you our proven roadmap to success on Zazzle, that will lead you to starting and scaling to $5k months and beyond? If that’s what you’re after, then you should absolutely join us.

***Please Note: This is an educational program and does not make any income claims. There is no guarantee that you will achieve $5K months by the end of 12 months. You must do the work.***

The Profit by Design Academy® is not a private 1:1 coaching program. However from Monday through Friday, Team Clarke will be answering your questions on the course platform. Jen and Elke also do 1 weekly hour long, live group coaching call which focus on design critiques, improving titles and tags of your products, business strategy, and mindset.

If you want more personalized coaching to help you scale even faster through our mastermind or 1:1 coaching, email us at

No. In 2024 we will be opening enrollment only 2 times: March 2024 and September 2024. Each will have a bootcamp to start to ensure you get through the course and implement ALL 5 Strategies™.

The most common reason that some students do not succeed and others do, is that the ones who succeed have actually implemented ALL 5 Strategies™ properly and quickly so their stores gain momentum sooner. 

The sooner your products are posted for sale properly, the less time you have to wait for them to possibly sell. If you wait…That’s more time you struggling on your own (or giving up) and that’s not what you want.

Being ready has everything to do with mindset. You need to decide that now is the best time to pursue your dreams of running a successful Zazzle business.

If you’re feeling called for this next level of expansion, we can’t wait to welcome you in.

Nope. Part of being a successful business owner is holding yourself accountable and that’s why we don’t offer refunds. All the modules in this program were specifically designed with our years of experience on Zazzle and the knowledge of what worked for us poured into each of the many video lessons. You need to commit to doing the work, and we, Jen and Elke, will teach you what works to scale your business over the next 12 months.